❝cheatsheet ❞

❝ A V A R I T I A ACADEMY ❞ | highschool!au | Apply open!


Avaritia Academy may seem like an ordinary school except for its renown circle system which groups the student into a certain clique or "circle" as they call it depending on their dominant field. Enrollees would choose the circles they wish to take a test from and the school heads decide whether or not they are worthy and also their designated circle. It is encoruaged that students befriend their co-circle members in order for them to share knowledge and advice to each other. 

The Avaritia Academy circles include:
The Council- they are the leaders and student council of the school. It is their responsibility to mantain the peace and orderliness within school grounds and ensure that none of the students break school rules. They are chosen by the school heads and not elected by the student body. They are considered as the "superior" circle. Their seat is found near the faculty and principal's office. 
Eloquence- the literate and the intelligent. They are the ones who excel academically and operate the school's news and media. They are considered as the secondary circle to the Council. One of the most-trusted by Avaritia heads, Eloquence's image is the cleanest. Their seat is found in the multimedia room and library.
♚ Pirouette- the dance troupe and drama club of Avaritia. They excel in performing arts and theater. A rebel-infested circle but one of the largest. They are responsible for school perfomances and talent shows. Their seat is found in the auditorium and dance studio.
♚ Felicity- the choir and visual arts club of Avaritia. They are filled with aspiring singers, painters, photographer etc. Their main duty is to promote peace and creativity among the students. A rather unappreciated circle because of its low ranks and contribution to the school. Their seat is in the music room and art room.
♚ Athleta- the athletes. They are the ones who always participate in sports-related activities outside the school. Their duty is to promote the school name by competing in different events. So far, they have been doing a fine job and have mantained an average rank in circle rankings. Their seat is in the school's gym.

♚ Plebeian- not exactly a circle but rather a term used for students who don't have one. Filled with unwanted and "useless" people who were considered unworthy by the school heads. They are the outcasts of Avaritia and bullying them is tolerable. Students consider them as trash and their only responsibility is to study.
There are three main rules of Avaritia Academy's circle system. One is you must be loyal to your circle at all cause and be devoted to it. Second is you are not allowed to have romantic relationships within the circle. Relationships are allowed but only with those members of circles you are not a part of. Both rules do not apply for Plebeian students. Of course, characters are allowed to break the rules in this story, just be ready to face the consequences. The punishment for students who break the rules are stripped of their circle membership will be demoted to Plebeian. The last rule in the circle system is to mantain a high rank. The circles are ranked by their contribution to the school's betterment. By the end of the school year, the ranks will be calculated and the circle in the last place will have its members re-evaluated. This will leave the members vulnerable to revocation of their circle membership and a possible demotion to Plebeian. 
One last thing, this is not a circle but rather a sub-unit of students who come from different circles: 

Starlights- the students who are considered as the kings and queens of the school. They are the students who have been considered for more than two circles and have chosen for themselves which circle to be a part of. They can get away with pretty much anything becuase of their connections with the Council. Your character can be a starlight but it's my choice if I want to make her one. 

FACECLAIMS AND AGE. — Ulzzangs for faceclaimes only. They should be Asian (preferrably Korean) because the school is located in Seoul. Make sure your faceclaims look young and are suitable high school students. Bonus points if your ulzzang is rare and natural-looking. Big eyed and cutesy ones freak me out. Your character's age should also fit their year level which is 11th grade. The standard age is 17-18 but I'll accept it if they are a year younger or older. Note: Park Seul is taken,

ETHNICITY. — I accept half-Koreans and full-Koreans only. Avaritia Academy is a Korean school in Seoul so it'll be really weird if there were a lot of foreign students. Halfies are okay but not really encouraged. Same goes for languages. Be realistic. Not all Koreans are fluent in English and other languages. 

UNIFORM. — Although the students are divided, they are all required to wear the same uniform.

PERSONALITY — I've said this once and I will say it again. Mary Sues get in my nerves. They're so unrelatable and perfect that it's annoying. I want your characters to have flaws! I want them to be relatable. I don't really care if they make a good role model. I just want them to have reasons for their actions rather than just having a good heart and blah blah blah. Be detailed about their personalities because that could help me write your character better.

BACKGROUND. —  No dramatic sob stories! I'm okay with writing stuff like illegitimate child or sick mother but please don't give me the whole "parents died in a car accident when they were young" bid because that is just to cliche to cut it. But if you give me a cliche story and make me like it... well, that's actually kinda impressive. I want to know and understand your character's motives. It doesn't have to be very long but details are appreciated. I would also apprecite trivias to help me connect with your character more. 

FAMILY AND FRIENDS — This is an AU so idol siblings are allowed as long as they aren't idols in this universe. They can be students and or have other occupations. They will make appearances and I can even make them main characters depending on your relationship with them. I also prefer if your friends are idols as well so I can easily write about them.

LOVE INTERESTS— This is an all group fic so it can be whoever you want. Yay! They can be students from Avaritia or maybe from other schools. Remember, your character can break school rules but that will endanger her circle membership if she is caught by the Council. I'm not comfortable writing or yuri so it's gonna be het relationships only. Note: L.Joe of Teen Top is taken.

♚ Add a major flaw to your character. It can be physical, mental, emotional etc. Something that she can't change. 
♚ I'll like your app if there is a tad bit of comedy in it. Mature comedy, of course. 
♚ Randomly add character quotes in your app when you feel like it's necessary.

♚ Add gifs!
♚ Suggest me some scenes. I really need them. 
♚ Make your character likable. Make me love to hate them or maybe hate to love them, Make sure your character isn't forgettable.
The password is the most memorable quote your character would say.



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❝ A V A R I T I A ACADEMY ❞ dr3amers review is out! Keep it coming guys, there's only one student!


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shahirah2 #1
Hi I'm thinking of applying this rp but I'm not sure how. Could you tell me about it?
nay_syj #2
Excuse me, but can you tell me how this is played and how to apply please~?
procrastim8 #3
i saw a friend of mine make a blog post app about this and i couldn't resist.
i do have two accounts, but i'll be applying with this one because i'm currently frequenting this site on this acc more.
i'm so excited to finish wahhhh i hope i don't get lazy ><
voguette #4
Chapter 4: this looks super promising! hope i can stop being lazy and get around to doing an app haha :)
dr3amers #5
Chapter 4: Hey, it's me again!<3 I just wanted to let you know that I have made all fixes to my application so if you want to check them out....yeah<3 They're finished:)
dr3amers #6
Chapter 4: Hi, for starters thank you so much for the lovely review and I will get to work on improving as soon as I'm done with this.
If Haewon gets chosen to be overachiever I think she would go far for her group, but not so far it's disrespectful. Haewon has a reputation to maintain as a leader, so she has to keep it calm otherwise the council could be angered by such behavior. However, that being said, I do believe if something serious were to happen (their love??) Haewon would stand up for Jungkook and would show that she is not just a stern leader but someone with emotions. So all in all it would really depend, but I think she would be respectful most of the time<3