Hush Little Baby, Don't You Cry (Daddy Loves You, So Do I)


Hakyeon and Taekwoon finally get to bring their baby son home for the first time.


Like basically every other Starlight, I melted when I saw the pictures of Leo with his baby nephew. Like seriously, I couldn't form any coherent thoughts except for wanting to curl up and cry from cuteness overload. This fic sort of happened because of all of the feels that were punching me in the heart.

(Plus domestic Neo is life).


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leeleeloveskpop #1
Chapter 1: So very cute
Chapter 1: I need a sequel. I hope you would make one. Jebaaallll authorniiiimmm. This kind of fic is so hard to find.
IDCjustwannaread1999 #3
Chapter 1: Eeeeeeeeekkkkk!!!! It's so adorable!!!! I need more!!!!!!!! Maybe like as hyun grows up neo as parents!!!!! Uk Hakyeon all clingy and paranoied and Leo the dad who can't say no!!! Buying hyun a gazillion toys without telling N cuz he would get mad!!!!! Damn I can imagine it rn!!!!!!
keybha #4
Chapter 1: oh mie gawd teheheh ♥♥♥ cho cute
Sxphia #5
Chapter 1: This is so adorable omg why
Chapter 1: Awwwwww this is too adorable!
Chapter 1: I almost died from how precious this is.
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness, too cute!!! Please write more of this.
Mirage #9
Chapter 1: Oh my god, so fluffy I'm gonna die!!!!! This was soooooo sweet and cute!!!! Great job! I wish there would more of it. Sequel? Pretty please?