
Make You Mine

Heyri was in the kitchen cooking the breakfast Suho had ordered. Her body felt lifeless as she struggles to maintain her tears. Not only was she assaulted all night, she was drained of any human she had left in her. She was now a toy for Suho and nothing else. Suho walked into the kitchen dressed and ready for work. He walked to the cupboards and grabbed a glass. Getting water from the fridge he purposely bumped into Heyri causing her to groan. Her whole body was sore. "Any day now!" Suho said loudly as he sat at the table.

Heyri carried Suho's food to the table. When she placed the plate on the table Suho could see the marks his tie made when he tied her to the bed on her wrist. A hint of worried hit him but he brushed it away.

"Wear a watch to cover that." He told her as he began to eat. Heyri kept silent as she walked back into the kitchen. While preparing a plate for herself her phone went off. It was the hospital.

"I'll be there. Yes. Just hold them back until I get there." She sighed as she put the food on her plate back into the pan. She made her way to the bedroom and got dressed making not to forget to cover up her scars. "Where are you going?" Suho asked seeing Heyri fully dressed and ready to leave.
"Work." She simply replied as she put her shoes on. "Come here." Suho ordered. Heyri ignored him and continued to put her shoes on.

"I said come here!" Suho yelled. "I have parents who are trying to dragged their ill child out of the hospital right now! The child is going to die if I let them do so! Are you going to take responsibility?!" Heyri yelled back at him throwing him off his cold guy role.

"I didn't think so." Heyri mumbled as she exited the apartment when Suho didn't say a word to her. Heyri took a taxi to the hospital to deal with the problem.

"Yo yo hyung!" Sehun greeted the older one as he walked into Suho's office. "What do you want?" Suho asked.
"Nothing. I was just bored. Wanna go out for lunch?" The younger one asked.  "Don't you have a thing call work to do?" Suho asked keeping his eyes on the papers in his hand.

"Not really." Sehun frolicked around with Suho's name plate on the desk. "Go play with Chen and Chanyeol then. They're not doing anything." Suho tried to get rid of the kid.

A smirk found its way to Sehun's face as he observed Suho. "You had with her again didn't you?!" The kid said out loud as he noticed Suho's restless facial features. "Yah! Keep your mouth shut!" Suho smacked the kid on the head.

"Why? You guys are married anyways." Sehun rubbed the spot he got hit. "If Suzy get any wind of this you'll be the first one to go." He threatened.

"Suzy noona doesn't know you're ing around with Heyri?" The kid asked with mischievousness brewed in his mind. "No. And don't you dare say anything about it to her." Suho growled. Although Suho told Suzy his plan he didn't exactly tell her about his sessions with Heyri. It wasn't even part of the plan. It just happened and he just went along with it seeing that it was somewhat working.

"I won't say a word unless Heyri get pregnant. Then that's a whole different story. Did you get her on birth control yet?" Sehun asked. "I'm sure she's on the pill." Suho assumed. "Well did you use a ?" The kid asked again dumbfounded that the older one just assumed Heyri was on the pill.
"No. Why would I? I told you she's on the pill." Suho insisted. "Now, did you see her take the pill? Did she tell you she was on the pill? Who said she was on the pill? Oh that's right, you." Sehun pointed to Suho. "!" Suho finally put what the kid was trying to tell him.

"You came in her too!?" Sehun shouted excited. "Yah!" Suho shouted angry. Sehun automatically shut his mouth. "I'm sorry." The younger one apologized. He couldn't wait to tell everyone that they would potentially be having a baby niece/nephew soon. Suho dismissed Sehun who gladly walked off.

"Does that guy not know anything about pulling out?!" Chen trolled as he and the guys,excluding Suho and Lay, sat at a table eating lunch.
"She must be good for him to be unable to pull out." Baekhyun added with a smirk. "I'd personally would like to give her a try. Do you think hyung will share?" Kai asked interested earning a smack from D.O and Xiumin.

"She's your sister in law now. Show some respect." Xiumin scolded. "Sorry." Kai apologized realizing he took it too far.
"Can we talk about something else? I'd like to eat my food without the visual of Suho hyung having ." Tao commented while trying to eat.

Heyri was making her rounds when she suddenly felt queasy. She finally remembered she hadn't had anything to eat or drink since the night before and it was already past lunch time. After her last patient, she went to the vending machine and got a bottle of warm milk tea.

Hoping the drink would last her until her actual break she went about her day with work. "Hey." Lay came walking into his and Heyri's patient's room. "Hello Oppa." The girl greeted. "Hello." Heyri nodded in replacement of a full bow.
"How are we doing today?" He asked taking a look at the chart. "She's doing better today." Heyri informed him. "That's good news then." Lay smiled. His smiled turned into a frown when he notice Heyri wasn't look well. After checking up on the girl Heyri and Lay walked together to her office to discuss what they were going to do.

"I've been doing research on hypnosis. There's been many procedures that used hypnosis as a substitute for anesthetic." Lay told Heyri as they were sitting in her office. "I've looked for everything. That may just be our only chance." Heyri agreed.

"I'll call her parents in and well talk to them about it. Find more details and make a report. Keep the terms to the normal language. They aren't doctors they won't understand medical terms like we do." Heyri told him. She began to feel the queasiness kicking in again as she was sitting.
Getting up her seat, a rush of blood went to her brain causing her to loose her consciousness momentarily. Seeing Heyri about to hit the floor, Lay managed to catch her before she did. "Are you okay?" Lay asked worried seeing Heyri's pale face.

"Yeh. I'm fine. Its probably because I didn't eat yet." She told him as she tried to balance herself with his help. "This won't do. Stay here I'll be right back." Lay say her down in her chair before running off. Heyri rested her head on her hands. She didn't expect it to be this bad. She's gone without eating before and this had never happened. It was probably because of the restless night with Suho that made her this weak.

Lay came back into the office with a homemade lunch box. "Here. Eat this." He opened the box and pulled out smaller boxes that had food inside. "I can't." Heyri refused. "Eat." Lay insisted. Seeing that Heyri wasn't going to feed herself, Lay grabbed the chopsticks and picked up some stir fry. Holding it up to Heyri he waited for her to eat.

"Eat or I'll admit you to the hospital as a patient." He threatened. Heyri glared at him before taking the bite.  She grabbed the chopsticks from him and packed the food up. Lay noticed the marks on her wrist but said nothing. It wasn't his place to say anything anyways. Heyri got up and walked out of the hospital with Lay following her behind worried she might throw the food away. Heyri noticed Lay staring at her as she sat under a tree in the hospital garden eating. "What?" She asked.

"Just curious. Why don't you like eating in the hospital?" He asked. "When I was 10 my mother got really sick. We visited her as often as we could and one day while visiting I got hungry. My mother asked me to go with one of the nurses to the cafeteria. When I came back my mother had passed. She didn't want me to see her go, but what she didn't know was I'd be like this." She explained to Lay as she ate. Lay felt bad for asking her the question when he heard the answer.

"Mmm. This is good. Did you make it?" Heyri asked munching on some sautéed Chinese broccoli. "Yeh.""This was your lunch wasn't it?" Heyri finally realize she was eating everything. She chopsticks went down as she stopped herself from devouring all the food. "Its okay. Eat it. I'll get something from the cafeteria later." Lay assured her he was okay with her eating his lunch.

"Sorry." She apologized. "No. Please. Now that I know you like my cooking I'll make more so we can eat together." He simply smiled.
"Your girlfriend must be lucky to have such a good cook as her boyfriend." Heyri told Lay as she continued to eat. "I don't have a girlfriend." Lay scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Wife?" Heyri asked. "No! No wife." Lay was taken back.

"How in the world is a man like you still single?" Heyri was surprise Lay wasn't dating. "Believe it or not, I have a terrible memory when it comes to girlfriends. This one time I dated a girl for two months. I only contacted four times out of those two months. The fourth time she broke up with me." He chuckled.

"Don't worry. The one will come one day." Heyri comforted him as she knew what it was like being a doctor and trying to balance a relationship.

After eating Lay's lunch the two went back inside the hospital. While in the lobby a woman spotted Lay and called out to him. "Lay Oppa!" The woman called out.

The doctor turned to see Suzy waving at him. Luckily Heyri was occupied with talking with a nurse at the front desk. '. What is she doing here?' He thought to himself as Suzy walked up to him. "Hey Suzy. How can I help you?" He asked trying to not be awkward.
"I was getting a check up in the women's health department. Suho Oppa said you transferred here so I thought I'd drop by and say hi." She said cheerfully. Heyri walked next to Lay. "Hello." Suzy greeted her.

"Hello." Heyri greeted back pretending to not know who and Suzy was. Suzy's eyes glance at Heyri's name tag. A hint of hate ran through her body as she realized who Heyri was. "I'll be going now. It was nice seeing you." Suzy excused herself no longer wanting to be near the woman her boyfriend married. "Yeh. See you around." Lay waved to her relieved that Heyri had no idea who Suzy was.

"What's up with you?" Heyri asked seeing Lay all tensed up. "Nothing. Just shocked to see her here." He said truthfully. "What? Broken ?" Heyri joked as the two stood in front of the elevator. "No! Not even close." Lay protested. Suzy hid behind a beam and spied on Lay and Heyri. "Why do they look close?" She asked herself. Last time she check all of Suho's friends didn't like Heyri. She didn't understand why Lay was so friendly with Heyri. Especially since he was in love with Junhee.

"Let's go out to dinner tonight." Suho suggested while talking to Suzy in the phone. "Sure thing." Suzy said seductively. "We're going too noona!" Tao shouted earning a death glare from Suho. "Oppa..." Suzy whined wanting to spend some alone time with Suho. "You know they'll come even if I tell them not to." He told her.
"Please. We never get to eat dinner alone." She begged. "I'll see what I can do." He told her before hanging up.
"You guys are not going." Suho asserted. "Why? It's not like we make you pay for us." Chanyeol whined.

"No Bros before Hoes here." Chen mumbled. "Fine. We'll eat by ourselves then." Baekhyun smirked with an idea already brewing in his mind.

"Thanks guys." Suho sighed in relief.

"Let's go." Baekhyun led the group. "Where are we going?" Kai asked. "Out to dinner." He grinned.
"Oh! Suho hyung and Suzy." Chanyeol pointed to the couple walking into the restaurant. "Yah. We said we wouldn't eat with them." Xiumin scolded the younger one.

"We're not. We're just eating at the same place." Sehun caught on to Baekhyun's idea.

Lay and Heyri were sitting together in a private dinning room. The table was low to the ground and they sat on the ground. "Wow. Quite the expensive taste you have." Heyri remarked as she was treating Lay in return for his lunch. "This place has the best hanwoo." Lay said with a smile on his face. "Wipe that thing off your face." Heyri joked. 

"What? How can there not be a single room open?" D.O asked the hostess. "I'm sorry but we are full. Suho-sshi took the last room." The hostess apologized. All the men had frowns on their face as the food they had hoped for slowly slipped out of their grasps.

"Are there perhaps any rooms with few people who are willing to share?" Tao asked hoping for a good answer.
The hostess glanced through her book and found Lay and Heyri's room. "Lay-sshi is here. He has the room you guys always reserve." The hostess told them. "Lay is here? With who?" Xiumin asked curious.

"We'll take that room. He won't mind." Chen insisted. The all barged into the hallway towards the room Lay and Heyri was in. "Its a woman's shoe!" Chen smirked while they took their shoes off. "Hold up. Are you guys ready?" Chen asked checking if everyone was ready to barge in. "One. Two. Three!"

"Surprise!" Heyri was looking through the menu when a group of men barged in loudly stunning her. "Oh? Where's Lay hyung?" D.O asked seeing a woman sitting at the table by herself. Hearing Lay's name she jumped to her feet and greeted them. "Hello. Lay went to the restroom." She told him think Lay probably invited his friends.

"Isn't that Jang Heyri?!" Chen pointed out. "Yah! Its not nice to point at people so bluntly." Xiumin smacked his hand down.
Lay was walking back to his room when he saw a group of men entering his room. "Heyri!" He rushed to the room. Just as he got to the door Suho popped out of the room next to him. "Suho. What are you doing here?" Lay asked confused. Suho walked to Lay's room and tried to open the door. Lay place his hand on the door screen preventing Suho from opening the door.

"I told you guys to leave me alone." He said annoyed. "Sorry. We didn't thing you'd be here." Lay apologized.
Suho glared at Lay in suspicion. Lay was never one to act this way. "Move." He asserted. "COME ON SUHO! WE WONT BOTHER YOU!" Lay shouted in hopes that Heyri would hear. And she did. As she hear Suho's name she got up and fumbled around trying to find a place to hide. The guys just stared at her like she was crazy. "You guys will get in deep if he knows I'm here." Heyri reminded them. "! She's right!" Chen snapped into reality.

"Hide behind us." Chen, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Tao sat shoulder to shoulder creating a wall. Heyri curled up and hid behind the guys. Chen signaled Kai to open the door.

"Hyung..." He greeted with a fake smile. " Suho glared at every single person in the room. "I'll kill you all if you ruin my date." He threatened.
"Yes sir!" Kai saluted. After a few more glanced he finally left. As soon as Suho closed the door everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"You can come out now." Xiumin told Heyri. She came out from behind the wall of men with her hair disheveled. "Thanks." She ran her fingers through her hair. The door soon opened again making Heyri snap back down into hiding. Lay came in glaring at each guy. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked. Hearing Lay's voice Heyri came back out of hiding.

"We originally came to bug Suho hyung after he banned us from joining him for dinner. All the rooms were taken and the hostess said you were here. We just wanted to eat." Chen explained. Lay raised an eye brow and glanced at Heyri.

"Stay. It's better to eat with a large group if people anyways." Heyri insisted as she made it back to her seat. "Yeh." Everyone agreed with Heyri.
"Food is here." The waitress came in with the platters of meat and side dishes. "Auntie, can we get more of each?" Heyri asked the waitress. "Sure thing." The waitress left to get more food.

"Sit." Heyri told Lay as settled herself into her seat. Chanyeol the second grill and waited for it to heat up. Lay sat himself next to Heyri and leaned in.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" He asked. "Its fine. They're your friends." She assured. Soon after, the room was filled with laughter. "Noona jjang!" Chanyeol held his thumb up after Heyri was able to make Baekhyun eat a piece of cucumber. Baekhyun made a disgusted face as he chewed on the piece vegetable he hated.

"If only you were a man you'd be on the floor right now." He joked. "Sorry. I'll buy you ice cream later." Heyri apologized. "Call!" Baekhyun agreed and went on about eating more meat.

Suho and Suzy were sitting in their room eating. Their conversation was nothing much. They mainly ate.  The two could hear the fun everyone in the other room was having. They were both regretting not allowing the guys to join them for dinner now. "Should we invite them over?" Suzy asked.
"Should we?" Suho wanted to, to be honest. As much as he hated it when his friends joined them for dinner, it was fun. Both Suho and Suzy had a dry sense of humor which made it difficult to have fun without getting aroused.

"I'll go get them." He got up and headed out. Just as he was about to open the door Xiumin opened the door. "Hey Suho. What's up?" He asked seeing Suho. Lay immediately pulled Heyri behind him and Chen closed the gap so Suho couldn't see her.

"You guys wanna come join us?" Suho asked awkwardly. "Now you come? I'm sorry but we're done already. We're gonna go get some ice cream." D.O told him.
"Why don't you guys wait for us? I'm sure Suzy would like some dessert." He asked them. "Uhh... Sorry hyung. Maybe you two can go by yourself. Enjoy your night together." Baekhyun suggested.

"Oh. Okay." Suho scratched the back of his head. He felt bad for leaving them out, now he felt even worse that they are leaving him out. Lay, Chen and Chanyeol stepped out of the room and formed a wall leaving a small place for Heyri to exit the room without being noticed. "We'll be leaving now. Enjoy your date." The maknaes bid their farewell to Suho as Heyri led the group out of the place while crouching down with her shoes in her hands.
When they reached a safe distance outside the restaurant Heyri put her shoes on. They walked to a nearby cafe that sold ice cream.

"Banana Monster please." Heyri ordered her favorite flavor. "Make it two." Lay ordered and handed over his card. "I'll buy." He insisted. "Thanks." Heyri thanked him. The guys came storming in when they saw Lay hand his card over to the cashier.

"Hyung buy for us too." Tao asked as the others were already making their orders. "Stay away from the gold flakes!" Lay scolded as he walked over to Kai and Sehun who were pointing to the vanilla ice cream decorated in 14 karat gold flakes. Heyri couldn't help bug chuckle at the  childish behaviors in these grown men.
"Noona." Chanyeol came up to Heyri. "Hey." Without a word Chanyeol wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry for thinking so bad of you." He apologized. Heyri smile and pat him on the back. "Its okay. It's not like I didn't think you were an like Suho anyways." She assured their was no hard feelings.

"Hands off the sister in law." D.O put Chanyeol in check. "Alright bro." Chanyeol backed off of Heyri. 

"Thanks for the food Noona." The guys thanked Heyri. "No problem. Get home safely." Heyri bid her farewells to the guys.

"Here's my number. If you need someone to put some sense into that kid just call." Xiumin handed her his card. " Thanks." She thanked him.

Lay and Heyri were walking back to the hospital. He glanced over to her and saw a sweet smile on her face. He couldn't help but smile as well.
"I see you had fun." Lay broke the silence. "I did. It's been a while since I've been able to laugh whole heartedly." She told him.

"Well there will be alot more opportunities for you to do so now since you've become a noona to 7 mischievous guys." He assured her.
Heyri's smiled dropped within a second when she remembered Suho at the restaurant. "What's wrong?" Lay asked seeing her change in facial expression.
Heyri sighed as she dug her hands deeper into her pockets. "Nothing." She lied. "Its Suho isn't it?" Lay knew what Heyri was thinking.
"You'd think he'd be careful with all eyes in him." She said referring to his little dinner date with a girl named Suzy.

"He's being careful." Lay lied. He knew Suho was being completely reckless. "She's the girlfriend isn't she?" Heyri pieced the puzzle together.
"Yeh." Lay had no reason to hid Suzy from Heyri anymore. "She's pretty." She complimented.

"You're not mad?" Lay asked.

"Why would I be? It's not like I love him or anything." She sighed. 

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oviahara #1
Chapter 6: Omg ? Im curious !!!!!!!
mary27 #2
Chapter 5: oh my god!! i really likes your story author-nim.Daebak~
borntobethestrongest #3
borntobethestrongest #4
Chapter 2: please update soon dear author-nim. I'm in love with your beautiful piece. <3
sirchief #5
Chapter 2: oh this is so good!! can what started off as animosity turn into love? excited to find out!! it will be interesting to see how their feelings will change about each other!! :))))
Noonu098 #6
Chapter 2: I love this <3 update soooooooon
nurulainaa #7
Chapter 1: god! i just love suho's charecter very much! he such a cold guy! pls make him fall in love with heyri soon! love you!
keyqa98 #8
Awesome story author-nim ^^ update sooon !!