The hat-eating selca.

The hat-eating selca.


There were 2 girls sitting together on a couch, watching as people passed by every so often. They were dressed what looked like to be odd clothes, but on a stage would look normal.

"Can you believe we're in New York City?" One of the girls said.

"I still can't believe you're here, Krystal" The other girl said, who looked more like a tomboy. The tomboy wrapped her arm around the girl named Krystal.

"I'm glad I'm here, with you." Krystal said, snuggling up to the other girl.

Out of the blue, Krystal popped up from their cozy position. "We should take a selca Amber!" Krystal said

"I like that idea. Maybe...I should pretend to eat your hat?" Amber said, with a funny smile on her face.

"Hmmm....Sure! Can't think of anything else." Krystal said with a shrug, and then grabbed her phone.

The two girls got into position for the picture, and no one seemed to care about them as they passed by. Krystal had a 'worried' look on her face, while Amber pretended to almost eat the other girl's plastic-like hat. Krystal took a few pictures like that.

Krystal then pulled her phone towards her again and started looking at the pictures. Amber rested her chin on the younger girl's shoulder.

"You should upload it on your me2day. It'd be funny!" Amber said, still leaning on Krystal's shoulder.

"Okay. Which one should I use?" Krystal said, looking back at Amber awkwardly. Amber grabbed Krystal's phone and looked through them quickly.

"Hmm...This one!" The older girl said, and then handed the phone to Krystal. Krystal deleted all the other selca's they just took and kept the one Amber picked. "Thanks Amber" Krystal said. Amber had a sweet smile on her face.

The older of the two, who was leaning on Krystal's shoulder, quickly gave her a peck on the cheek. "Yah! Amber! That's it?" Krystal said. Amber laughed softly and kissed her cheek a few more times.

One of the times Amber kissed her cheek, Krystal moved her head so that it ended as a real kiss. Amber blushed and smiled a dorky smile. "Babo! That's what I wanted" Krystal said, and then hit Amber on the arm. Amber winced as she took the hit.

Krystal hit the older girl's arm a few more times, and as if to stop her, Amber kissed her passionately. Krystal responded to the kiss immediately and gripped the older girl's arms instead of hitting them..  "Saranghae" Amber whispered in Krystal's ear. Krystal giggled as she said "Me too."

Three girls, all dressed similiar to the lovers, walked up to them and immediately said "Aww! Why is Kryber so dang cute!?" The shortest of them all was wiping away tears that weren't there.

"Yah you three! Can't you tell when you're interrupting something important!?" Krystal yelled at the three older girls standing there with 'awww' looks on their faces.

"Well it's for the best, we have to perform in a few minutes." Victoria, the umma and leader, said. "So come on lovers!" Sulli, the tallest and youngest looking, said.  "We'll give you a few more seconds of making out." Luna, the shortest member yet the strongest singer, said, while laughing. Victoria sighed and pulled Sulli and Luna away from the two girls, who were still sitting on the couch.

Krystal and Amber both sighed. "We have such weird group members." Krystal said.

"Well I mean, Luna did say we have a few seconds of making out..." Amber said while leaning in to kiss the other girl, her eyes closing.

Krystal stopped Amber from kissing her by putting her hand on the older girl's lips. Amber opened her eyes immediately and pulled back. "But why Krys?" Amber whined.

"Not now, I need to get my game face on." Krystal said, her face getting serious.

Amber sighed as the younger girl stood up and started walking in the same direction her groups members had walked off to. Amber mumbled something "Why does she need her game face on...we could have had a few more seconds of kissing...I would have liked that..." Amber had a depressed look on her face as she followed her sometimes cold, but a great kisser, girlfriend.

~A few days later~

The same two girls from before were laying on a couch together, with the older tomboy on the edge of the couch, and with the younger long-haired girl right next to the couches backrest, snuggled up against the other girl. They were in a hugging position, with the younger of the two slightly ontop of the tomboy.

"Do you remember that hilarious selca we took together?" Amber mumbled, her face buried in Krystal's hair.

"Oh yeah! I should upload it." Krystal said, grabbing her phone from Amber's chest. "Yah! Why is your chest so flat Amber?" Krystal asked while getting the selca from NYC. Amber didn't answer, but what Krystal couldn't see is that Amber had a deep flush on her face.

"Hmm...What should I write for it..." Krystal said, thinking. She had a secret smile on her face as she began typing.

"Done! It's online now!" Krystal said proudly and put her phone back on her girlfriend's flat chest.

"What did you say?" Amber asked, grabbing Krystal's phone and looking for the me2day post.

'This hat-eating picture is my favourite, the best cut was chosen by our josephine'

"YAH! Why did you use my middle name? You know I don't like it!" Amber said, sitting up quickly.

"Aw but I like Josephine. And didn't you say it's y when I say it?" Krystal said, wrapping her arms around Amber's neck and sitting next to her.

"Well...I guess..." Amber said quietly.

"I bet Kryber fans all over are dying of happiness right about now" Amber said, with humor in her voice now.

"Well, I'm dying of happiness just being here with you" Krystal said, lust in her eyes as she the older girl's face and then kissed her deeply.

After a few minutes of very sweet, passionate kissing, Amber mumbled "I love you Krys" into the younger girl's lips, and then Krystal mumbled as well "I love you too, Josephine." Krystal had a smile on her face as she stood up from the couch, which stopped the kissing.

"Yah! What was that? First calling me Josephine and then leaving in the middle of our make-out session!?" Amber said, a sad look on her face as she stood up as well. Krystal leaned in and whispered in Amber's ear "It's just a preview of tonight" Krystal then winked at Amber and walked off, her hips swaying. Amber smiled like a dork and followed her gorgeous girlfriend.


Yay, I wrote it XD! I hope you guys liked it!

Thank you for reading this =) And thank you for subscribing to it and commenting. Maybe I'll write more one-shots sometime =D

I have a kryber fic going on currently, it's called That Music Shop. It's going kinda slow but...yeah XD Just thought I should tell you guys =)

Again, thank you guys =D


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Harryturtlee #1
Its 2018 and still read this old fic ahhaha
Alerth #2
Great storie!
strawpie #3
2014 and still read this! Kryber<33
aww that was really cute!
hahahaha. You are the best xD
Owl_fx #6
@CACNTommyBoi<br />
<br />
XDD Yeah =D Thanks!
AWWW lol soo cute :')
lognire #8
all I hope your vote for f(x) at<br />
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I hope they will win<br />
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thanks before ^^
Owl_fx #9
@kpopkryber- Haha me too! I was pretty hyper about it XD<br />
Thank you =D
omg i saw this pic and it made me spazz out for so long<br />
ur awesome for writing this<br />