First Meeting

Love's Curse

   I love him, but I'm not sure if it was like before.

{~3 years ago~}

    3 years had passed since we first got together. I was the loser in the school, the smartass that everybody never noticed. I would just sit in the corner of the class, ignoring everybody else in the class whispering about me."Pfft. Look at her, acting like a total . Just because she has the highest marks in the class doesn't mean she can look down on us with that trashy,ugly look of hers." Some girl whispered, snickering about me under her breath, staring straight at me like she knew all about me. I look at her, just staring, not doing anything but just staring at her. "Look at that , she thinks she's soooo good, she's smirking at me. I'm going to go teach her a lesson. Watch me." She says to her so called group of friends, with a sinister smile creeping upon her bright pink lips. I wait for what awaited me, and once she reached my desk, I turn away and looked out the window, ready to ignore every single thing she was going to about to me. "What the you want, ? You think you're so good? Well, let me tell you something. Everybody in this entire class hates you because you act like a ing know it all and look down on all of us. Just wai-"

    "Stop Soohyun. Just leave her alone, that's enough for now." A shadow says, hovering over my desk like Soohyun did.

    "But Bambam~~~" Soohyun whined, using her flirtatious voice.

    "Get away from my desk if you wanna flirt with him. I don't wanna hear any of this flirtatious you're about to say to him." I mutter under my breath, loud enough for the both of them to hear.

    "What did you say you ?!?!" Soohyun screams at me, and was about to slap me. i waited for the pain that would've came, not caring about how hard her slap will be. But after waiting a while and not feeling any sort of pain, I looked to the direction where Bambam and Soohyun stood. To my surprise I saw that Bambam had stopped her hand midway through the air, close enough to my face to feel her hand radiating heat.

    "Enough Soohyun, I have a big headache and your yelling is making it worse." Bambam looked at her and gave her an aegyo that pracitcally all the girls in our class would fall for. Everyone but me. "Please Soohyun. Don't fight in front of me." Bambam pouted.

    Sighing, Soohyun pulled her hand away from Bambam's grasp and gave me one last glare that could chill a person down to their very core, and walked away. Bambam then sighed, and looked at me sincerely. "Are you ok __________? I just had to step in. I couldn't see you getting hurt by Soohyun. Actually, __________ I need to talk to you about something. Please meet me afterschool in the courtyard. I'll wait all night if I have to. I'll see you later then." And he took off before I could even reply. All of a sudden having the urge to be alone, I skipped the rest of my classes till the end of the day on the rooftop, waiting for the bell to signal 3:00.

    The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Sighing and feeling lazy to get up from my spot on the roof, that I had been lounging on for the last few hours, I stay put, thinking about the guy I have to meet. Bambam was a nice guy, he was one of the seven most popular guys in our entire school, and was known as the prince of aegyo. From all the rumours going around the school about the seven princes, it turns out that all seven are them are trainees under JYP Entertainment, which means that they're busy most of the time practicing. Bambam is in my class and during breaks and lunch he hangs out with the other princes; Mark Tuan, Jackson Wang, Park Jinyoung, Im Jaebum, Choi Youngjae, and Kim Yugyeom, which neither of them had any interest in girls, all except for Bambam.

    I kept wondering about what Bambam had wanted from me, until I started to fell the sun's warmth slowly melt away, and I realized that I had spent an extra two hours on the roof after school had ended. I ran towards the courtyard wondering if Bambam was still there, waiting for me like he promised too. As I turned the corner, I stopped breathing and had collided into Bambam's chest, as he embraced me, he said something in Thai, "Thank goodness you came! I thought you were going to stand me up!" I just stayed in his arms until I cleared my throat after the shock of running into Bambam had resided. He then realized that I didn't understand one word he said, he started blushing like lovestruck school girl. "Um...___________. What I was saying earlier... was.. um... I thought you were going to stand me up... and uh.... I was really relieved that you had came. I know I shouldn't say this after all the bullying you've been through, and not once have I tried helping until today... but... __________ I like you, and I hope you'd become my girlfriend. I'll make sure to never leave your side and will always be there for whatever you're feeling. So please __________, become mine?" Shock started pulsing throughout my entire body, I was frozen stiff and yet even though this was an absurd way to confess, I already knew my feelings I had for Bambam.

    "Yes." I barely manage to squeak, but it was loud enough for Bambam to hear, because he started to embrace me, even tighter than it ws before. 

    "__________ I love you so much. I'm so happy you agreed to be my girlfriend! Um... __________, can I kiss you? ..." Bambam shyly asks, and all I could manage to do was a slight nod which was soon interupted with Bambam's soft, pink lips melt away with mine. A sweet, sensational feeling was left behind after we puulled away, making us both crave for each other even more.

    But what we weren't ready for, was the challenges that awaited us..


A/N: Hi, everybody. Admin-T here. Hope you liked this part of the story. The next one will be the last chapter, and please don't hate me for the ending. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!!

KYAHH!! Bambam you're killing me, so many feels while writing this.

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