5. Kim JinHwan (I’m Right Here)

iKON One Shots XD

Featuring JinHwan & OC Cha EunKi 

EunKi P.O.V

My group of friend decided to go into a haunted house in the amusement park. Currently we are in an amusement park to celebrate my best friend’s birthday. She is going to be 16 this year and she suggested to celebrate her sweet sixteen birthday in the amusement park. Her boyfriend JinYoung agreed and we all went to the amusement park. We all had to bring a date with us but I didn’t have one so I called my friend JinHwan. He wasn’t a date but one of my closest friend.

We currently finished riding the roller coaster and the bumper cars. I was dizzy from all of those and JinHwan was beside me helping me to gain back my balance when we were off the bumpers. After the bumpers, everyone was hungry so we sat down at the café and had dinner. I wasn’t really hungry because of the rides. I only ordered a glass of juice and watched my friends devour their dinner.

After dinner, we went on with multiple rides and by 10pm, were about to all go home when Jackson decided to go into a haunted house. I froze hearing that suggestion. See, the thing about me is that, I am a tough girl but I get scared easily although I’m all tough and cold outside, but really I’m a girly girl inside. I sighed and followed them to get the tickets for the 15 minutes haunted house ride. JinHwan was standing beside me and I took a glance at him. He looked handsome tonight and I smiled a tiny smile for the first time this night.

JinHwan: Yah EunKi-ah, you afraid of haunted houses?

Me: No… Not really… *gulp*

JinHwan: *chuckles* Well, if you’re scared, you know you can always hold my hand *smirk*

Me: *scoff* No way… Let’s go

I treat JinHwan like that every day. He is my closest friend so why not. We went in and it was like a 10 minute walk in the inside then a 5 minutes ride. I walked beside JinHwan and tried to focus on getting out of the place instead of looking anywhere. I was fidgeting with my hoodie and had the hood over my head. I flinched when the loud sounds came on and I had no idea JinHwan was looking at me. I sighed and kept on walking. I held onto my hood and walked a little faster. Suddenly a ghost appeared in front of me and I screamed. I heard my friends laughing from far. I gain my mental back and walked pass the ghost going faster each step

Soon I could see the light and as relieved but only to realize that it was time for the ride. I sighed and sat on the cart alone while my friends were still far behind. JinHwan was nowhere to be seen so I just plugged my earphones in for the mean time. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder from behind and I plugged out my earphones. I turned around only to see a zombie trying to attack me. I screamed my lungs out and a tear left my eye. Luckily no one was there to witness my scream. I got out of the cart and ran to a direction away from the zombie.

Staff (Zombie): Wait! Miss!! You can’t go over there!!

I was lost in the whole haunted house and I could see the scary props everywhere. I squatted down and hugged my knees trying to calm myself down but I couldn’t I could hear laughing and screaming. I didn’t know if I was hallucinating or the sounds were real. I bawled my eyes out from the trauma and was stuck there for the next few minutes.

End of EunKi P.O.V

JinHwan P.O.V

When we first walked into the house, I was keeping an eye out for EunKi because I knew she was scared but being her stubborn self, she doesn’t want to show it out. I was walking beside her and she was holding onto her hoodie like it was her life string. We were far behind from our friends so no one could see her. I was trying hard to not chuckle at her but she was too cute. Suddenly she was speeding up so I followed her. She was hidden in the crowd so I couldn’t really see her anymore.

Suddenly I heard screaming and I was panicking because I had to make sure EunKi was safe but one of her friends was holding onto me so tightly I can barely move. I had no choice but to follow the group. While I was at it, I couldn’t stop thinking of EunKi. Is she safe? Is she scared? Where is she? All these thoughts were in my head and I was the one panicking now. We finally reached the ride and still there was no sign of EunKi. I started to panic more but JinYoung already told me to hop onto the ride. I sighed and sat down. The ride wasn’t as scary as the front bit but I had to find EunKi.

We finished the ride and did a head count. One person was missing and I knew it was EunKi. I dashed back into the house and was searching for EunKi. The staffs wanted to chase me out but being the stubborn me, I kept on looking for EunKi. Suddenly a zombie came and tried to scare me but I just stayed calm.

Me: Excuse me, have you seen a girl in a hoodie here just now?

Staff (Zombie): She has long hair right?

Me: Yea and she is about 160cm tall.

Staff (Zombie): I think I scared her 10 minutes ago, she was sitting alone in the cart so I scared her. I didn’t know she would be so scared to run off to the forbidden zone.

Me: You What?! OMG Where is that zone?

Staff (Zombie): Its here, follow me!

I followed the staff and the forbidden zone was too big to find. We split up and I went to the darker zone while the staff went out to call for help. I held my phone up and used the torch to find my way. There were old clown masks everywhere and I was really hoping that EunKi was alright. I heard heavy breathing not far from my direction so I ran towards the sound.

I saw EunKi laying on the floor having a hard time breathing. I gasped and ran to her side to pick her up to sitting position. I called out to her and she looked at me.

Me: yah Cha EunKi, Get a grip! Are you alright?

EunKi: Take me out of here please… *sobs*

Me: Alright I will! Can you walk?

EunKi: *nods*

Me: Ok, let’s go!

I helped her stand up and she held onto my arm. We were finding our way out and she suddenly grabbed onto my shirt. I looked at her and she pointed at the TV. It was a video, a coffin laying in the woods. Suddenly a zombie jumped out and screamed. I covered EunKi’s eyes and continued walking. The way out was longer than I thought. Soon I could see the familiar clown masks and knew that we were almost out of the forbidden zone. We took few more steps and I could see the ride we rode on. I told EunKi to get on and sat beside me. I swung my arm over her and hugged her to make her feel safe. I didn’t want her to feel anymore tensed. Soon the ride started and I hugged her tightly and closed her eyes so she won’t see any more scary stuffs.

After 5 minutes, the ride was over and I could see all our friends waiting outside with some staffs. EunKi was quite while I was still holding onto her. Everyone rushed to her and asked her if she was ok.

Jackson: EunKi, why didn’t you tell us you were scared? I feel so bad now…

EunKi: … *sniffs*

YoungBae: Yah Cha EunKi, are you alright?

EunKi: …

Me: Uh guys, I think I’ll bring her home now… You guys continue J

JinYoung: Alright… Take care EunKi… *smiles*

EunKi: …

I brought her to my car and sat her down on the front seat. I drove her home and brought her up to her apartment. She opened the door and went in straight to her room. I chuckled and closed the front door locking it with the spare keys I have. I drove home and slept after taking a nice shower.

End of JinHwan P.O.V

EunKi P.O.V

I went straight into my room after JinHwan brought me home. I didn’t mean to ignore everyone just now but I just don’t know how to react to them after what I’ve felt. I sighed and slept immediately since I was too weak to even do anything.




Evil Clown: Come here EunKi, We’ll have lots of fun together~

Me: Huh? Where am I? I thought I was at home?!

Evil Clown: You’re in my world dear~ Now come to me and I’ll take good care of you *smirk*

Killer Clown: Do what he says honey or you’ll be seeing blood everywhere *evil laugh*

Me: No! Go away!!!

Killer Clown: Aw, looks like EunKi doesn’t wanna play with us~ Well, its ok, once I’m done with you, we can still play with your dead body~ Voodoo, finish her please~

Voodoo Doll: With pleasure *evil laugh*

I ran from the crazy psychos and never looked back to where I was running. I ran and ran to a place with a giant lake. I sat down and drank some water only to realize it was contaminated. I looked at my reflection and saw the Voodoo Doll behind me with a giant needle. I screamed and he stabbed the needle onto my back…




I sprung out from my horrible nightmare and heard loud thunder from outside. It was raining heavily and I was really scared. I heard noises from my room and ran out to the kitchen to get a knife for self-defence. I sat on the corner of my living room and wanted to call JinHwan. I got my phone and dialled the number.

JinHwan: *groans* Yes?

Me: J-JinHwan…

JinHwan: Yes EunKi? What do you want? Isn’t it too early?

Me: *sobs* H-Help me….

JinHwan: Yah Cha EunKi! What’s wrong? What happened?

Me: Can you come to my house? I’m scared… *cries*

JinHwan: Arraseo! Stay where you are! Don’t hurt yourself ok?

Me: Neh… Come fast… *sobs*

He hung up and I heard ruffling in my kitchen. I was so scared my heart was about to pop out. I then heard laughing from my room and I was crying now. Thunder was loud and the rain was pouring outside. I was still hiding in the corner and praying for JinHwan to come faster.

I could then hear someone coming into the house and I was scared if it was a burglar. I was shivering from the thought of it and in came a very worried JinHwan. He the lights and saw me holding a knife. He dashed to me and grabbed the knife from my hands. I squealed and he held my shoulders.

Me: J-JinHwan…

JinHwan: I didn’t know you were this scared… What happened?

Me: I h-had a nig-nightmare… It was so real I just… just… *sobs*

JinHwan: Alright, its ok, I’m right here… Let’s go to sleep ok?

Me: No! There’s something in my room… I heard noises…

JinHwan: Want me to go check?

Me: *nods*

JinHwan: Alright J

He walked into my room and saw nothing but an opened window. He closed it and came back to me.

JinHwan: Whatever you heard is gone now ok? Let’s go back to sleep J

Me: *nods*

He followed me to my room and I sat down on the bed with him beside me. Suddenly the thunder and I screamed hugging him. He chuckled and my hair. I was shivering and he patted me to calm me down.

JinHwan: Want me to stay the night with you?

Me: *nods*

JinHwan: Arraseo, now you lay down and I’ll sleep after you *smiles*

Me: Ok…

I laid down on my bed and he tucked me in. The thunder again and I squealed. He held my hand and I calmed down. He assured me that nothing is there and I closed my eyes going into dreamland.

End of EunKi P.O.V

JinHwan P.O.V

I watched EunKi fall asleep and crawled next to her. I hugged her waist and she hugged me as well. I chuckled and fell asleep beside her. To tell you the truth, I have a crush on EunKi but am too scared to tell her. I’m afraid that if I tell her, we won’t be the same anymore so I just kept it as a secret. I gave her one last look before closing my eyes. Suddenly…

EunKi: *sleep talking* JinHwan… I like you…

Me: Yah… EunKi-ah… what did you just say?

EunKi: *groans* I like you…. *snore*

Me: *grins* I like you too J

She smiled in her sleep and I hugged her tighter. END~

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