Call Me Psycho

Badass Therapeutic Shenanigans

Hyerin buries her fists in the folds of her puke green skirt. That’s why I was never in P.E. class, she thinks bitterly. Why did I go today, pabo? Why did I think that he would be there? She bites down her lips to prevent any tear falling. She is no longer five-year-old. Tears are sign of weakness for a seventeen-year-old. It is especially annoying to Hyerin when a teenage girl cries. She shouldn’t have gone to P.E. class today.


“Please don’t run away,” Hyerin tells Jin who is peeking at her over the hedge. He freezes on the other side. Hyerin looks away, “I promise I won’t cry.”


Tentatively, Jin hops over the bushes and lands softly in the garden. He stands far off from Hyerin.


“I went to P.E. today,” Hyerin hears herself speak. She isn’t sure why she started telling him what happened. Maybe it is because she knows that Jin won’t talk back. Maybe it is because she knows that Jin doesn’t have anyone to tell what happened to her. Maybe she did wait for him to show up in P.E. class. Maybe she doesn’t have anyone else to talk to. “Why are they so dumb and jealous? Gosh, I’m so pissed. Please don’t run away! Jin!”


Jin turns around to face her again. He drops his on the damp grass. The long grass suddenly captures his attention, but Hyerin knows that he’s listening. “The girls at the change room called me a ,” just hearing the word out loud makes her curl her fists again, “I regret not punching them.”


Jin’s head jerks in surprise, then he looks down again.


“They are just jealous of my body, as if I can help what I was born with.”


The tips of Jin’s ears turn pink. He looks everywhere but her curvy body.


Hyerin checks out her chest, “Should I lose some weight?” Maybe her s will shrink if she loses five pounds. Maybe people will shut up if she does. Less erts will harass her, certainly.


“No!” Jin blurts. Hyerin stares at him weirdly. “Y-You look great…” his cheeks are burning hot.


“Of course you think I look great. You’re a guy,” nonetheless, her blood isn’t burning like furnace when it was Jin who said she looks great. “Do you think I’m a ?” her question is too quiet that Jin almost misses it.


Jin wants to dig a hole in the dirt, “I-I don’t think so…”


Hyerin scoffs, “How do you know? You don’t know me.”


“I want to know you.”


Hyerin and Jin meet eyes for a second before Jin looks away. Maybe it is because of his words, Hyerin suddenly finds his eyes soft and pretty. “Me too,” Hyerin responds more cheerfully now. She does feel better than five minutes before, “I want to know you too.”


Hyerin lets him run away embarrassedly this time. She lets him go because she saw the shy smile on his lips.




“What’s this stupid thing on your face, Taehyung?” Jimin reaches out for his mask.


Taehyung flinches back, “Don’t touch it if you want me to live longer! We’re entering war zone!”


Namjoon opens his front door as if on cue, “You guys are early,” he takes Taehyung’s duffel bag that he brings for the sleepover, “Are you hungry, Tae? I have chips and cupcakes in the kitchen,” he smiles at him warmly.


“Nice to see you too, Namjoon,” Jimin greets grumpily. He looks from Namjoon’s generous smile to Taehyung’s eager puppy eyes. Jimin rolls his eyes and pushes past those two fast friends.


Jimin throws his bag somewhere in the lush living room and heads straight to the kitchen. He grabs a cupcake and takes a bite, he spits it out right away, “Ew! Peanut butter! Who bakes peanut butter cupcake, you cupcake monster!”


“I love peanut butter,” Taehyung says between mouthful. Namjoon ruffles his hair, “I know.”


Jimin scowls, “Taehyungie,” he pulls the boy to his side, “my shoulders are so sore. Give me a back rub.”


Namjoon glares at Jimin’s taunting smile. “Come on now, I’m gonna die from the pain. No one’s gonna play with you when I’m dead,” he pouts.


Taehyung his fingers clean before massaging Jimin’s shoulders. “Ah,” Jimin sighs. “You’re good, Taehyungie,” he smirks at Namjoon evilly, Just because you got paired up with Taehyung in the Kpop boyband AU doesn’t mean you’ll have him in real life. “Rub that spot harder, Taehyungie!”


Namjoon scoffs at Jimin’s childishness. He’s going to puke if he hears another “Taehyungie.” The door rings again, breaking Jimin and Namjoon’s glaring contest. Namjoon leaves the two friends in the kitchen to answer the door. “Hey,”Yoongi greets. “Woah, your house is huge!” Jungkook comments. “Not as big as yours,” says Yoongi. “I’m wearing my Flashy Underpants/Nightie, wanna see?” asks J-Hope. Jin cringes at the oversharing of information. Namjoon ushers the four boys in his house before his snobby neighbour calls the police on them.


“So what are we going to do at your house?” J-Hope asks while taking in his glimmering surroundings.


Namjoon places his stray hair behind his ear, “We can watch a movie or something.”


“Bor-ing!” sings J-Hope.


Out of nowhere, Jimin tackles J-Hope from behind and knocks him off of his feet. “I found a karaoke machine!” Jimin screams while sitting on top of J-Hope.


“Yah! Is this your way to greet your favourite hyung?”


“Yup! And I said: ‘I found a karaoke machine’!”


“Awesome!” J-Hope screeches.


Namjoon sighs. How could he forget about hiding the karaoke machine? He hid every knife, vase, paint, ball, bedroom keys, his model trains, his grand piano, his golden retriever, and bubble-wrapped every sharp corner. But darn, he forgot about the karaoke machine! “Someone please remind me not to invite you guys over ever again,” he grumbles. If it isn’t for Henry who’s still missing-in-action, he would not have taken pity on these helpless kids.


“Let’s do Catellena!” J-Hope cries excitedly as he scrolls through the list of songs.


“No!” Jungkook and Yoongi yell. A shade of pink blooms on their faces as they recall the time when they were dancing to Like a Cat. Namjoon and Jin grimace upon remembering their fairyland performance that killed Tinkerbell. “I’ll just watch,” Namjoon shirks to the corner.


“Anyone who doesn’t sing tonight will drink Jimin’s Sauce!” Jimin announces.


“What’s that?” asks Jin softly.


J-Hope throws his arm around him, “Stay away from that. You have a bright future ahead of you.” Jin blushes.


“Okay!” Jimin clicks on the song, “Taehyung, Hoseok, and I will do it!”


“Don’t call me that!” says J-Hope, horrified.


Jimin grins, “That’s why you shouldn’t have told me your secret.”


While J-Hope tackles Jimin to the ground, Taehyung copies Nana on the screen.


“Woah, you’re doing great!” Jungkook shouts. Even Namjoon is nodding along to the catchy tune. Jimin and J-Hope are wiggling their arms in some sort of mating dance while Taehyung is giving his all and shaking his to the “ma-ma-ma” beat. Yoongi shakes the tambourine like a world-class maniac. The walls are pulsing with the lively rhythm that’s confined within. J-Hope pulls Namjoon onto the couch, trying to get him to copy the “hiya” dance. “No, no, no, no,” Namjoon protests, “Don’t jump on my thousand-dollar Belgium leather couch!”


“Did someone say ‘no, no, no’?” Jungkook grins.


“‘Seulpeo Hajime no no no,’” Jimin and J-Hope scream on  top of their lungs. “‘Honjaga anya no no no!’”


“Oh, my eyes!” Yoongi covers his eyes when Jimin, J-Hope, Taehyung, and Jungkook start twerking, “You sway your like this!” Yoongi swings his hip sideway and upward, “You don’t twerk!”


Jungkook slaps Yoongi’s bum, “Let’s learn from the girl group master - Min Yoongi the erted ajussi!”


Namjoon collapses against his thousand-dollar couch. He’s already exhausted when they have only been at his house for thirty minutes. How is he going to live with them through the night? Wait a sec, where’s Jin? He looks past the flurry of dancing bodies, but there’s no sign of the tall, quiet boy.


“I’m hungry!” Jungkook rubs his belly after Big Byung’s Ojingeo Doenjang was finished. “Hip hop is tough.”


“Let’s go find something to eat,” Yoongi pushes the maknae to the direction of the kitchen.


“What happened?” Namjoon asks Jungkook and Yoongi when they return to the living room, “I thought you guys were getting food.”


Yoongi rubs on Jungkook’s tense shoulders. Everyone recognizes his wide, unfocused eyes, like the trance Jungkook was in at the time he lost his dictionary. Jimin waves a hand in front of his frozen face worriedly.  “Psychopath: crazy person who doesn’t give a about living things,” Jimin jumps back because of the abrupt whisper, “1) Christian Gray. 2) Kim Seokjin,” Jungkook’s eyes are glazed over.


No one speaks for a second. A sound of metal scraping from the kitchen freezes everyone to their spots.


“Where’s Jin?” Namjoon asks in a low voice.


“In the kitchen,” Yoongi answers but stops Namjoon from going to the horror.


“What happened in there?” Taehyung asks in a small voice.


“Knife,” Jungkook says airily, “Jin has a knife.”


“That’s impossible!” Namjoon cries, “I hid all of the sharp objects from you guys!”


“Then how did he get one?!” J-Hope asks loudly and Yoongi clamps his mouth shut.


“Oh, chillax,” Jimin says, “I carry a knife around too.” All of the boys whip their heads towards the trouble maker.


“Guys,” Namjoon reasons, “Just because Jin found or carries a knife doesn’t make him a psycho.”


“He was staring at the knife like this the entire time,” Jungkook demonstrates the soulless staring. Shivers run through the group.


“Is he plotting a murder?” J-Hope asks. Visible beads of sweat slide down from his hairline, “For one of us?”




Taehyung screeches softly, “What was that?”


“Are you dumb? It’s my alarm!” Jimin looks pissed.


“Oh, right.”


“Just chill out, guys,” Namjoon argues, “Why would Jin kill any of us anyway?”


“I know right? Except for Jimin, maybe,” Yoongi suggests.


“Yah! Watch your mouth!” Jimin springs into a fighting stance, “Did you forget who else has weapon too?”


“Sit, Jimin!” Taehyung hisses, “You’re not going to hurt anyone!”


Jimin plops down on the leather seat and sulk.


“This is stupid,” Namjoon insists, “Jin doesn’t say much, but he loves us.”


“You know that quiet people are the ones with scary dark secrets, right?” Yoongi counters.


Namjoon sighs, “I’m going to check on him.”


“No!” Taehyung yanks him back. “I don’t want you to die!”


Jin enters the living room then. His ghost-like appearance takes everyone’s breath away. They all stare at his sweaty black hair swept to one side. He seems to have had a hard labour.


“H-Hi,” Namjoon is the first to speak up.


Jin frowns, Why’s everyone so quiet? “Hi…?” Did they know?! He panics. He shrinks into the corner of the couch like a child who just drowned a hamster and waits for a scolding.


“What were you doing in the kitchen?” asks J-Hope.


Jin shrugs. He goes back to being a mute.


Namjoon grabs a microphone then. “Hey, let’s sing again!” his booming voice breaks the thick silence, “Taehyung, choose a song.”


Taehyung picks up his distress signal right away, “OK! Let’s do N.O. by BTS!”


“Who’s BTS?” Jimin asks, “Never heard of it.”


Taehyung rolls his eyes, “I thought you’re the hip hop expert.”


J-Hope jumps excitedly, “Ah! You mean BTB!”


“Right!” Taehyung high-fives him, “BTB - Bangtan Boys.”


“Sounds good!”


“I’ll sing V’s part, of course.”


“I’ll be Minnie!” J-Hope calls, “La, la, la, la,” he is warming up his vocal cord, ready to belt out insane high notes like Minnie does.


Everyone seems to be more relax than a moment ago. “I’ll do Rap Monster’s part!” Jimin cries.


“But I’m the Rap Monster!” Namjoon defends his parts.


Jimin scoffs, “But you know nothing about hip hop!”


“I’ll be Seok then.”


Jungkook takes Suga’s part and Yoongi assumes the role of Double Jung.


They all look at Jin then before the intro of N.O. starts. “You’ll take J’s part, won’t you?” Namjoon asks tenderly.


Jin nods coyly, and he is blushing already, “I don’t know how to rap though…”


Namjoon sits besides him, “It’s OK; no one does!”


“‘A good house, a good car, will these things bring happiness?’” Jimin starts off the rap squeakily, “‘In Seoul to the SKY, will parents really be happy?’”


“My parents will!” Taehyung comments, Why do you think I work so hard?


“‘There’s no choice but to consent,’” Jungkook - the Golden Maknae - launches into a powerful rap. “‘Even if we think simply, it’s the survival of the fittest,’” Yoongi draws him close like a proud dad, “‘Who do you think is the one who makes us step on even our close friends to climb up?’”


“We aren’t like that, ‘cause we all !” J-Hope interjects.


“‘Everybody say NO!’” they all scream.


“‘It can’t be any later,’” Yoongi sings in a weird gruff voice that sends bad feeling all over the boys. “‘Don’t be trapped in someone else’s dream.’”


“‘We roll (x5),” the boys yell obnoxiously, “‘Everybody say NO!’”


“‘It has to be now or never,’” J-Hope shouts words off-key. “‘We still haven’t done anything!’”


“Yeah, that’s right!” Jimin throws his arm over the bad singer who sounds like an okay rapper.


“‘I want to play and eat. I want to tear my uniform. Make money, good money,’” Jin reads the rap lyrics in monotone. “You go, Jinnie hyung!” Jimin, being the biggest Jin’s fanboy, hoots. “‘A factory of sighs while studying, a continuous cycle.’” “So true! I love you, BTB! I love you, Minnie,” Jimin mimics a fan girl’s dying squeal. Taehyung hits his head, “Pabo, how are you going to make money if you don’t go to school?”


“‘Adults tell me that hardships are only momentary,’” Namjoon sings in his deep baritone. “‘To endure a little more, to do it later.’” “Oh, se-xy,” Jimin winks. Everyone else swoons a little bit from his post-puberty manly voice.


The boys sing their second chorus until the end. “Wait! What about V’s line?!” Taehyung asks after the song was over.


“I think you missed it,” answers Jungkook.


“You had like, one line,” Yoongi points out helpfully, “plus some harmonizing.” Everyone else snickers.


Taehyung whines for another song that has a bunch of V’s part. Namjoon sighs in relief when he notes that everything more or less goes back to normal, even Jin has a hint of smile stays on his face. I will survive this night! the warrior-like Namjoon is ready to tackle any craziness that the boys throw at him.


Jimin and J-Hope slump against each other in a slumber after ten minutes of A Beautiful Mind - a psychological movie about a mathematician.


“You’re evil, Kim Namjoon,” Yoongi grins.


“Nope. I was nice enough to watch the first Pokemon movie with them,” Namjoon stretches his long legs out in peace and quiet. He plays with Taehyung’s damp hair while leaning against the base of the couch. Taehyung sprawls across Namjoon’s lap, his eyes glue to the screen attentively. Namjoon is almost offended that Taehyung pays more attention to the movie than his tutoring. “This movie is interesting; Classical Korean isn’t,” says Taehyung when he asks.


“Where did Jin hyung go?” Jungkook speaks up against Yoongi.


Everyone is quiet besides J-Hope’s snoring.


“I’ll go look for him,” Namjoon offers.


“No!” Yoongi protests, “He’s weird.” Jungkook nods.


“C’mon, guys. We’re all in this mess - I mean ‘group’- together,” says Namjoon exasperatedly, “Don’t be an anti.”


Yoongi shifts uncomfortably, “I’m not trying to be an anti. Remember the first session? He tried getting out of the therapy by faking a panic attack. He’s more than just a quiet pretty boy. Who knows what he’s thinking?”


“I don’t know what you’re thinking most the time either, does it make you a psycho?”


“I’m not the one who carries a knife.”


Namjoon glares at Yoongi, but he is too tired to fight with the older boy. He nudges Taehyung away and stands up, “I’m going to check on him.”


But the howling cat’s screeches and the clattering of a metal coming from the kitchen halt Namjoon in his track.


Author's note:  Hey guys!! I'm back with psycho Jin! Mwhahaha. What do you will happen? Subscribe and stay tune for more. <3 

And I liked video, who doesn't right?

Plus, to make me a full army, my sis and I made a tumblr for the boys. <3 Please check it out and fan girl with me/educte me, etc.<3

Please do comment, subscribe, and upvote! Tell me what do you think of the story thus far! Comments are especially inspiring for new chapters.

I'll write to you soon. :)


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Chapter 31: great story I have ever read.
I love your story author.
thanks for the great story.
keep writing beautiful story for us readers.
Chapter 31: This is seriously one of the best BTS fabrics I've read! And please can you write more sugakookie author min? :)
Infinitewillsaveme #3
Chapter 1: Lmao the last paragraph killed me!
Nightgray #4
Chapter 31: awww this is so cute
fujoshigurl #5
Chapter 30: Oh god im crying this is the third time I cried reading this fanfic, and obviously I hope you update soon si I can cry again lol ; u ;
Nightgray #6
Chapter 30: It's really good:) i hope you update soon,i always look forward to reading your fanfics
hopelesslover4268 #7
Chapter 30: Of course Namjoon and the others aren't like Junghan and the rest of the "normals". They will never be the same because Namjoon, Jin, and the rest are so much better. They are kind, compassionate, and strong enough to face their problems and ask for help. And besides, I doubt that anyone in the world is normal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I probably don't make sense but this story makes me feel things lol...
hopelesslover4268 #8
Chapter 30: oh no oh no I'm starting to tear up omfg
JungxKina #9
Chapter 29: yay instagram. I loving exidbts couple in this. our hyung kim seokjin and maknae line seo hyerin, Keep writting author nim. I love your stories and how realistic this is since I also have panic disorder when Im younger.. author nim fighting. (* I h8 xuihan devil team but somehow I really want to see them not so evil so do diva junghan. )