Chapter 7 - Pre-debut

Our Pre-Debut Love Story (EXO)
November 2008...
Yejin waited and waited but there were no actions from Seulgi or Junmyeon.
Maybe he decided that I was not his true love afterall. Maybe he regretted asking Seulgi for help. She sighed as she stared blankly into space, shivering as the cold autumn / winter wind brushed against her skin. She pulled her black nike ankle-length down jacket closer around her body as she watched the busy filming crews running around the set of her first ever shooting for her senior, Shinee's music video.
Yejin was selected amongst the many SM trainees for this shoot because her good friend, Taemin had recommended her when they were sourcing for their MV female lead. She had never participated in any official filming before and she was extremely nervous ever since she got the news for the selection.
"Yejin-ah!" Taemin shouted excitedly as he came running towards her. "Look who came to visit us on set!"
Who? Could it be Junmyeon? Yejin heart skipped a beat as she became hopeful. Maybe he is here to surprise me and to support my first filming!
Don't be stupid, why would he do that? The little devil residing within her brain laughed at her own silliness.
Because he has a close hyung and dongsaeng relationship with Taemin? Or because he is a close friend of Minho? Yejin argued inwardly.
Shw turned in the direction where Taemin was pointing to and she saw a happy Jongin waving back at them. Yejin face fell immediately when she could not find Junmyeon in the group of SM trainees. She scowled when she spotted a tall Chanyeol among the group.
What is he doing here? My mood was good before he was here. Now I am just feeling pissed. Yejin had no idea why she disliked Chanyeol so much. Maybe it was the way he looked at her. Or maybe it was just his overall presence which brought discomfort to her. Yejin didn't know and neither did she care.
"Taeman-ah!" Jongin jumped right into his buddy and gave him a tight reunion hug. "Solji-nim brought us out for a field trip!"
Jongin pulled himself apart from his best friend to take a good look at him from head to toe. "Taeman-ah, are you taking good care of yourself? Why do you look so skinny?"
"What? I am not skinny! I have been bulking up some muscles. Let me show you." Taemin said proudly as he proceeded to lift up his shirt to reveal his flat boyish tummy.
In the cold. Yejin rolled her eyes at her childish same-aged friends.
"Ya! There's nothing! Are you sure you are doing it right?" Jongin asked. "Let you show you the real muscles that I have been building for a while. But not here. Not in this cold. I don't want to do it here."
"Ya, real man will do it here! Like me!" Taemin argued as he attempted to lift up Jongin's shirt. Jongin screamed at his attack and ran away with Taemin chasing right behind him.
"Boys." Yejin snorted as Seungyeon came up to her. She threw her a warm pack and passed her a cup of hot coffee, which she had brought from the Holly's Coffee nearby before reaching here.
"Thanks. I needed that." Yejin smiled in delight as she snuggled the warmpack against her chest and slurped down the hot coffee. "Ahhhhhhhh. Delicious. This feels good. Better than these ugly padded jacket that doesn't even keep me warm."
"Stop complaining. You wouldn't have survived until now if not for the ugly jacket." Seungyeon said as she sat down on the foldable chair next to Yejin. "So... How did the filming go?"
"It was fine. I only filmed one scene so far, which involved me running down the platform with the camera chasing behind me. The only thing they could have done better is to give me a warmer and prettier set of costume." Yejin whined as she pulled apart her padded jacket to reveal the thin layer of clothes beneath.
"Wow. It's... really hideous." Seungyeon laughed while pointing at her clothes. "What a 'fashionista' you are, Jin-ah!"
"Yejin-ssi!" The director for the music video shouted into his makeshift coned microphone. "Please get ready for the next scene!"
"Ye~ Director-nim! I am coming right over!" Yejin replied.
"See you in a while!" Yejin waved as she jogged over to her spot.
The 'a while' that Yejin had expected turned out to be a 3-hour long shooting. The director had made her run up and down the stairs to get his perfect angle. By the time they were done, all the energy that Yejin had previously were gone. She dropped herself down on the ground when the director shouted "cut! Okay!" and waited for the staffs to come and help her up like they did before.
But nobody came to her side. None at all.
What? Are they done with me already? Am I just a disposable object in the music video? Yejin was about to throw a tantrum when someone grabbed her on both sides from the back and helped her up on her two feet. She spun herself around to see who it was but her jelly legs got caught in themselves and she fell right into the arms of that person.
"Are you okay?" Yejin immediately recognised his voice. It was extremely familiar and it sounded like home to her. She put on her best smile before tilting her head up to face him.
"Thank you, oppa. I am fine. Maybe just a little tired and off condition." She said as sweetly as she could.
"Good, let's bring you to somewhere warmer." Junmyeon smiled brightly as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her along. But not after he took off his coat and throw it over her shoulder.
Am I dreaming? Did I faint from the fatigue and started dreaming? Yejin giggled inwardly as she felt her mind floating.
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Cant wait to read this story!!