Chapter 5 - MT

Our Pre-Debut Love Story (EXO)
October 2008...
One month already... How long more do I have to stay here before they kick me out? Chanyeol sighed as he looked at his watch. It was 6AM in the morning and the sun was barely up. The sky was still dark with a hint of orange glow. He was leaning against the wall outside Dong-Seoul bus terminal, waiting for the rest of the trainees to turn up. He stared at the trees along the road, they were beginning to turn yellow or orange, signaling the start of yet another autumn before the harsh winter come again.
Chanyeol had hated winter. He hated the cold. But he loved the skiing and snowboarding that he could only do in winter. As much as he hated to exercise, skiing and snowboarding were too fun to miss, in his opinion.
His parents had dropped him off at the bus terminal while on their way to work. Today was his first MT trip with the rest of the SM trainees and staffs and he had hoped that it would be the last. Today, he would be formally introduced to all the other trainees that he had not met before due to the class hierarchy.
Chanyeol had no clue or idea about the location of the MT trip. He could not be bothered about it. He adjusted the duffle bag on his shoulder as he waited slightly impatiently for the other trainees to appear.
They are late. Why am I not surprised. He had expected them to be on time, judging by how strict the training schedules were. He pushed his heavy glasses that were sliding down his nose bridge. He was glad that he brought his contact lenses with him and he couldn't wait to change into them.
Many of the other trainees and teachers had asked him why he did not wear contacts instead of glasses during trainings. Chanyeol had lied that he had never wore contacts before in his life. To him, it was a white lie. He did not want the rest of them to see what an ulzzang he was. He, himself, knew that he was good looking. In fact, Chanyeol was proud of his handsome looks. Many girls had fell heads over heels for him ever since he was in elementary school. He had been approached countless times by modeling agency when he was on the streets shopping with his mother and sister. He just did not want SM to keep him for his looks. He wanted them to kick him out so that he can go back to his normal average life.
Right then, a car was parked right in front of him and his archenemy stepped right out of it. Chanyeol rolled his eyes as he recognised the girl in short black hair. "Kim Yejin." He whistled once the car drove away.
"Park Chanyeol." She said with equal dislike. "Where are the rest?"
Chanyeol shrugged and returned his attention to the trees before his eyes. After that very incident during lunch on his first day of training in SM, their relationship had worsened to a level that could no longer be salvaged. Yejin hated him and he hated her and it was a well known fact amongst the trainees, even those who are not in his class.
She sighed as she glared at him. He is so unlikeable. She picked up her backpack, which she had conveniently dumped on the floor and headed into the bus terminal. She was about to step into the fast food joint, Lotteria when she found Chanyeol following behind her. She spun around to face him.
"Are you stalking me or what?" She asked sarcastically.
"Just in case I was waiting at the wrong place and had wasted my time and my sleep." He said nonchalantly. "Are you getting breakfast? I am hungry."
"Yeah, whatever. Suit yourself." She retorted as she strolled into the restaurant.
"One wild shrimp burger with coke to go please." Yejin told the man behind the counter who looked slightly older than her. She smiled sweetly which made his heart melt. No one can resist Yejin's charms if she wanted to show them. Not even this stranger behind the counter. No one.
"Made that two." Chanyeol said as he dugged out his wallet to pay for their meal. He slapped two ten thousand won bill on the counter.
The man looked from Yejin to Chanyeol and then back to her. "To-together?" He asked.
Before Yejin could respond, Chanyeol said, "Yes, together" as he shoved the bill into the cashier's hand. The man nodded and accepted his money. He looked slightly disappointed to see another man with her.
Yejin took out her wallet and counted the exact change before stuffing it into the front pocket of his jacket. He looked at her with a question mark written on his face as he cocked his head to one side.
"I don't like getting free meals for no reason." She said as she pretended to look out of the window. Deep down, she was confused. If he had hated her so much, why was he treating her this way? Like an oppa.
"Don't worry, I had no intention to treat you either. I just wanted to get change for my big notes." He smiled sarcastically at her, which was rewarded by another intense glare from her.
"2 wild shrimp set to go!" The lady behind the collection counter shouted. Chanyeol picked up both their breakfast and headed outside without waiting for her. He walked back to the taxi stand where he had been waiting before she turned up. A few of the other trainees had finally arrived, along with two buses that would fetch them to their MT location.
"Hyung!" Sehun waved frantically, relieved to finally found someone he actually knew.
"They said to board the first bus." He told Chanyeol when he was finally beside him. Sehun bowed slightly to Yejin before dragging him up the bus.
Double updates :)
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Cant wait to read this story!!