Chapter Three

The Sister Switch
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Nari's P.O.V

“Isn’t high school the best?” Kei bubbles as we head to the locker room after lunch for fifth period. It is time for the class I’ve been dreading all day.

I smile in spite of myself. One thing I love about Kei is her great attitude. The girl can get excited about anything… even gym class. And I have to agree that, for the most part, high school is the best.

So far I love my classes, especially maths and English. They have a salad bar at lunch- with croutons. Yum! The band room is new and has amazing acoustics, and I can’t wait for Jazz Ensemble auditions next week. So even though now it’s time for the humiliation and torture teachers call physical education, I try to count my blessings. One good thing is the fact that Kei is in my class. There’s nothing better than a little moral support in desperate times like these.

I look over at Kei’s smiling face. “Yup, pretty great… so far,” I agree, trying to look upbeat.

Kei gives me a worried look and opens her locker, which is next to mine. Then she grabs me by the shoulders. “Repeat after me,” she instructs quietly. “Gym rocks.”

I roll my eyes. “I can’t say that,” I tell her. “I’d be lying.”

Kei giggles “Yeah. You’re right. But it might not be so bad…the seniors have a gym lesson the same time as we have ours. You might even be able to attract the attention of one of the hot guys in the class. Senior year has the hottest guys. OH! And the boys soccer team is out practicing on the field. You know what that means.”  She remarks with a wink in my direction as she pulls her clean gym shirt on.

I hang my clothes in my locker and put on my own unflattering gym gear, marvelling at the fact that this stuff is what Ari loves to wear. Then, before I can think too much about how to get out of this class, Kei grabs my arm and pulls me out the door.

“Can you believe how nice Mrs. Jeon is?” Kei asks, changing the subject back to music and our new band teacher. “Sooooo nice. And the auditorium has a real stage with lights and everything.”

I’m not sure if she’s trying to distract me or if she’s just being Kei, but either way I’m grateful. 

“You’re going to look great playing your flute up there,” I tell her as we follow the rest of our class outside.

“I hope so. Who knows, I might end up making a guy fall for me with my awesome flute skills.” She winks while miming a flute playing with her hands. I smile. 

She gets so delirious when it comes to guys sometimes. Well, most times. Maybe, all the time.

“Thirsty much?” I exclaim to her.

“Better be interested than not be interested at all.” she sticks her tongue out in retort. Her eyes start to wonder to a group of boys near us. 

“Talking about boys…” she trails off, her eyes catching sight of a guy in a sleeveless sport shirt revealing toned biceps talking amongst his friends. He has slanted eyes and was wearing a snapback. I look over at Kei to see that she is biting her bottom lip. 

I roll my eyes. This girl seems to have a thing with sporty boys, even though I have to admit, this one looks quite charming and for a minute I see the guy making eye contact with Kei; or in particular our class, probably curious about the 1st years. 

“Hey, I’m going to pretend to faint and would you try to make that guy over there perform CPR with me?” Kei whispers to me. 

Is she joking around?

You have got to be kidding me. 

“That’s just low.” I whisper harshly back, even though nobody around us cares what we’re saying anyways.

“But he’s so hot. I just can’t help but imagine how his lips would be like on mine.” Kei whimpers back.

She’s such a ert. I wrinkle my nose; she’s joking alright.

“HEADS UP!” yells a low voice. A touch football is seen swivelling in the air at full force and before we knew it, it hard-out knocks Kei flat on her head, the impact is so strong she lands on the ground.

“OH MY GOD.” I yelp in horror, my mouth aghast.

I can’t tell if she’s pretending or not.

“Kei! Can you hear me?!” I frantically manoeuvre my hands around her face and arms not knowing what to do.

“Can someone help me??” I say helplessly. This seems to attract the attention of the group of guys near us.

“What happened to her?” the snapback guy that Kei was ogling at earlier asks.

“I don’t know. So like, a kind of football went flying over and before I knew it, it knocked the living daylight out of my friend.” I ramble to the guy.

“She must be really weak if a football can cause her to black out. Pathetic.” the guy’s friend snorts lightly. I frown at him.

“What are you trying to imply Jungkook? Not all girls are as strong as the ones you idealise.” the snapback guy snaps.

The Jungkook guy rolls his eyes. This guy has an attitude.

“Was she dehydrated when she came on the field? Or was she not feeling very well at the beginning of the day?” the snapback guy ask me with seriousness.

“I-I don’t really know. She was fine the whole day until the football got pelted at her.” I answer back at him.

“Is she asthmatic? The shock probably made her breathing irregular.” snapback guy ask again.

“Y-Yeah. She does have asthma…but I don’t think-” 

Before I could finish what I was about to say. He positions Kei in recovery position and checks her breathing. His eyebrows furrow and then moves her until she is faced upward. He checks her breathing again before blocking her nose and parting her lips.

My mouth hangs agape. Is he actually giving her resuscitation? 

And then my sight is greeted with the scene. This guy is so passionate in saving people.

I’m not even sure if Kei’s actually unconscious. She better be or I would feel so bad for the guy having to worry about her.

The Jungkook guy face-palms himself, then using his index finger and thumb he holds his nose bridge shaking his head. It’s probably not the first time seeing his friend trying to save other people’s lives or even thinking if that person needs saving or not.

“Jimin…” The Jungkook guy mumbles. So snapback guy’s name is Jimin.

Kei slowly opens her eyes and slightly furrows her eyebrows. The Jimin guy’s face lightens up.

“You’re conscious again. Are you feeling better?” he ask with slight concern. I shake my head. She was probably conscious the whole time. But feeling better? She probably can die a happy death knowing a hot guy attempted to resuscitate her. She is feeling WAY more than better.

She let out an almost inaudible groan before positioning herself up. She rubs the place where the football made impact with her head and slightly winces. 

I seriously can’t tell if she’s acting or not. If she is, she should seriously consider to major in acting.

“What happened?” she asks.

“You supposedly out. That’s what happened.” I say to her with a slight frown.

“You remember what happened?” The Jimin guy asks.

“Something really hard hit me. And then I realise that I’m on the floor and miraculously two handsome guys I was ogling at earlier appear in front of me?” she says with a slight awkward chuckle. 

The Jimin guy slightly chuckles. 

I lean in towards her, “He gave you what you wanted.” I whisper in her ear. Her eyes widen as she looks at me.

“Okay. No signs of a concussion. You’re good to go. Next time you should be a bit more aware of your surroundings or try to brush up on your reflexes. They seem to be a bit slow.” The Jimin guy gives her a smile and a pat on the shoulder.

“Since she’s all better, can we go now St.Park?” The Jungkook guy says while raising one eyebrow.

“Someone’s being a grouch.” The Jimin guy retorts and clucks his tongue before standing up. He offers a hand to assist Kei up. She takes it and lifts herself up.

“Let’s go now. We’ve slacked off more than necessary. I bet you Coach Chae’s going to rage when he finds out.” The Jungkook guy says to the Jimin guy.

“You’re the golden boy, he won’t even care if you slack off.” 

“Yeah? Well, he’s going to rage when he finds out the team’s substitute goalie is.” The Jungkook guy says playfully with a smirk.

“OK, jeez,” The Jimin guy laughs and turns to Kei, “well, I was just about to you to the infirmary, just in case but I guess I have to go.” He jabs his thumb to the soccer field.

“Are you usually this attentive with girls?” I can’t help but perk up. The Jimin guy glances over me and smiles.

“I can guarantee you that this isn’t a ploy for picking up girls. I’m like this with everyone that’s injured and you can expect it to be like that with any guy that takes up Biology and is studying to become a General Practitioner.” he says.

So guys like this actually exist? I tilt my head in questioning.

The Jungkook guy glances over at me and seems to know what I was thinking before saying, “Yeah. He is quite passionate.” 

He then glances over to Kei and says, “Don’t misunderstand his kindness for anything else.”

He leans over to Kei and whispers, “You’re going to get hurt. Besides from his ambitions to becoming a doctor, he doesn’t seem to care about anything else.”

Kei’s eyes widen for a bit and stares at the Jungkook guy for a while. He shrugs at her, gives her a pat on the shoulder and jogs up beside the Jimin guy before both of them head towards their team.

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jungkook and ari's rivalry is cute aha ^_^
yuinaru #2
Chapter 3: I really like Nari XD this story is so interesting * * there's BTS, CLC and lovelyz ajdjkskdkjdksk and omg that Jimin and kei moment haha
Oh my god..Update soon, Author-nim! This fan-fiction is really catchy and it really needs more attention because it's really cool. ;3;
ChoSaku_ #4
Chapter 5: They're definitely twins :3/?
ChoSaku_ #5
Chapter 4: MORE PLEASE~~~