Cinderella: More then just a fairly-tale



In a small land, there lived a family. A father, mother, and their only child. They live at a time where kings and queens rule and it was their duty to follow. But they lived quite a distance from the palace, at the very end of the village, surrounded by trees and animals. In their home, the Lao family has animals and plants to care for. Besides a few chickens the Lao family also have maids in their home. But they still treat them like family. The Lao’s are well respected and loved by all.

The man of the house hold is Khuhyun. He is a business man who travels throughout the land. Though he is not home much often, he gives his all when he returns. Bringing small gifts to his daughter and out to have small picnics with his wife and child. The lady of the house hold is Min Young. She is a well-poised and elegant young woman. She shows much love to her husband and daughter. Always carries a smile to warm her family’s heart.

The daughter of the household is none then other Ella. She is a beautiful and joyous child. She loves to run around in the yard with her dogs and help her mother with the chores. She loves to sing with her mother. Ella loves to do nothing but dream and there is nothing wrong with a little dreaming.

“Mother,” whispers the small child.

“Yes?” Her mother turns and caresses the child’s cheek.

“Do you think fairy god mothers are real?” she asked as she looks up at the blue sky.

The two lies in an open, grassy field. The little girl wears a soft blue dress and he mother wears a white one.

“Of course!” her mother giggles.

“But how? Are they not just a fairy tale?” the young child asked.

The mother smiles and hugs her daughter, “There’s nothing wrong with believing is there? Though they seem like they are off a fairy tale, it doesn’t hurt to just believe.”

The child pouts, “Mom do you believe in them?”

With a big smile and love shown in her mother’s eyes she answers, “Yes, I believe in them.”

The child gives off a warm laugh, “Then I too will have faith in, just like mommy!” the child wraps her small arms to around her mother and hugs her. The mother smiles and hugs her small child.

“There’s my lovely ladies!!!” boomed a male voice.

The daughter perks up on the sound of her father voice. “Daddy!”

He runs to his child and meets her half way. She jumps into his arms and hugs him tightly, “Daddy you’re home.”

He laughs, “Yes, daddy is home.” He twirls her around and sets her back down. He turns to his wife and gives her a small kiss on her cheek, “My queen.” He jokes.

With his wife hands intertwined with his and his daughter around his waist as he carries her, they return home.




The first chapter of the story, short I know, but there is a reason, lol. Its the intro...in a way.

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