Prologue: My Protector

A Thousand Years
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I twirled under the bright sunlight. My dress brushed against my skin as I danced through the clouds. My wings fluttered on my back and my hair fell like light strands of silk. My tiara shined as I spun around in circles, enjoying myself. But a wrong step lead me to my most memorable memories. I remember falling off and landing on firm clouds that covered the entire heaven. I was able to see so many angels that I wasn't allowed to see before. I stared in awe, and didn't notice the man who was staring right back at me. The next thing I knew, he was walking up to me.

"Are you okay?" The man asked, his sparkling eyes looked towards me with worries.

"Yes sir! I'm fine. Sorry about that." I fluttered up and brushed my dress. "I guess I should be careful next time, haha" I laughed nervously.

"How did you even fall? Do you come from the palace?" He asked, staring deeply into my eyes. I noticed how warm grey his eyes were. It rushed a warm feeling down my body. I blushed.

"Yes I am. I'm the princess actually. I must have stepped of a cloud and landed here. My bad, I'll just, uh, go back then" I started walking away.

"Wait! Miss Mina! I cannot let the princess go like this. Although I'm not an actual bodyguard, let me help you guide you back. I must prove my kindness to the royal family as well." The man said.

"Alright sir, thank you." My cheeks were getting warm, but I never understood that feeling.

"My name's Luhan, miss." He looked at me. I stared at him back.

"Please, call me Mina. It's hard enough for me to bear each servant saying that." The man named Luhan laughed and I couldn't help but giggle as well.

"Well, Mina, I shall bring you to the king and queen" Luhan bowed.

"Well, Luhan, you shall bring me to my parents I guess." I laughed. 

And that's the day I met him.


"Thank you so much, young Luhan." The queen said.

"You have prooven yourself to be trustworthy enough." The king said with pride. "I know grant you the title as the princess's personal guard".

I smiled at Luhan, giving him a thumbs up. He smiled back and did a cute pose I never quite understood. We've been talking more often after the first day we met, and I guess we just cr

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