Part I



Part I:
She stood alone, gazing at the pictures of twelve boys. The boys that gave her hope, but her hope was now gone....long gone. 
The tears streamed down her delicate face staining her cheeks with marks of regret, pain and agony. Why, why did this have to happen?!? She never did anything to upset anyone, she was always kind, but the question will always remain. 
She picked up a picture, elegantly placing it in her lap while she sat on the cold ground. The picture was of her with all of them, happy and calm, but her world had soon turned sad and chaotic. She their faces through the glass. Tear drops landing gently on the frame. 
She put the picture back while she stayed, sullenly sitting in the ashen bedroom she had become accustomed to. When she had heard the news she had cried her heart out, but at the funerals the tears were gone alongside her happiness, she was now living but not alive. 
Her head was down as if she didn't even have the strength to look up, but she heard a noise and then twelve harmonizing voices talking to one another. Each one as beautiful as the one before. It had caught her by surprise as she looked up to see twelve boys standing in front of her, the same twelve in the picture that she was longingly looking at. How?...They smiled at her. 
She was still in shock but soon smiled back, her world going from black and white to colour once again. They each kept on talking, their velvety soft voices embracing her warmly. Seconds later, they sang, sounding like a choir that had come from heaven, but it hurt her. No, she didn't want to feel this horrible feeling. Why was she feeling this way?, her Angels were with her safe and happy once again. 
Her heart soon felt like it was being squeezed as her lungs were screaming for air. "Stop!" She yelled at the twelve boys. "Please, it hurts!" She helplessly cried as she lied on the floor her vision becoming blurry but the smiles on their bright faces staying clear. Soon, they faded from her vision as she felt her stomach, a warm liquid oozed out, red and thick. 
Her Angels were nowhere to be seen now and she knew she would see them once again as she gripped the dagger lodged in her stomach and yanked it out, now aiming it at her heart as she cried and smiled at the same time. Everything in black and white once again. 
There were no Angels, there were no voices. She was alone. Alone and in pain, yet feeling glee at the same time. Had she finally had enough and gone crazy. She couldn't tell, but her Eyes slowly closed as the life inside of her slowly slipped away, she smiled. 
You hurt me........
A/n- ^_^ hope anyone who read this enjoyed. I have no idea whether I should keep it as a one shot or continue it with an Idea I had in mind. For anyone reading this, please let me know your opinion


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