I have many secrets!

Your my lady

Chelsea looked around and she couldn't see him anywhere. "Did I imagin him" she thought to herself. "Oi oi over here this is your class" a voice said behind her. she turned around and saw him standing by a door. He then went in and she silently followed him. she went in and sat down. only a few other students were there. she was suprised when Aiden sat at a desk next to her. "Are you in my class" she asked him.

"Yep it seems that we have Chemistry together" he teased.

Chelsea sat there quietly trying to think of something they could talk about or something she could tell him to make her self seem intresting. little by little the classroom started to fill."Are you done" Aiden asked Chelsea.

"Done what?" Chelsea questioned him.

"I know what your thinking it's so obvious" He told her.

"What am i thinking then?" Chelsea questioned the boy.

"Your thinking how can such a perfect guy exsist. Adien is my dream boy, he is soooo cute is ever going to love me. I wonder how good a kisser he is." Aiden said mockingly.

"I was not thinking that I was thinking about.........."

"Me" Aiden interuppted.

Chelsea got annoyed so she started to ignore him. She could see Adien grinning out of the corner of her eye. "I feel like slapping that girn off his face" she mubbled to her self.

Suddenly a girl started to shout. "Hes coming" she screamed. Suddenly a boy walked in. His eyes sparkled. He was the most gorgeous boy Chelsea had ever seen.

"He's taken" Aiden told Chelsea snapping her out of her trance.

"Who is he" Chelsea asked him.

"His name is Kim Taehyung. He's my....."  Aiden was interuppted by a sudden voice. "Hey babe" It was Taehyung. Aiden turned round and Taehyung placed a soft kiss on his lips. Chelsea was completely shocked.

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Chapter 1: You know it's actually quite good so far but text me and I'll tell you how to hide chapters so you can write them and then turn off hide chapter so people can read them !!
Chapter 1: You're dead wait till I see u at school