A Love Square



You know what people say.. It hurts the most when you know the person you love doesn't love you back. But what if I told you that there's a feeling way worse than that? What if you had all the love you needed, from the very person you needed it from, but that person wasn't who you wanted it from?
It's hard to get over somebody who you wanted to be your everything. But somebody probably deserves them more than you do, in the end.
Ah.. those typical love triangles. It happens all the time. You like someone, they like you back, but somebody from their past comes along and the heart of the one you love falters. It's definitely a difficult situation to get past, but trust me, I've had to deal with a lot worse than that.
How can it be worse than that, you might ask? Well, we're not talking about an average love triangle here.. we're talking about a love SQUARE. It might sound confusing, but it's really not. Let me explain.
I love somebody. But that somebody loves my female bestfriend, who loves my male bestfriend, who loves me. Does that make sense? Maybe not.. Let me put in the names.
I love Yong Junhyung. However, Junhyung loves my bestfriend Son Soyeon. Soyeon loves my other bestfriend Yang Yoseob, but Yoseob loves me. 
How am I supposed to get around this?
Me, Lee Nabi. 
17 years old. A senior at Seoul High School. I live with my brother, Lee Junho, because my parents are always away on business trips. I'm pretty well off, and I spend a lot, but I never flaunt my wealth, and I love to shop and buy things for other people. I'm kind of quiet, but I open up quite easily if you put an effort into getting to know me.
Son Soyeon
My bestfriend. I met her when I was in Kindergarten. She's older than me by around four months or so. When I met her, I was being bullied, but like Superwoman, she came to my rescue and warded them off. Her mom is the superintendent of all the schools in Seoul, and her dad is a surgeon in one of Seoul's most prestige hospitals. She has an older brother (who will be revealed later!), so she learned Taekwondo to keep him off her back.
Yong Junhyung (not going to elaborate just yet. It will be revealed later!)
The rapper of BEAST. Has a rough exterior but when his walls get broken, he can be warm and sympathetic. Has a thing for girls who are rough just like him.
Yang Yoseob
My other bestfriend. We were practically raised together. Our parents are bestfriends, so we got to see each other very often as kids. He used to always play with me and he would always be the shoulder I cried on during my roughest times. He protected me and treated me like I was one of his siblings. He's the main vocal of BEAST, and he has a thing for sensitive and girly girls.
And.. the rest of BEAST, of course!


Unlike other ff's I've read (they're all excellent, if I do say so myself), there will be no main protagonist in this story. But there will be bumps in the road as you read on.


It's a "you" and others fic, so pretend that you're Nabi (:


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i still want nabi and junnie. but this relationship is so difficult. aigoo. but i still want nabi and junnie.....
Update soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes he confessed..but Nabi likes Junhyung ang Junhyung like Soyeon and Soyeon like Yoseob and the public knows Junhyung and Nabi's relationship..<br />
Ahh!! this is so confusing..<br />
Update more :)
YES !!!<br />
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Even though i voted for JunHyung Oppa .. XP
shingzhattap #6
ah...really cute chapter...i love nabi & yoseob... :)) update soon.. !! ^-^ ♥♥
omo.. she is going to be torn when she finds out it is soyeon and junnie..
bzztpewpew #8
"Nabi" means butterfly in Korean! ^____^. It sounded pretty to me, so I decided to use it :)
shingzhattap #9
aaaii...this story is so awesome.. im really really confuse.. junseob is my bias. .but i dont know who will end up with who..but i think its better if yoseob & isun end up with each other and junhyung with soyeon..coz it's kinda complicated if yoseob ends up with soyeon, coz she has this "tough-girl" personality and yoseob has "girly-man", sensitive, sweet guy..update soon!! :)) btw, i saw a word "nabi" on the bus earlier and i remembered your story.. :) love it so much..
Aishh!! JunHyung don't fall for her!!!!!!!!1<br />
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Update soon~