To be a Badass or not to be...?


Kyung raced out if his house, not daring to cry. Ut had taken him years to perfect his badass look. Baggy jacket, tank top, rings, tight black skinny jeans and lose, untied trainers. The loud, outrageous red hair stood out also. He was frequently asked which gang he was in. He frowned, slinging his bag over his shoulder and doing a 'swaggy' walk down the road. He popped gum into his mouth in an attempt to make him cooler. In high school, he was a nerd. Glass, flat black hair, gamer shirts...and parents who loved him. That changed as soon as he left. It was currently 10pm. Clubbing or find a place to stay...' Kyung was gay yes. That was obvious before his drastic change. He was so lost in thought he didn't see a group of six heading towards him. Kyung shoved past them, only to be pulled back by a bleach blonde male. He looked up and the other looked down. "The do you want?" Kyung asked, unfazed. Zico, intrigued by this male on smirked. "What's your problem eh? Walking into me like you own the place." "Not like YOU own it now is it, blondey?" Zico blinked and Kyung's words. Frowning as his gang said things like 'You got severed' 'Powned!' Shorty has a point. This angered the tall blonde. He sharply turned to the short redhead and drew back his fist. Faster than anyone could react, ge bore his knuckle across Kyung's face. P.K tched. He looked at the leader, unfazed as he felt his cheek had a soaring pain like a million razor edged daggers. His glanced down, feeling blood from his nose. "Oh." Was all he said ad he wiped it away with his sleeve. Calmly ge walked past the others, stunning them. Kyung smirked before tackling the blonde. Zico yelled in surprise as he struck the floor. Kyung had his arm locked behind his back, sat on him. "Woah. It worked." Park Kyung was surprised himself. Yukwon and the others blinked. Their was that east to take down? Kyung slid off him, walking away as if nothing ever happened, bag still on his shoulder.


Wassup? You can call me Aight. This is my first fanfic is ZiKyung with hints of TaePyo, Ubomb etc. I love constructive criticism and if you have any ideas, please tell me! - Love from Aight Da Bomb

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