So Close Yet so Far

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you’s pov


I was surprised to have a call so late at night from Wooyoung, especially since we see each other every day and at night we do our very heavily piled homework or assignments and essays as they call it. He sounded very choked up and he had an extremely serious tone in his voice. He worried me with that phone call; I imagined the worst as I got my wallet, keys, iPhone and iPod and quietly went out the door. I didn’t want my parents or sister to know, they would freak if they knew I was out of the house after 10. After all I was known as a good girl, never out of the house after 10pm, always informing my parents where I went, always hanging out in a group.


We agreed to meet each other at a playground near my house. Once I got out of the lift and turned to face the playground, I saw him looking down staring at the playground floor, the moonlight hitting him at an angle that really flattered him.


How come I never noticed this before?


I’ll deny everything if anyone asks but he actually looked…handsome, being so serious…WHOA!!! Why am I having butterflies in my stomach?! I mean he’s just a friend right?


I approached him quite slowly; he looked up at me with a heartbreaking look in his eyes.

“Jeongmal mian but my father is making me go back to Korea”


“What? When?” I replied slowly taking it all in


“Tomorrow morning, at 10am”


“WHAT?! But that doesn’t even give us time to give you a farewell party! Darian and Gemma would want to say goodbye to you too and I haven’t spent enough time with you!”


It then hit me! What did I just say!!!!!!! Is this some kind of slow reaction?


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deCasindazoNe #1
deCasindazoNe is me.....what goin on with the name?
2pm_21 #2
unnie~~ please update soon!!!!
Oh How terrible things are so dismal for now I hope he comes back soon!!!! THANK YOU FOR UPDATING!!!
Wow what a dream I bet he could barely catch his breath!!!!! AWWWW he had a dream about her!!!!!!!!!!
Craving for an update >///< can't stop reading it over and over again!
OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!
OH NO! STUPID RAIN! hahahaha imagining this makes me squirled my hands! CUTE!
OH No what is he going to do!!!!!!!!!
Wooyoung is sad. AWWW!!!!!