Life Goes On...

Back to the Beginning
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And now to continue our story... Told you I'd be back XD

you’s pov



He still seemed very wary of me. The next time we had the same class together, we sat together again. I wanted to start a conversation with him when suddenly the lecturer announced


“I need you all to pair up with the person next to you, this project is worth 30% of your final grade, I want you to hand it up by Monday next week”


 GREAT! Now I can get to know him a lot better over the week!!! I looked at him to see his reaction and what I saw saddened me completely. He looked upset, angry, disappointed all combined in one. I AM NOT GOING TO LET THAT STOP ME!

 I asked him rather coldly in English which part of the project he wanted to work on first. He looked confused.


OH! He didn’t speak English. I was discouraged but then pulled myself together and remembered that this was 30% of my grade! I was not going to let this language barrier lower my grade.


My parents would be upset if my grades dropped. I typed into google translate what I wanted to tell him:


I'm not going to let the language barrier to stop us from getting good grades, so lets do a good job together ok?


He nodded


Again I googled instructions to him on where to meet and he seemed to understand a little. Well he looked abit confused reading it. Darn the inaccurate Korean on google translate!


Days passed quickly when I was working with him. Everyday after school, I’d meet him outside our class building. We’d then head out to one location and once we settled down somewhere, we’d work on our project.


I neither looked forward to nor detested working with him. He was pretty easy to work with though our only

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deCasindazoNe #1
deCasindazoNe is me.....what goin on with the name?
2pm_21 #2
unnie~~ please update soon!!!!
Oh How terrible things are so dismal for now I hope he comes back soon!!!! THANK YOU FOR UPDATING!!!
Wow what a dream I bet he could barely catch his breath!!!!! AWWWW he had a dream about her!!!!!!!!!!
Craving for an update >///< can't stop reading it over and over again!
OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!
OH NO! STUPID RAIN! hahahaha imagining this makes me squirled my hands! CUTE!
OH No what is he going to do!!!!!!!!!
Wooyoung is sad. AWWW!!!!!