
Korean 101 with J.Lee


There's no words for he/she/they so for this, you need to specify a person's name or a group of people. And then add these pronouns to these verb tenses. It is optional when you know what/who you're talking about.

How to conjugate the verbs.

A. Present tense.

1. Put a ㄴ or 는 in front of the 다.
*ㄴ is a bottom consonant. put a ㄴ if the word before 다 doesn't have a bottom consonant.
**는 is for words that already have a bottom consonant.
Ex. 먹다, 운동하다
햄버거 먹는다-I'm eating a hamburger. (Adding 는 because 먹 already has a bottom consonant so you can't add a ㄴ)
운동한다-I exercise. (Adding ㄴ as a bottom consonant for 하 because 하 doesn't have a bottom consonant yet)

2. If there's a ㅂ bottom consonant before the 다, get rid of the ㅂ and add 워. Get rid of 다 as well.
Ex. 춥다, 무섭다
추워, I'm cold
무서워, I'm scared.

B. Commands (this will be helpful for the other tenses)

1. Get rid of the 다. for 하다 words, change 하 to 해 and get rid of 다.
Ex. 하다, 일어나다, 만나다
해!-Do it!
일어나-Wake up/Get up
만나-Meet [someone]

2. OR Add 어
If the word before 다 has a bottom consonant, add 어. sometimes add just the vowel.
Ex. 먹다, 걷다, 쓰다, 신다, 죽다
써-Wear [hat/glasses]
신어-Put on your shoes

3. OR Add ㅕ
If the word before 다 has a ㅣ vowel, the command changes to ㅕ.
Ex. 마시다, 가르치다, 지다, 기달리다

C. Past Tense

1. This follows along with the commands. So for the first set of commands, 하다 words add ㅆ as a bottom consonant.
Ex. 하다, 일어나다, 만나다
했다-I did
일어났다-I woke up/got up
만났다-I met [someone]

2. For the words that need 어 added, change it to 었어 for past tense.
Ex. 먹다, 걷다, 쓰다, 신다, 죽다
먹었어-I ate
걸었어-I walked
썼어-I wore [hat/glasses]
신었어-I put on shoes
죽었어-I died.

3. For the words with ㅣ vowel add ㅆ as bottom for ㅕ
Ex. 마시다, 가르치다, 지다, 기달리다
마셨다-I drank
가르쳤다-I taught
졌다-I lost
기달렸다-I waited

D. Future Tense

1. Also follows along with the commands. For words with 하다, add a ㄹ as a bottom consonant to the word before 다 and add the phrase 거야.
Ex. 하다, 일어나다, 만나다
할거야-I will do it
일어날거야-I will wake up
만날거야-I will meet [someone]

2. For the words that need 어 added, change it to 을 and then add 거야.
Ex. 먹다, 걷다, 쓰다, 신다, 죽다
먹을거야-I will eat
걸을거야-I wil walk
쓸거야-I will wear [hat/glasses]
신을거야-I will put on shoes
죽을거야-I will die

3. For the words with the ㅣ vowel before 다, add a ㄹ bottom consonant and then add 거야.
Ex. 마시다, 가르치다, 지다, 기달리다
마실거야-I will drink
가르칠거야-I will teach
질거야-I will lose
기달릴거야-I will wait.

Note: This future tense is informal. Another way of making this informal with by changing ~거야 to ~게.
Ex. 마실게-I will drink

Note: You don't necessarily have to have a pronoun. As long as you know who you're talking about. If you know you're talking about yourself, you don't necessarily have to have 나 in every sentence you say. For the examples I put the word "I" as an example. But you can replace it with you, he, she, they. Remember the pronoun note in the beginning!

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BTSARMY2001 #1
Also, my real name is 시엘라 (Sierra).
BTSARMY2001 #2
안녕하세요! 저는 킴용인 여! Did I spell it correctly? I couldn't remember if I needed to use ㄱ or ㅋ for Kim. I'm learning how to read, spell, and say simple phrases in Korean from my sister who is taking Korean classes in college.
xui-jin #3
my korean paper got an B and i still really upset about it. when i found and open this, why i didnt discovered it much earlier? . now my regrets get more deeper. TT...
teacher, would you update more often?, i sorry for the pressure. but this is really help my understand knowledge especially how to pronouns the correct tone, how to write it back , etc,
and my problem, i still cannot differentiate the under double consonant how to pronouns it. like 나는오고있다.
있지 않다. ( just auto translate) i don't even know if this a correct words.
Chapter 31: This is pretty good! It's pretty easy to understand.선생님 감사합니다~! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
안녕하세요. 저늠 최혜경입니다. ㅇㅅㅇ
I would like to be a student!
Also, I used the generator, so please tell me if the name sounds weird for you. =)
(I can just use my nickname if you're uncomfortable with it.)
soominiecraze #6
안녕하세요. 저는 오수민입니다. I would like to be a student.
Chapter 29: Maybe its a boring topic but I'd like to learn business terms. Like words you'd use around your work place. And maybe formal school terms. For example, assignment, task, deadline etc.
I just realized that I haven't subscribed to this story lmfao
yamitan7 #9
Chapter 29: Sorry about being so quiet >< I'm usually quite inactive in actual lessons too T T
Hmm... I've been wondering for a while but how about slipping a quiz every 2 or 3 lessons? That way, you'll get to know how our Korean is coming along and we get to put our Korean to the test xD
안녕하세요! I'd love to be a student here!
저는 이은지 입니다!