
I'm Here For You

Whenever Jimin was being "bullied" by the other members, Yoongi was always the one Jimin went to. You see, Yoongi and Jimin had a special relationship.
No one ever knew what it was that made it so special, not even them.
One day Jungkook and Taehyung were being especially mean to the poor 95 liner. Their words seemed almost harmless to them but each insult hit Jimin hard.
After having enough of their jokes, Jimin snapped and after putting on his shoes and coat, he ran out into the cold pouring rain.
Yoongi came out of his room moments later complaining about the noise and stopped when he saw Jungkook and Taehyung's guilty and worried faces.

"What did you do?" Yoongi asked the two maknaes' sternly.
Jungkook answered, his voice shaking a little in fear.
"Jimin? What did you say to him and where is he now?"
Taehyung stepped up and calmly told Yoongi the situation. After the explanation, Yoongi put on his shoes and ran out of the dorm to find Jimin.

Jimin wandered aimlessly in the rain for what felt like hours until he decided to go back to the dorm.
'The members must be worried' He thought.
And right he was. As Jimin was making his way back, all of the members were outside looking for him, except Jungkook as he was told to stay home just in case Jimin came back.
Jimin walked for 30 minutes but he couldn't seem to find a road that seemed familiar to him.
He tried to find his cellphone but realised he had left it in the dorm when he left. Jimin sighed at his stupidity and then carried on walking in any random direction.

"JIMIN!?" Yoongi called out desperately "Jimin, where are you!?"


Jimin turned at the sound of his name.

"Jimin, where are you!?"

'Is that Yoongi?' Jimin wondered to himself.


Jimin and Yoongi's eyes met from across the street and both of them sighed in relief, happy to see eachother once again.
Yoongi ran to Jimin as if his life depended on it and as Yoongi reached the younger male on the other side of the street, he collapsed Jimin's embrace.
Worried, Jimin layed a hand on Yoongi's forehead.
"Damn it hyung" Jimin muttered to himself. 
Jimin grabbed Yoongi's cellphone and immediately called Seokjin.

"Yoongi? Have you found Jimin yet?" He asked anxiously.
"Hyung. It's Jimin. Yoongi passed out and he has a fever" Jimin answered.
"Jimin! Thank god! I'll have the manager pick you two up right now, just tell me where you are"
"We're outside of the Wine Book Cafe. Do you know where that is?"
"Yup, it's not that far away. I'll call the manager now. Keep Yoongi warm for now okay?"
"Okay. Thanks hyung"
"Yeah. See you soon Jimin"

Everyone arrived safely back at home and Yoongi was tucked up in his bed. Jimin ran a hand through Yoongi's hair and examined his sleeping face.
He always looked happy when he slept, like he was at peace with the world I suppose, but this time was different. His forehead was creased, brow furrowed. The elder looked almost in pain.
This was the first time Jimin had seen Yoongi so vulnerable.
Jimin heard the bedroom door open and then close again. 

"I brought you some food"
"I'm not hungry now, Jungkook. Just leave it, I'll eat it later"
"Jungkook please"
"I'm sorry hyung. I really am"
"I know"

And with that, Jungkook left the tray on the small bedside table and walked quietly out of the room.
Jimin spent the remainder of the night taking care of Yoongi and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep with his head resting on the edge of the bed.

Jimin woke up to sunlight streaming through the curtains and a very adorable looking Yoongi curled up in his arms.
Jimin wondered when and how he had gotten in the bed but that thought soon faded as Yoongi started to shift.
Yoongi opened his eyes and saw Jimin looking down at him with a smile.
"Morning Jimin" Yoongi said. He sat up, stretched his arms and yawned. Jimin's cheeks flushed a slight tint of pink at the sight of Yoongi's shirt coming up above his waist.
Yoongi saw Jimin's expression and couldn't help but laugh to himself as he patted the younger male's head. After a moment or two Jimin finally found the courage to speak.
"Are you feeling any better hyung? Your fever got pretty high last night"
"I feel better now, thank you" Yoongi relpied "What about you? You must have been really upset to run out like that"
"I'm fine. I just let their jokes get to me"
"Please don't do that again Jimin. I was worried to death, we all were"
Yoongi wrapped Jimin in his arms and held him close. Jimin nuzzled his face into the crook of Yoongi's neck and sighed.
"I'm sorry hyung. I won't run off like that again, I promise"

There was a moment of silence, until Yoongi decided he wanted to voice his thoughts and feelings to Jimin.


"Remember that I'm always here for you"

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Chapter 1: This was very sweet. Yoongi must have been so worried.
andreveronica #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwww yoonmin is life
Chapter 1: Oh.. my heart.. My fluffy little heart~ Love this fic and the OTP, Gosh <3