I Should Have Been First

I Should Have Been First

Jinki is four years old. His mother holds a small baby in her arm. '' Jinki, look, this is your brother, Taemin. '' He approches, and look at the small figure before him. The baby, Taemin, his brother, opens his eyes and look at him. He yawns, then closes his eyes again and snuggles to get more warmt from his mother. '' Can I hold him eomma?'' Jinki asks. ''Not yet, Jinki-ah, he should become stronger before you can. But you're a big boy now, I'm sure you understand, don't you?'' Jinki nods, still a little sad that he didn't get to take his dongsaeng in his arms.


Jinki is six years old. He is playing with his Hot Wheels when a two year-old Taemin arrives and takes the small cars from his hand. ''Taeminnie wants to play too, hyung,'' he says with an almost toothless smile. '' Okay Taeminnie, the red one is mine, you can take the blue.'' 
''No! Taeminnie wants the red car!'' Their mother come to them when she hears the younger's cries, and says to Jinki : '' Jinki, you're a big boy now, leave the red car to your brother, why don't you take the blue one?'' Jinki sighs, but still give up his favourite toy to his dongsaeng. He's the oldest, why can't he keept it?


Jinki is twelve years old. It's the morning, so he does his morning business at the only bathoom of the house, he hears bangs on the door. '' Hyung! Hurry, I need to pee!'' a eight year-old Taemin screams on the other side. ''Wait Taemin, I won't be long.'' 
''But hyuuuung! I need to go now, or I'll pee in my pants. Hurry hyung, hurry''' Annoyed, Jinki leaves the bathroom, and the young Taemin rush in it. After school, Jinki is heading once again to the bathroom, but when Taemin notice, he rush inside so his hyung can't go. ''Taeminnie, please, hurry okay?'' 
''I'll try.'' One minute pass, then five, then ten, then fifteen. ''Taemin, hurry up please!'' Taemin only starts screaming at his older brother, and Mrs Lee says to Jinki : '' Come on Jinki, who's the oldest? You can wait a little, can't you?'' Jinki shrug. Why does being the oldest always mean being second? Why can't he be first for once?


Jinki is sixteen years old. He's in highschool and Taemin is in middle school. That day, there is heavy rain, but only one of them can get in the car with their father to go to school, since his car is full of stuff from his work. Taemin runs to the car and sits in it, even before Jinki finish eating his breakfast. ''But appa! It's not fair! High school is farest than his school, why should I walk in the rain?'' His father hands him an umbrella. ''Jinki, please, you're sixteen, you should be the most mature between you two. Now, stop acting like a baby and go to school or you'll be late.'' Jinki grumbles. Why did Taemin always had to be the winner?


Today is Jinki's birthday. He's finally 21. An adult. His family has a huge party to celebrate. He drinks one can of beer, but he never really liked the taste, so he doesn't drink more. However, Taemin, even though he's underage, is drinking like there is no tomorrow. At 11 PM, he's already drunk, and he is slurring to Jinki: ''Happy birthday,hyuuung~'' Jinki pushes him harshly. His dongsaeng smells bad, and he can't even stay steady. ''Damn Taemin, can't you grow up a little?'' he yells at his brother. Jinki's parents look at him. ''Jinki, come on! What's wrong with you? Who taught you to be so disrespectful with your dongsaeng?'' Jinki explodes. ''Maybe in your time, being older meant to forget yourself, to always think about your dongsaeng before yourself, but I don't think like that! I'm his hyung! Damn, he should at least try to respect me. Why should I respect him if doesn't do the same with me? Can I, for once, be the winner of this arguement? Why does he always win? Is it because he's younger? When you're young, you got every rights?'' After thoses words Jinki goes in his bedroom and slams the door, not wanting anybody to come in his room.

A few hour later, Jinki's mother bangs softly at his door. He is asleep, but the small sound still wake him up. ''What's wrong, eomma?'' She is obviously crying. ''Jinki... Taemin, he went out. In his state. He... he... he had been hit by a car. The paramedic could'... couldn't save him.'' Tears drop on Jinki's cheeks. ''Jinki, your brother is dead.''


Jinki is at the cemetary, on Taemin's grave. It is one week after his funeral. Jinki is crying out loud. He on his knees, his head resting on his brother's tombstone. ''Taeminnie, why do you always have to be the first? Why couldn't I be the first, for once?''



AN: The idea came after an arguement with my sister (I'm seven years older, so the is even bigger than in this story) I hate when she always win every argument, because ''since I'm oldest I sould be more patient and sensible and reasonable and bla bla bla.'' Sometime I hate being the oldest. Still, I realy love my sis, even if she's a little spoiled sometime xD

I know it's sad (why do I always end up killing Taemin? He's my bias! :( )

Anyway, even if it's sad, I hope you liked. Please comment and subscribe if you did.

I love you all ^_^


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Chapter 1: GOOD ENDINGGG omg i cried
faza_kirah #2
Chapter 1: great story author-nim..!!