04 Magic Touch

Umbra Memorias

Notes: Beta ;; anyone? /sobs/

Also comments are really super appreciated <3333

Let me know what you think of the story, if you like it, if you don't. It is starting out well? Is there anything you want to know more about? (keep in mind this is only chapter four of a novel I'm working on to there's still so much more to come).


Kali = Kai

Abaddon = Chanyeol

Persephone = Key

Serket = OC 

It was a about ten minutes after Abaddon left the medical ward that Taemin finally built up the courage to slip in himself. He found Kali’s room easily as it was the only private room with a  current occupant. God’s didn’t exactly get hurt often, and humans were always admitted to the general room, never private ones.


    By the time Taemin made it to the room Serket, one of the many Goddess‘  with healing abilities, had apparently already come and gone, there was a bandage around Kali’s neck and the mesh armor top he had been wearing was draped over the back of one of the two chairs near the bed. 


    Taemin sat down in the chair closest to the bed and let out a soft sigh of disappointment when he realized Kali was still asleep. He was about to reach out and take his hand when the door opening drew his attention instead.


    “What in the Hell did you do?” Ren demanded in a hushed tone, or as hushed as his tone came in, which could barely be considered an ‘inside voice’ at the best of times. 


    “What do you mean?” Taemin frowned and decided to feign innocent on this one, he didn’t want to tell Ren more than he already knew. He loved him dearly and all, but didn’t trust him to keep this between them.


    “I haven’t seen Abaddon this pissed since Amaterasu turned him down.” Ren explained, muffling laughter into his palm as he sat down and glanced over at Kali, seemingly only just realizing he was there. “What happened to him?”


    “The hunt went wrong, Kali got hurt and I didn’t know what else to do...” Taemin tried to defend himself, his lips tugging down in a small pout as he glared at his lap. He was never going to hear the end of this.


    “So you summoned Abaddon? Did you have a death wish or something?” Ren asked, shaking his head and looking entirely too amused by the whole situation.


    “I didn’t know who else to ask for help!” Taemin whined, shaking his head. He was already going to have to go through all of this again with Kali when he woke up, why couldn’t Ren just not be Ren for five minutes?


    “I was actually rather impressed with him.” An achingly familiar voice interrupted him and Taemin nearly leapt straight onto the bed in relief, but he managed to check himself just in time.


    “Kali! You’re finally awake!” Taemin exclaimed, unable to resist wrapping his arms around Kali’s neck when he sat up from the bed. He didn’t seem to be in any pain and Taemin was so immensely grateful for that, however more muffled laughter from Ren brought his attention back to the blonde.


    “‘Finally’ huh?” He asked, but he was looking at Kali this time and Taemin frowned in confusion and stepped back.


    “What am I missing here?” Taemin looked from Kali’s slowly growing annoyance to Ren’s undeterred amusement and back again.


    “Get out.” Kali snapped, glaring at Ren who was laughing as he stood up and hurried out of the room. “I demand you stop seeing him, I told you he’s a bad influence.” He growled, his glare remaining at the door for several seconds after Ren had left.


    “Kali...” Taemin said, shaking his head and slowly crossing his arms over his chest. “What did she mean by ‘finally’. What does she know that I don’t?” 


    Kali actually refused to look at Taemin for a few heartbeats before he finally groaned and sighed, “Well you were going to find out anyway. I wasn’t exactly knocked out for as long as I was pretending to be.” He finally admitted, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.


    “So how long were you awake?” Taemin demanded, frowning. He was determined to hold his ground on this but when Kali’s deep black gaze met his he somehow still found himself in Kali’s lap a few seconds later. He was convinced it was some kind of hypnosis, he didn’t like to think his will was that weak.


    “I was awake again before I hit the floor.” Kali admitted reluctantly, sighing softly as he wrapped his arms around Taemin’s waist. 


    “What the hell Kali?!” Taemin demanded, trying to be angry but it was so damned hard with the way his intensely dark gaze captured his and seemed to hold him there so effortlessly. 


    “I know, you’re angry. I did it for a reason Taemin,  wanted to test you.” Kali explained soothingly, though his explanation was far from adequate given just how many tests he had already put Taemin through. 


    “And what were you testing this time? You already tested my stamina, you’ve tested my problem solving abilities, my team work skills, you’ve figured out my strategies when I’m out numbers and out matched. What more was there to test?” Taemin insisted, managing to break away from Kali’s gaze and stand up, but it was a massive effort of will and left him feeling achingly empty inside as he put distance between them.


    “Your magic, Taemin.” Kali explained gently, his lips curling into a slight smile as he reached a hand out to Taemin, trying to coax him to come back but Taemin held firm on the other side of the small room. 


    “What magic? Humans don’t have magic, that was one of the first things we were taught.” Taemin pointed out, shaking his head and crossing his arms over his chest. He remembered that lesson, humans had no magic of their own, the only reason Taemin could perform those spells was because he was channeling Kali’s power, Kali’s magic.


    “They don’t, but some humans have the potential to harness it. Taemin, haven’t you ever noticed? That very first night you came here, there were hundreds of you, but you only train with maybe forty. Didn’t you ever wander what happened to the rest of them?” Kali prompted, letting his hand rest on his lap when it became clear that Taemin wasn’t going to accept his invitation. “The humans that couldn’t harness magic became nothing more than pretty pets. The rest of you were trained to become companions for us Reapers.”


    “Okay, so I can harness magic, what does that have to do with faking an injury and letting me nearly get killed twice?” Taemin demanded, his tone slightly more irritable than he meant for it to be, but he really hated it when Kali pointed out obvious things like that. He really should have noticed, he just kind of assumed there were other classes or something that trained somewhere else. It never occurred to him that they were it, that not all of them had become companions. 


    “Taemin, when you thought I wasn’t waking up you could have done a hundred different things. You could have come back here yourself and gotten help. You could have sent me back to the Underworld the same way you sent that soul. You had options Taemin, but out of everything you could have done, you chose to summon a god. Not just any god either, you summoned Abaddon, and he’s not a minor god Taemin. Do you realize that?” Kali asked, pinning Taemin with a serious expression as he spoke. 


    Taemin’s heart sank as Kali spoke, now that he really thought about it he had made a pretty stupid mistake there. He should have left Kali to go get help instead but... “I just couldn’t leave you there alone.” He whispered, his eyes falling to the floor as he finally walked over and sat back down in Kali’s lap again. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.


    “Don’t be sorry, Taemin. You still don’t understand. Ren never would have been able to do that.” Kali tried to explain, tipping Taemin’s chin up to force those beautiful chocolate brown eyes back to his. “You control magic without even trying. So many of the others can hardly condemn a soul, let alone even think about doing what you did. You’re not like the other human’s Taemin. Granted you’re absolute at weapons combat, but your ability to harness magic is unheard of in a human.”


    Taemin’s eyes searched Kali’s, trying to figure out what was going on. He had thought he was in trouble, but now it seemed like Kali was praising him. Kali rarely praised him, he never really had a reason to. Taemin wasn’t brave, or strong, or good at fighting like Ren was. He generally out ranked Tay in just about everything, but he was okay with that. They balanced each other out well, Ren was action and Taemin was thought. “What exactly are you saying Kali?” He finally whispered, he didn’t think he would ever be good at anything, he had accepted that a long time ago.


    “I’m saying that you’re more powerful than you realize.” Kali explained, his fingers trailing through Taemin’s short brown hair as a smile played at his lips. “You have a talent Taemin.”


    Taemin’s expression softened and he slowly wrapped his arms around Kali’s neck, “You really think so?” He asked, he hated sounding so pathetic, honestly he did, but if Kali actually thought he was good at something, if Taemin actually had something to be proud of, that was worth more than gold to Taemin.


    “I’ve always thought so. Why do you think I accepted you? I never intended to take a human, Taemin. I know Persephone had other plans for me, but I was the one who ultimately decided. I wanted you.” Kali murmured, his tone deepening and turning more seductive as he said those last words, letting them fall against Taemin’s lips, his own barely a breath away.


    Taemin felt a shiver race down his spine as the air between them seemed to heat up suddenly. Kali was a master at that, seduction, turning Taemin into a bundle of raw need with just a few words. 


    It was Taemin who closed the distance this time, not wanting anymore of Kali’s games. He felt the heat of Kali’s tongue against the seam of his lips and he parted them without a second thought. Kali’s tongue was sinful, wicked, searching out sensitive places that pulled soft whimpers from Taemin’s throat. 


    Even when his lungs burned for air and he felt lightheaded, he refused to pull away. Kali was the one who finally pulled back with a soft chuckle that whispered across Taemin’s mind and traveled down his body like a physical caress, pulling a moan from Taemin. “You have to breathe. “ Kali reminded him gently, coaxing Taemin to lay down and it was only then that Taemin realized they weren’t even in the medical ward anymore. Kali had managed to will them back to his room without Taemin even realizing.


    He slowly laid back against the cool silk sheets, a soft sigh escaping him as he looked up at Kali. The god was beautiful in any form, breath taking, the kind of beauty that was truly inhuman, like it solidified the difference in them. Reaching up Taemin trailed his fingers through Kali’s hair, it was perfectly straight in this form, despite the way it seemed to curl and cling to Taemin’s fingers all on it’s own. 


    The will of a god could affect anything around it, Taemin had long since gotten used to this. So when he looked up at up at Kali’s face and realized they were both he wasn’t surprised. Kali was never patient enough for removing clothes, he found it tedious. When he wanted something he wanted, and he always got it. 


    “Are you going to make love to me like that?” Taemin whispered, feeling his body starting to buzz with anticipation. The build up was always slow, a few kisses, some light touches. At least until Kali shifted forms, he preferred his more human form most of the time, all of the gods did. It seemed to be a social norm to stay in their human form, they only revealed their true forms when they either needed to, or they simply felt like it. It was almost considered rude or even egotistical to walk around in their true forms, at least that’s what Taemin had noticed. He had also noticed that Kali preferred to make love to him in his true form.


    “No. When do I ever?” Kali whispered, his lips curling into a smirk as he sat up and slowly removed his jewelry. Starting with the delicate looking gold chain around his head, a golden pendant dipped down onto his forehead, decorated with rubies that stood in stark contrast to his translucent white skin. He looked very old and it was simple but beautiful, though Taemin didn’t know the name of it, he was pretty sure it had something to do with the religion Kali was associated with. He took off the bracelets next, all of them were gold. Some were thicker, other’s almost hair thin. He set them on the stand beside the bed. He removed the band around his forearm, then the rings on his fingers. By the time he was finished there was a small fortune of jewelry sitting on the stand. 


    “Why do you always take the time to take those off?” Taemin asked curiously, some things Kali always did that raised questions in Taemin. He had always chalked it up to Kali just being simply incomprehensible. He was a god, who was Taemin to question what he did and why?


    “Because some things deserve respect. There was a time when I was truly worshiped and revered. Every god has their time, religions rise and fall constantly. I just have a soft spot for that particular one. Their jewelry was truly beautiful.” Kali explained softly, looking back at Taemin and right before his eyes he watched Kali transform. It was always an awe-inspiring process, to see Kali’s opal skin bleed to a such a deep blue it was almost black. The colors too dark to truly distinguish in the dim lighting, but Taemin could see the constant play of colors there, it made his skin look like it was shimmering.  His nails turned black and lengthened, sharpened, able to slice through Taemin’s skin like it was paper. It was thanks to Kali that Taemin learned the pleasure of pain. Kali’s eyes seemed to glow with an inner light and true to the many depictions of him throughout the room, six arms had replaced the two he used to have. Taemin knew from experience that Kali could have as many as he wanted, it was all a matter of his will.


    The first time Taemin had seen Kali in this form he had been terrified, Kali looked wild, untamed, powerful and dangerous. He looked every bit like a demon from some nightmare, but anymore Taemin only felt pure desire as he looked up at his god. 


    Slowly Kali sank down onto the bed beside him, Taemin felt the light play of nails against his inner thighs, another set scrapping against the hollows of his hips, the last two resting on either side of his head. He felt his breath catch and his body trembled in response, his lips parted to speak but any words were cut off by the insistent press of Kali’s deep red lips against his own. They felt like they were scorching hot, blistering his lips but he still kissed back eagerly, arching up trying to press against Kali more completely.


    Slowly Kali’s lips pulled away from his, a trail of fire following them as they slowly made their way to Taemin’s neck. A moan escaped him as Kali’s lips lingered there, a hot, open mouthed kiss and the sting of teeth drew a cry from Taemin’s throat. 


    A soft pressure coaxed Taemin’s legs apart and the light teasing scrape of nails moved higher on his thighs, taking care not to break the skin, not yet. Taemin felt Kali’s fingers squeeze and massage his hips, making him squirm and whimper. Kali knew all of Taemin’s pleasure points like he had personally crafted them himself, and he took complete advantage of each and every one of them.


    The blistering heat of Kali’s lips was nothing compared to the touch of his tongue as it danced across his collar bone,  like the contained heat of a flame at his skin it was so hot it was painful yet it only served fuel his need. Slowly Kali’s tongue and teeth drew ragged, whimpering ,cries from Taemin as he made his way down Taemin’s chest to the deliciously inviting that always made Taemin’s back arch up off the bed. Deeper moans poured from his lips as Kali’s hot tongue flicked against his sensitive bud, and his sharp teeth nearly broke the skin.


    Scorching kisses burned a trail down Taemin’s abdomen, past his hips where Kali’s fingers hadn’t stopped kneading the sensitive hollows. He had already lost track of where all of Kali’s hands were, so a shocked sound escaped him as fingers suddenly took up the rough teasing of his s, pinching firmly and alternating with light scraps of his nails.


    Taemin let out a strangled sob as Kali’s lips drifted so close to his painful . His fingers were caressing the skin only a breath away from the throbbing flesh and Taemin just wanted the teasing to stop. “K-kali... please...” He begged, breaking the silence that had only been interrupted by his own sounds of helpless pleasure.


    “Are you going to if I put my mouth on you?” Kali whispered, his breath falling against Taemin’s straining and a soft sob escaped him as he squirmed, unsure if he wanted to press his hips closer or escape before he lost his mind entirely.


    “Y-yes.” Taemin gasped, looking down at Kali with desperation in his lust darkened eyes. He was so already, precum was leaking from the tip of his and it looked an angry red. He wanted release almost as badly as he wanted Kali. 


    “Hm, too bad.” Kali murmured, pressing a light kiss to Taemin’s tip, his tongue snaking out to lap up the precum before he pulled away chuckling at the sobbing mess the simple action had reduced Taemin to. “You are so sensitive.” He murmured, shaking his head as he finally released Taemin completely and sat up.  He didn’t have to say a word before Taemin was scrambling to roll over and prop himself up on his hands and knees. “Eager?” Kali chuckled, his amusement almost palpable as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the small of Taemin’s back. 


    One hand reached out for the bottle of oil he kept near the bed just for these occasions, another trailed down Taemin’s spine while the rest resumed their torturous teasing of Taemin’s hips and s. Kali was entirely too addicted to the sounds Taemin made when he was lost in the heat and pleasure Kali brought him. He was being gentle this time, this was for Taemin’s pleasure not his own. 


    Taemin felt like he was slowly being burned alive as Kali mercilessly abused his sensitive spots. He was sobbing into the pillow long before he finally felt Kali’s fingers pressing against his entrance. The heat of them slipping inside him tore a moan that almost sounded like pain as he pressed back against them. He didn’t think he could take much more of this before his body truly did combust. 


    Thankfully Kali seemed to be willing to have a little mercy on him because his prepping was quick and efficient, neatly avoiding his prostate likely to keep him from to quickly. A hand wrapped tightly around the base of his a split second before Kali’s hard length was suddenly pressing inside him, stretching him and filling him so completely. His arms gave out and he collapsed against the silk pillow with a loud cry.


    Kali didn’t bother to give him time to adjust, he knew Taemin didn’t need it. As soon as he was fully sheathed he was pulling back out again, starting a deep, slow, rhythm. Each nailing Taemin’s prostate with unerring accuracy, bringing out the most pathetic, desperate moans from him as he rocked back against Kali.


    He couldn’t think past the pleasure, the need for each . He reveled in the way Kali filled him so completely in a way that Taemin knew only he could. It was a purely physical ecstasy that went beyond gender, right or wrong, even orientation. Kali wanted this as much as Taemin did, and Taemin had long since learned to abandon his human ideals. There was only , pleasure, and possession.


    Suddenly Kali’s hand around his length wasn’t restrictive anymore, it was and rubbing the sensitive tip and Taemin couldn’t hold back his any longer. He came with a hoarse scream, Kali’s heat filling him up over and over again as he road out the waves of his . A deep, guttural groan behind him was the only indication that Kali had reached that ic peak as well. 


    As the pleasure began to die down and the heat faded into a blissful glow Taemin slowly rolled back over onto his back, looking up at Kali with a smile that brought a chuckle past Kali’s lips as he shook his head lightly, he had already shifted back into his humanesque form, enjoying his own post ic bliss as he gave into temptation and laid down next to Taemin, pulling him into his arms. “Did you enjoy that?” He asked softly, nuzzling Taemin’s temple and letting an indulgent smile curve his lips.


    “Mmm yeah... a lot.” Taemin admitted softly, turning into Kali’s chest and sighing happily as he let the other’s natural warmth completely envelope him. It felt so good, so right to be there in Kali’s arms. He didn’t know if love worked this way normally or not, but he didn’t care. His soul was connected to Kali and he would devote himself, mind, body, and heart to him for the rest of eternity. He was actually looking forward to eternity with Kali.


    “Good, now rest Taemin, you need it.” Kali whispered, the words  a command rather than a suggestion and Taemin felt his eye lids growing heavy even before he realized how tired he actually was. It had been a long day, and he was more than exhausted. However as he felt himself drifting off to sleep he felt that familiar flickering of shadows deep in his mind, like a ghost of a memory trying find it’s way to the surface.

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Shihaam1 #1
Chapter 9: I Enjoy Reading This Story Please Continue:D
PauMagnus #2
Chapter 9: Omg, what have happened? o_o
Update please
PauMagnus #4
New chapter, please! T_T
New reader here, love this fic sooo much!! *_*
Chapter 8: WooooOW keeps getting interesting. *_*
This chapter hook me up in the story more and more, I'm really enjoying it!! ^_^
Bless the frequent updates <3333
Shihaam #7
Chapter 7: This Is Sweet;)