The Library

The Library
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Everyday I follow the same routine. Wake up, go to school, play around with my friends etc. However at the end of the day I go to a place that no-one can disturbe me. The Library. I love going there because I have time to be myself. Not like the rest of the boys or Kookie as seen by my fans. When I enter the library. There are certain parts that are filled with people studying for their exams, but I have found a place that no-one seems to come to. But not today. As I approach the same chair that I sit in everyday, I see that someone is sitting in it. A girl. I could tell that she was different from all of the other girls in this school. Usually they all hang around together and giggle about the gossip that is going around the school. But not her. She is just sitting there, reading. I don't know what to do, how do i approach her? I bring out the current book that I'm reading and sit opposit her. She looks up and looks at me for a second as if to say that she has appreciated my company. She looks back down and starts reading again. I'm frozen, how can I act normal? "My name is Jungkook"

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BaekhyunsGrandma #1
Chapter 3: He's not allowed to forget about her, they've only just met!!!
JustAnotherFangirl46 #2
Chapter 2: Oooohhh, this is really interesting so far! It makes me wonder whether they will get closer, or wonder if something happens and they cannot be together! Ahhh cannot wait until the next update! Hwaiting!
JustAnotherFangirl46 #3
Chapter 1: Awwee I think it's sweet that Jungkook is a bit shy!