Family Selca

Meet My Family

Tokyo Dome is an elusive and iconic place for artists in Japan and abroad; and only the best and the famous could perform in it. And after years of performing with SM artists, it was now their time to shine on their own. It took them quite a while but finally, SHINee's name will be immortalized as one of the few K-artists to perform in Tokyo Dome (Along with their sunbae-seul DBSK and Super Junior).


All five of them are both anxious and excited to perform for the largest crowd they could possibly draw across Japan. But what makes it even more special was the fact that their family were also coming to witness a milestone in their career.


Naturally, the family of each member were like their extended family; to the point that they call the other member's mothers as their own mothers. The scene backstage was a routine since it's not the first time their families crashed and joined the chaos that enveloped concerts and events like this one.


In any normal circumstances, Jinki would be fine with it, but today, he was so nervous he could actually miss his high notes later. Well the truth is, today, Jonghyun decided that they become official.


It's not that he wasn't proud of what he shared with the vocalist, in the contrary, he is the proudest of them all, but he was afraid of the social backlash of the 'immoral' relationship that they were sharing. And besides, they just got together very recently.


Jonghyun was the complete opposite of Jinki because he was soaked with excitement with just the thought of introducing his leader as his boyfriend. Oh how he loved the sound of boyfriend appended on his dearest leader's name.


And Jinki was just fearing that, because Jonghyun was very open and he feared none when it comes to rights and reservations; it's a democratic country as far as he remembered.


So with trembling hands and flushed face, Jinki bowed stiffly as he met Mrs. Kim and Songdam. By all means Jinki was still startruck at how the Kim lineage was full of beautiful genepool.


Oh Jinki, it's been a while, why aren't you dropping by our house anymore?” Mrs. Kim pouted and Jinki couldn't even help but chuckle seeing where Jonghyun must've gotten this side to him.


I've been down with some things imo.” He replied and Mrs. Kim glared at him.


am I now reduced to imo? I thought I was your omma too?” Mrs. Kim mocked a pain expression and she looked like an adorable hush puppy with big doe eyes that is very reminiscent of her son.


I... I ..” Jinki wasn't sure of what to reply as he scratched the back of his head.


Omma! Stop messing with Jinki!” Songdam uttered as she joined her mother, pulling Jonghyun with him who was annoying Kibum and his boyfriend Woohyun. “Its been a while Jinki, we miss you and mom has been dying to cook chicken for you!” Songdam added and Jinki flashed a smile hearing his favorite food pop into the conversation.


Jonghyun chuckled as he freed himself from his sister's grip and then stood next to Jinki. He coughed a bit before he laced his fingers with the leader. Jinki froze at the action, not because he hated it but because they were in front of Jonghyun's family. Jonghyun just smirked at him then focused his attention to the two girls whose face were unreadable. Jonghyun coughed again and started to speak.


Well, I already told you about falling for someone and..” Jonghyun started blushing and Jinki gave his hand a gentle squeeze to reassure the younger that he was there next to him despite feeling a brewing storm inside him.


And... I want you to meet Lee Jinki, not as my leader but as my boyfriend.” Jonghyun said the last words with confidence and Jinki tried to smile towards the two girls who were still expressionless.


It was awkward for a full minute, the longest sixty seconds in Jinki's life as he waited for either approval or rejection from the two girls. But the two girls squealed like fangirls and jumped up and down repeatedly before enveloping Jinki in a tight embrace. Mrs. Kim was beyond happy as she kissed Jinki on the cheek while Songdam was lost for words.


Jinki wasn't sure on how to react to such behavior while Jonghyun chuckled in the sideways, nudging Key who glanced towards the trio and flashed Jonghyun a knowing smile.


You are so in love Jonghyun!” Key remarked and Woohyun nodded along, remembering his own encounter with Key's family.


I didn't think you would agree to be Jonghyun's boyfriend! I am so happy you did! You are so perfect for each other.” Songdam uttered, her voice evidently excited from the reveal. “What took you so long?” She asked and Jinki sighed.


I was afraid we won't be accepted.” Jinki honesttly said and the two girls smiled wider.


You are like my own son already. I want you two to join us for dinner for Jonghyun's birthday, I will make you the best fried chicken!” Mrs. Kim said and Jinki nodded.


I could get used to it.” Jinki uttered


Okay, enough oggling over my boyfriend, family selca?” Jonghyun suggested and the two girls instanly posed next to Jonghyun. He was about to click the shutter when he noticed Jinki dazed in the background. “Hey hyung! Come join us!” Jonghyun uttered but Jinki shook his head.


It is a family picture!” Jinki deadpanned.


Hey, you are family now.” Mrs. Kim remarked and that made Jinki smile, and Jonghyun captured it with his selca.


But your son will be a Lee.” Jinki said after the photo was taken.


That's okay, as long as you become a Kim.” Mrs. Kim said and Jinki grinned at her.


Thanks omma!” Jinki uttered and hugged her tightly.




a/n: I know it is crappy~



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Queenoftheworld209 #1
Chapter 1: I love them together!
yourhandsinmine #2
Chapter 1: Omg yes I totally love this!!
Chapter 1: I just see this. Yes god, I've been waiting for someone to write Jongho or Jongyu fic in Tokyo Dome, and bam, finally ♥
Lots of love from me.
Chapter 1: oh god i was waiting for someone to write it thank you
Chapter 1: Won't you write about that pict where jinks puts his head on jong's shoulder?? Maybe, as sequel or pre-quel of this? ㅋㅋㅋ

anyway... this fic is cute, as sweet as jongyu lately ^^
Chapter 1: lmao the chicken made a cameo haha

damn you you made me hungry XD
Yay hahahaha!