Shy me
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Hyun Ae's POV

RINGGGGGGG.I woke up,switched off my alarm sat up and got off the bed, with a few struggles here and there but at least i made it to the toliet to get ready.I wore  my uniform and did a few make up here and there (just a little bit) and took my sandwhich which i prepared yesterday and headed for school.Since today was the last day of school before senior year i wanted to be more refreshed and have more fun before next year.When i went to class i saw Sook Joo and took the sit next to her,we started talking about how its so fast that next years going to be senior year for us already!

As we were talking, Minwoo,Choojin and Bokja(one of the bully's) slammed their hand on our table,causing us to jump a little before understanding the situation. Sook Joo and me stood up and tried to walk away but they blocked us,great now everyone's looking at us.

"where do you think you're going?" Minwoo said

"Anywhere just away from you." was what i said

"Hey wheres your manners?!"

"I dont at all think i need to use my manners or respect on you,because you deserve none of it." 

With that she slapped me *PAKK*


"This is just my revenge,dont forget we will take whats ours back"

This time it was Sook Joo talking,she sounded really pissed off,she isnt someone whose easily angry but when she is everyone's dead.


Given the 3 girls,they werent going to let us off easily,i was right because she wanted to give Sook Joo a slap but... the door slammed opened and it was the 7 boys who came in and everyone immediately stop what they were doing,even the bullies. OWW the slap is starting to sting my face,it was a red mark, so i did my blush for nothing its all ruined now UGH.

Taehyung grabbed Sook Joo's hand and pulled her out of the classroom to somewhere else,while Jimin pushed the bullies away and took me out too,before leaving the class i gave the bullies a glare and left them with the angry 5 boys in there.Jimin took me to the girls toliet and told me to wash my face.I went in to wash my face and it hurts so badly i swear,i was yelping a little and the red mark is still there.As i was washing i suddenly taught of our lessons.But its the last day so there wouldnt be any lessons,we just had to be in class,byt the teacher wouldnt care anyways right? right? i guess..

When i came out Jimin was gone,and i was dissapointed i wanted him to be with me,i held my head low and started taking small steps towards class.i heard shufflings and when i turned around my eyes lit up.

"where are you going?Youre supposed to wait for me to help you apply your medicine cream,come here."

i didnt even say anything,he took my hand and held it tight before leading me to one of those benches in the garden for us to sit down..I sat down facing him and he held my chin up for a clearer view,and then he started applying the cream to my face and from time to time i would close my eyes when i feel any pain and tear would well up in my eye,while he sits there and laugh at me before wiping my tears away and continue with his actions. It was silent and we didnt talk,but it wasnt the awkward silence ,it was a very peaceful silence.when he was done we went to the toliet to wash his hand while i wait.When he came back he started asking me why were those girls bullying us,

"while its quite obvious their your jealous fangirls who wanted revenge on us for being friends with you guys,especially you and Taehyung."

"Ohhh sorry heheh sorry for causing youre beautiful face to get hurt yeah?" he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and i started laughing this time,because Ive never seen him this awkward.

"nahh its okay,we are still in one piece so its okay!*smile smile*"

With that we walked backed to class and sneaked through the back door ,when we went in we saw Taehyung back with Sook Joo talking to bangtan,so i settled down next to Sook Joo and Jimin sat next to Yoongi.we started talking and Jungkook started telling stories about Jimins and Taehyungs embarrassing moments like how they fought over an ice cream and how they fell on top of each other while walking to the toliet in the morning.

"Aishh Jungkook you little kid,do you want to die?"

"Excuse you taehyungie,we are of the same age alright."

with that we all started laughing,and i could feel 3 pair of eyes staring right through us,as i turned around it was the 3 bullies, Choojin did a you are dead action and i just gave her a *to be honest i'd like to see you try* face . Actually i find that bangtan boys arent so bad,they have their soft spots too,through the first 2 hours of endless talking with bangtan,actually Namjoon isnt as fierce as he seems to be and Yoongi isnt that hard to approach at all,so is Hoseok his actually the funniest out of all of them,Seokjin might look really cool but his just like the rest dorky too.

RINGGGGG the bell rang,and its time for our break,as we walked into the canteen (all 9 of us) we kept recieving glares which we just shrugged it off,Sook Joo doesnt look that fragile or scared anymore,infact she held her head up high (not in an arrogant way) and walked pass everyone who was giving us glares,Taehyung must have said something really powerful to her. we placed our bags on the bench and went to buy our food,when we got back we took no time and started digging in,we had laughters and we had little arguments which was funny as heck. 30 minutes passed by real quickly and we went back to class,when we heard an announcement say all senior year students and all soon to be senior year students could be dismissed now,we had our bags with us already and Jungkook suggested going to the movies,so we decided to go home and refresh

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