chapter 5 part 1

Notice me, love me

Taehyung's pov

"Attention passengers flight to Seoul is ready to depart, Attention passengers flight to Seoul is ready to depart" said the announcer over the speaker

My name is Taehyung, I'm from a small town in daegu and I'm a sophomore. My parents are sending me to Seoul because they don't want me to stay at our farm for the rest of my life like them, they want me to become bigger than just a farm boy, so they are sending me to Seoul with my cousin that I have never met to study at the school he studies and as my mom says "to become as smart as your cousin". I can never be as my cousin he is properly a nerd that is short and doesn't have friends and gets bullied everyday, because what do you expects of a kid that got 1% student national on his exams last year. "You have arrived to your destination, Welcome to Seoul" the announcer


From: taetae

Mom who am I supposed to meet t the airport?

To: TaeTae

From mom 

Sweetty we are sorry we forgot to tell your cousin you were going. Here it's where the dorm your cousin lives at 256 olive st dorm 5. Also today you start school so get a uniform from your cousin dorm you are already an hour late sorry bye I love you.

Once I got a taxi on our way to my new home until I get out of High school, I looked outside the window to see really big buildings I have never seen in my life. Once we were at the front of the dorms I payed the taxi and got my suitcase out the trunk and went inside the building and went straight to room 5 and luckly it was open. The room waas huge it had a kitchen, a big living room, 2 bathrooms, and two bedrooms. Once I put my stuff in the empty room I went to my cousin's room to look for a uniform to wear, well I wrong about a thing he is not short judging how big the clothes are but I still think he is a nerd that gets bullied just by looking at his dirty clothes, some are dirty with blood.

To be continued

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Igot7Yougotnojams #1
jun-kiseob_b2uty #2
Chapter 7: that was unexpected, he? the thought of being the smartest leading him to think that nam was all nerd, but the reality was all opposite. hmm, quite interesting. keep going and good luck.
Chapter 7: um gangsta nerd? wow ok *whisper* how can a nerd become a gangster?
Chapter 6: hooooo!!! blood man! is it Jimin? why I feel like its Jimin? (short?)hahha!!!