chapter 9

Notice me, love me

Jin's pov

"Jin, can you take these boxes down the basement" asked Mr. Choi

"yes, professor" I said 

Once I was going down the stairs I accidentally missed a step and almost fell but something cought me and I noticed there was an arm around my waist and then heard a "be careful" along with a chuckle. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"Namjoon what are you doing here?" I asked as I took his hand away from my waist and walked away to take a deep breath and stop my heart beating so fast.

"I saw you and I been wanting to ask you, what are we going to do for Hoseok birthday tomorrow?" asked Namjoon

"Well I thought we could do a party at my house since my parents aren't home most of the time and invite people who are in good terms with Hoseok" I said 

"Well that is going to be easy mostly everyone in this school is in good terms with Hoseok he's the hope, but ok bye I need to find an empty classroom to sleep in" said Namjoon as if he wasn't talking to the student body president 

"This kid is so clueless I don't know how he gets top score on every test" I thought

Next day, at the party

"Do you know where Hoseok is at" I asked Taehyung, who was sitting in the couch watching people dancing around 

"No the last time I saw him he was with Jungkook" Taehyung said 

"Oh thank you" I said and started to look for Jungkook then found him with his girlfriend 

"Jungkook do you know where Hoseok at" I asked him

"Well he said he was going to the restroom upstairs but he never came back" said Jungkook

While going upstairs I missed a step and almost fell but an arm was around my waist "why is this happening to me again" I thought 

"Be careful, how many times do I need to tell you?" asked Namjoon

"Let go, I need to find Hoseok" I said 

"Why" asked Namjoon

"Hoseok left his phone with me and his parents are calling and I want to give his phone to him" I said while I walk away to find Hoseok then suddenly Namjoon pushes me to my bedroom that was the closest door we were near to, then he locks the door and faces me.

"We need to talk" Namjoon said 

"About what" I asked worried as I take a step back and notice I hit the wall with my back and Namjoon took avantage of that and put his hand on the wall beside my head and leaned forward and only left three inches apart from each other, face to face.

"Why are you running away from me" Namjoon asked

"I'm not running away from you" I told him

"Then why everytime I want to talk to you, you always walk away or keep a distant from me. did I do anything wrong, it's driving me crazy" said Namjoon

I blushed "I'm sorry" I said

I tried to keep my distant away from him to keep my feeling away but I forgot that it's my friend I'm keeping distant from and he might feel bad about it.

"and I'm sorry for what I'm about to do" said Namjoon but before I got to ask anything to Namjoon he softly and gently connected his lips with mine I was really shocked. It was an innocent kiss but it felt so powerful and we lasted for about 2 minutes before it ended to catch our breath. We looked at each other we both didn't know what to say until Hoseok cell phone ringed.

"I hhave to ffind HHoseok" I said stuttering while leaving my room, once I was out my room I screamed inside my head "oh my goodness what just happen, you dumb phone ruined the moment

Hi sorry I haven't been updating and also I hope you are liking the story so far, I don't know if i'm doing a good job but I'll try my best :)

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Igot7Yougotnojams #1
jun-kiseob_b2uty #2
Chapter 7: that was unexpected, he? the thought of being the smartest leading him to think that nam was all nerd, but the reality was all opposite. hmm, quite interesting. keep going and good luck.
Chapter 7: um gangsta nerd? wow ok *whisper* how can a nerd become a gangster?
Chapter 6: hooooo!!! blood man! is it Jimin? why I feel like its Jimin? (short?)hahha!!!