
My Lovely Honey Bunny


  Woohyun arrived at the hospital few minutes later, panting hard because he ran all the way to the hospital from the campus. He ran towards Sunggyu's ward after asking for the room number from the receptionist. But then, he stopped in his track when he was in front of the door of Sunggyu's ward. He was contemplating whether to just barge in and apologize or wait outside to think of how to ask for forgiveness from the older. Woohyun sighed as he pray for the best and twisted the door knob and opened the door slowly. Thankfully, there was no one there, except for the lifeless body, laying on the bed with eye bags and sunken cheeks.

  Woohyun walked towards  the bed with pain and guilt surrounding him. He didn't noticed the tears that was flowing down his chubby cheeks when he was standing by the bed, looking at the older with regrets written all over his face. He hold the latter's fragile hand in his rougher one,trembling because of the crying. He admired the fragile-looking male on the bed. and

  "...gyu.." he whimpered. He sobs harder as he realised he was not there for the older when he needed him the most. "...gyu.. i-i..I'm so sorry..." his voice cracked as his crying got worse. He carefully and slowly hugged the older so that he won't hurt the latter. He released  the hug after a few moments and wiped his tears with the back of his hand. He took a deep breath and sat on the chair that was provided beside the bed. He looked at the older as the sleeping male was breathing evenly and looked so peaceful. "This is all my fault..I shouldn't have..."he trailed off as he recalled what had happened that day. "'m so sorry...please wake up that I can apologize to you for my stupid mistake... I should've give you a chance to explain everything and not just jump into conclusion that made us become like this..."he sighed. He was silently the latter's hand lovingly when suddenly the door to the ward room opened, revealing the others that had followed him from the campus. He looked at them in despair as tears continued streaming down his face. Dongwoo and Sungyeol were trying to hold their tears in while the others were trying to comfort the two.

  After a few hours, they tried to persuade Woohyun to go home first to take a shower and rest a bit because Woohyun didn't stop worrying about the older and didn't ate anything that day because he skipped his breakfast to avoid the others. After a few convincing words from the angel Dongwoo, saying that he and the others will look after the boy while he was gone, Woohyun finally leave the hospital to return to his apartment to have a quick shower. He didn't plan on leaving the older boy for too long because he was scared that he would miss the opportunity to see the older woke up from his slumber. He would like to apologize as soon as the other boy woke up. After taking a quick shower, he rushed his way to the hospital without a second thought.


 When he arrived, he saw Dongwoo and the others at the cafeteria of the hospital. He made his way to them and asked, "Who's taking care of Gyu?" The others turned to him when they heard his panicked voice. "Hoya offered to take care of him while we eat something because we skipped lunch today." Sungjong explained to the panic Woohyun. Woohyun breathed out a sigh of relief as he thanked the others and made his way to Sunggyu's room.

  Woohyun stood in front of the door to Sunggyu's room as he took a deep breath to calm his nerves down. But something was wrong. He thought, because he heard something that sounded like a broken glass inside the room. He slide the door open quietly and peek in to the room to see what's going on. What he saw made his face turned white.


  Sunggyu struggled to get out of the younger boy's strong grip on his neck as the boy tried to choke him to death. "This is all your fault! I would have been happy with her if it's not because of you!" The younger boy put on more pressure on his grip. "H-hoya..."Sunggyu tried to tell the boy to stop but to no avail. "Y-you killed Jiyeon! You're the one who kill her!" He shouted at the struggling boy. Sunggyu's eyes went wide when he heard the younger boy mentioned that name. Hoya faked a laugh. "You understand now? You know why I do all of this to you and that ing annoying boyfriend of yours? It's because you killed my best friend! Or should I say crush?" He was breathing hard at that time because Sunggyu was pretty strong for a sick person. "And now, all I have to do is to kill you..."

  "Oh no, you don't." He heard a voice behind him as he was struck with a pain on his head. He fell onto the floor as the hit was so strong that it sent him to the floor. He looked up to see a furious Woohyun looking down at him with a burning glare. "What the hell are you doing?" Woohyun shouted in rage. Hoya stood up and threw a punch on Woohyun's face, that resulted in a bloody face Woohyun. The next thing they knew, the two were throwing punches at each other and Sunggyu immediately pressed the emergency button to call for help.

 The nurses came few minutes later and gasped looking at the mess in front of them. Dongwoo and the others also came in after few minutes later and witnessed the bloody scene in front of them. They tried to break the two apart by pulling them away from each other. The struggle goes on for few minutes before they succeeded in stopping the both of them from damaging each other's face.

  Woohyun tried to escape from Sungyeol and Myungsoo's grip on him but the two held him firmly so that he can't escape. "Woohyun, calm down!" Sungyeol said as he held onto him tighter. "Let me go so that I can kill that bastard!" He yelled at them. "You're the one who should die! I should've just kill you when I had the chance." Hoya's words made everyone froze in their place.

  "W-what do you mean,Hoya?" Dongwoo asked slowly as he tried to progress his boyfriend's words. Hoya yanked his hand away when he felt the grip on his arms had gone lighter. "Yes, I want to kill Woohyun and Sunggyu. You want to know why?" He said as he glared at all of the people that were in the room. "Because that guy killed Jiyeon!" He shouted and point an acussing finger at Sunggyu's direction. Everyone in the room gasped and turned their attention towards Sunggyu who was crying on the bed. He shook his head furiously and said, "No! I didn't! He's lying!" He defended himself.

Suddenly, the speechless Dongwoo spoke up. "No, he didn't, Hoya. He didn't kill Jiyeon. Its not his fault. Jiyeon attempt suicide because Sunggyu dated Woohyun and at the same time, her mother that was diagnosed with cancer, died at that time. She couldn't take the fact that both of her beloved ones had gone from her life. That's why she tried to kill herself.You found her a little too late and she died few minutes after they arrived at the hospital because she lost too much blood." He said in a trembling voice as he looked at his boyfriend who broke down and cried. He wanted to comfort the younger boy but after he thought about what Hoya had done to the lovebirds, he didn't deserve it.

  "Why do you still want to take revenge when you knew the fact that they're both innocent and doesn't have anything to do with Jiyeon's death?They didn't even know that Jiyeon loves Sunggyu!" Dongwoo's words made Sunggyu and Woohyun felt guilty. Maybe if they were in Hoya's shoes, they would feel angry as well, but that doesn't mean that he has to kill both of them. But Hoya did mentioned that he love Jiyeon."I know that you still didn't get over her even though you accept being my lover.I know you didn't mean it when you said 'I love you' to me.But I just wanted to tell you this once. She's dead. And we're over." Dongwoo finished his sentence as he walked away with tears streaming down his face. Hoya was speechless and he froze for a moment before he stood up and chase after Dongwoo.


  After the commotion, the boys went back home to calmed themselves except for Woohyun. He sat next to the bed quietly while Sunggyu laid on the bed with his back towards him. "Gyu..."he called for the older boy softly. Sunggyu still didn't budged and looked out at the window, ignoring his presence. Woohyun sighed heavily.

  "I know I'm not a great lover. I have flaws, I easily got jealous, I mess up... I start fights... but I'm not playing around when it involves love. Especially when it comes to you. I give my all and I love deeply. I understand if you want to ignore me forever and break our relationship forever. But please don't hate me. I know what I did was wrong and I realized it now. I really wanted to mend our broken relationship, but my ego and anger was too much that it clouded over everything else. I really wanted to say sorry for breaking your heart...but I think that sorry is not enough." Woohyun stopped as he wiped the tears that streamed down his chubby cheeks.

  "Always remember that I won't and never will stop loving you even if we're in our separated ways. You're the only one that I love with all my heart." When he didn't recieved any response from the older boy, he smiled sadly and stood up from the chair. "Thank you for being my boyfriend even though I'm such a bad lover. I guess this will be the last time we meet, so I wanted to do this for one last time. Please don't hit me." He said as he leaned down and kissed Sunggyu's cheek. From up close, he can hear that the older was trying to hold in his sob and tears were flowing down his cheeks. He was relieved that the older didn't push him away, he straightened his back and turned around to walk away.

  But, he was stopped by a delicate and small hand that was grabbing his bigger one. He didn't turn around because he was afraid of what the older would say to him and he's definitely sure that the older wanted to confirmed his words that they're breaking up. But he received another shock of his life when Sunggyu snapped his hand and pulled him down onto the bed, making him fell on the older boy's body. Their face were only inches away when Sunggyu spoke up. "Do you think after you said that, I will just throw you away and forget you for the rest of my life? Don't you know how much I love you?" He asked in a shaky voice as he tried to stopped his tears. Woohyun felt a hard pang of guilt once he saw the crying face of his boyfriend. He wiped Sunggyu's tears with his thumb gently. He smiled softly as he realised that the older had forgave him and was trying hard to form it into words as he knew the older was not very good with words.

  He smiled mischievously as he waited for the older to continue his words. Sunggyu who saw this, punch Woohyun on his side and glared at him. "Yah! Do you think this is a joke?" Sunggyu hit him on his chest lightly. Woohyun grinned when he looked at the adorable sight in front of him.

  Sunggyu stopped hitting him when Woohyun suddenly cupped his face and looked into his eyes seriously. "Hurting you is the last thing I want to do, but I want to be fair to you. I don't want you to stay with me just because I am in need for someone to be with me at this point. That's what I thought when I left you. I guess it's my insecurities acting up, because I know I'm not the most handsome guy in the world or the smartest and the most fun guy you've ever met. But then I realised, you've never been happier than when you're with me. You're always having a great time whenever we spend time together. I'm always with you for almost the whole day but I never heard any complain from you that you're tired of our routine. You're a funny person, cute, smart, caring, thoughtful, sweet... I would like to list it all but it would take a long time for me to do that because you're the most perfect person for me. People said that nobody's perfect but there's someone who is going to complete your life so that you can be perfect. Its your other half... and I'm like one hundred percent sure that it's you."

  Sunggyu was crying by the time Woohyun had stopped talking. He was crying of happiness because what Woohyun had said touched his heart. He sobbed and wiped his tears with his palm. Woohyun helped him wiped his tears using his thumb and leaned his forehead on Sunggyu's. "Even though things didn't work out as what we had planned, I'm still grateful for having you as my lover. If there is a chance for me to fixed it up, I would really like to do it right now so that I can see your beautiful smile again. I'm not going to ask you for a second chance because I'm going to ask you to give me the only chance to fix this mess up so that we can get our happiness. Because I still loves you so much. I truly loves you and I won't hesitate to fight for our love." Woohyun finished his sentence with a genuine and sweet smile.

 Sunggyu can't hold back anymore, so he kissed the younger on his lips passionately, leaving the boy breathless and surprised. After a moment, Woohyun recovered from the shock and kissed him back with the same passion. They both pulled back at the same time when they were in need of air. Sunggyu smiled lovingly at him and gave his answer. "I won't give you any chance."

  Woohyun felt his heart broke when Sunggyu said that, but then he continued. "Because I've never stopped believing in our love. I never stop loving you because you're the only guy that can make me smile like an idiot, act silly without caring who you are, you still love me even when I am not the most perfect person on earth. I don't need someone handsome even though you are, I don't need a smart boyfriend and I am sure your stupidity got the best of you when you thought that you're not the best person that I've ever met." Woohyun pouted when he heard this, so Sunggyu kissed the pout away. "I love you for who you are and I don't need you to fix anything for me because you're perfect enough. Your problem right now is that you doubted my love for you and that's the only thing I want you to fix, because don't ever doubt my love. I don't have anyone else that I can love with all my heart because I only have you in my life. Fate brought us together because we were meant to be with each other." Woohyun smiled and hugged him tightly.

  Even though it's a bit awkward with their position on the bed, but the two didn't care about it. All that matters at that time was each other's company. They kissed again, this time with a smile on their faces as they expressed their love for each other. "I love you, hamster." Woohyun said as he pulled away from the kiss. Sunggyu punched him on the stomach for calling him hamster, but Woohyun just laughed at his weak attempt. "Hate you too,bunny." He mumbled sulkily and hide his face in the crook of Woohyun's neck. Woohyun grinned and pulled away to look at Sunggyu in the eyes but Sunggyu protested, trying to hide his blushing face. "No honey now? You used to call me with cheesy names, including honey bunny. Even mom cringed at that name."

   Woohyun laughed so hard when Sunggyu pushed him off the bed and return to his original position, looking out at the window with a heavy pout hanging on his lips. Woohyun crawled back onto the bed, hugging the sulking boy from the back. "Baby~ I'm sorry... I won't do it again. Please look at me, I miss your smile..." he whined like a baby. Sunggyu huffed. "Only my smile?" Woohyun grinned like an idiot and turned him around so that he was facing him and kissed the pout away. "No, I miss all of you. But your smile is the one that I miss the most because it always brighten my day." He said cheekily. Sunggyu blushed and pushed him away, mumbling something that sounded like 'shut up,you idiot..'before Woohyun protested, insisting that it was the truth. And it goes on and on and on.


Their love life went back to normal. People at the campus were so happy when they walked into the campus, holding hands and doesn't hesitate to shower their love for each other. Hoya didn't attend university ever since the incident. Dongwoo didn't say anything about the incident, but he came to the campus with his usual angel smile, and laughed like his normal self. Well, they guessed it's better to never talked about it because it seems like Dongwoo can managed it himself because he's the best at handling matters.


"I'm gonna make sure that mom's feeding you enough food, so that I can squished and kissed that chubby cheeks of yours again. I miss it. How dare you made it go away. That's the third most favourite part of you body that I like the most."

"What's the first and second?"

"I've told you, your smile is number one. And the second one is your small eyes."


"What? It's the truth. Your eyes are cute."

"Why did I accept you being my lover? You're so stupid."

"Awww... I'm offended. Maybe because you love me so much?"


"Yah! You're suppose to agree with what I said!"

"Shut up, you noisy tree."

"*fake a gasp* how dare you, you small-eye hamster!"

"Nam Woohyun, can you please shut up? We're in the toilet right now. It's stupid to have a fight about nicknames in the toilet."





A/N: This is the last chapter! I'm sorry for not sticking to my words. This should be updated a long time ago but this chapter is harder than I thought. And this story is more angsty than what I had planned. Thank you to those who stick to this story til the end.

Many love and thank you to those who subscribe, comments and upvote. I really appreciate it. I also appreciate those who even spend their precious time to read this story.

And for the last time, excuse my grammar mistakes because I'm not really good at it. Good bye! See you in the next story!

Oh! If you need explanation or any question such as "who is jiyeon?", please tell me. I'll try my best to explain it.



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Chapter 6: The ending is so funny.
Chapter 6: Glad it is a happy ending ヽ(´▽`)/ the last part is cute XD great story ♡♡♡
Chapter 6: Tooo cheeesy !!tht i cringed at this hahaha.but this is veryyy sweet n cute hahah...absent mindedly smiling throughout ths fanfic hahaah
Chapter 6: Hahaha no no i don't frigging care about jiyeon thing..all i care is they get back together and the world is once again filled with lollipop and rainbow and unicorns
Chapter 6: I never expected Hoya would be the one who planned all of this fuss. It's more than just ing. He wanted to kill Sunggyu. >.<
But I'm glad that it ended happily.
Chapter 6: Oh those babies! I'm glad they're happy and that's all I've ever wanted ;)
Chapter 6: aww what a cute ending :3 thank u for the nice story! :)
Chapter 6: The ending bwahahahahahaha xD nice shot woo to the gyu couple both of you so unbelivable xD
Chapter 6: The end is cute... :3 Thanks author-nim for his story :)
Chapter 5: Stupid Woohyun :/