

Jongin thinks himself to be a world class perfectionist. Obsessed with his work and addicted to the smell of fresh notes, he makes it a point to slave at the desk until he achieves unquestioned perfection. He does not care much about his poor reputation as an uptight, miserly gold digger in the office because he knows himself better than the slackers surrounding him.

He is an uptight, miserly, egotistical gold digger.

 He also has a thing for details.

“Jongin!” shouts Chen from the opposite cubicle. “Have you sent the final draft to the Executive director?”

“Sent and received it with comments,” Jongin replies smugly. Chen only rolls his eyes at the child with a convent school hangover.

“And what about the joint presentation?” Chen pursues after some while typing away furiously at his laptop. “Did you start preparing for it?”

Jongin stops proofreading and stares at Chen menacingly trying to uncover any hidden intention on the Cheshire cat’s  part. But nothing about the 26 year old male with a delectable set of lips typing away on his laptop hinted at any vindictive air.

“Uh…” Jongin stalls wondering whether he should ask Chen to mind his own business or give a polite answer. “We are proceeding fine. Just fine. Incredibly, infact.”

Chen nods while Jongin looks for signs of him being utterly convinced by his utterly well articulated, absolutely assertive answer.


It is around one in the afternoon when Jongin decides to walk to his cubicle. He has the speech prepared in his head. This time he would not get diverted or distracted or spiral into whirlpool of poorly hidden frustration. This time they would talk. As professionals. As colleagues. As rational, like-minded human beings.

“So did you go through the .ppt?” Jongin asks. To make things casual, he ‘casually’ leans next to his cubicle hitting his pelvic bone to the edge biting down his wince, ‘casually’ rests his elbow on the top edge of the cubicle only to have it slide off on its own and ‘casually’ whispers to himself ‘so did you go through the .ppt?’ before actually saying it aloud.

Oh Sehun, the he in question, raises his head from the fortress of his arms to stare at the slightly constipated looking guy before him. His afternoon nap disturbed, Oh Sehun feels appalled by the sense of entitlement of the intruder.

“Kind of…maybe.” His words come out slurred but his furrowed eyebrows and the edge in his voice convey the message to Jongin that he is thoroughly unamused by his pestering.

Jongin stands stunned: Sehun has read the presentation yet and Sehun has the most kissable lips ever. He doesn’t know how the two observations quite add up to each other but he feels that both of them are equally important. Sehun also looks ing adorable with his hair tousled, his tie loosened, his eyes blinking in confusion and his annoyed puckered mouth.

As if in a trance, Jongin bends down to get a better look at Sehun’s face who by the way was slowly falling asleep again. Jongin, to this day, doesn’t take responsibility of the thing he did next. He blames it on a supernatural force controlling his body like a marionette.

He drops a soft kiss on a Sehun’s lips.

Sehun ever so slowly opens his eyes to a mop of soft brown hair and the sensation of gentle lips grazing against his own. True to his nature, he responds to this harassment in the way he knows best: by smacking the out of Jongin’s senses.

Jongin whimpers as he rubs his head in order to ameliorate the pain and mouths an insincere apology but secretly his mind is too overwhelmed by the softness of Sehun’s lips. He would have like to on it if not for his brutal rejection.

“Kim Jongin,” Sehun spoke matter-of-factly. “If you try to do any of your hanky-panky stuff here, I will not only not contribute to your stupid assed presentation but I’ll ruin your little perfectionist self by confiscating your laptop and messing up all your alphabetically categorized documents, you prick.”

As much as he loved to kiss Sehun, he couldn’t bear the idea of having his documents jumbled up. Bowing deeply, he took his leave promising to himself that the next time they would talk.


“Here,” Sehun drops the file on Jongin’s head an hour later. “This is my part of the presentation, you stuck up .” If it were someone else, the whole office would have burst out laughing at Jongin being called out but it was Sehun. It was Sehun, the straight-faced , no-nonsense work shirker. No one wanted to be his target. In fact, they were glad that Jongin had been the unlikely scapegoat.

Jongin takes the file as if it was heaven sent and then looks at a diffident Sehun. Just what would take to make Sehun like him?

“Uh…Thank you,” says Jongin a shy smile gracing his blushing face. “I am glad you were so prompt and --”

“Relax pup,” Sehun smirks. “Not a confession of my undying love.”

Jongin grows silent at that and reverts to diligently perusing Sehun’s file.

A flicker of confusion flashes in Sehun’s eyes. Maybe he had overdone it.


In the entire expanse of the day, Jongin gets sworn at tandem. ‘face’, ‘Pansy’, ‘Maybelline Baby Lips’ – Sehun’s lexicon of negative attributes was on an auto-invention mode. Things Jongin learnt that day included never disturbing afternoon naps and that kissing Sehun was worth the humiliation.


Jongin sighs and lies back on the sofa. He still has to make corrections in Sehun’s draft and incorporate Sehuns’ corrections in his own but it was nice to be back. It was nice to be away from files, paper holder, papers, glue sticks and staplers being thrown at him.

He pushes the spectacles back on the rim of his nose ready to finish the work by tonight but stops when he notices the lithe figure crouching and crawling towards him. Jongin loves the tiny waist but what he loves even more is the tight, high-rise that deserved a good spanking.

“Jonginnie” he whispers before kissing his cheek. Jongin involuntarily smiles and ruffles the feline man’s hair.

“Is this your apology, Hun?”

Sehun places his palms on Jongin’s sturdy thighs and plants a kiss on his lips. Jongin responds earnestly and does what he had been dying to do in the office: on Sehun’s lower lip. His hand grabs a clump of Sehun’s hair and pulls him towards himself. Sehun almost falls right into Jongin’s lap. Jongin cradles Sehun’s while Sehun snuggles up to Jongin’s chest their tongues now exploring each other’s mouths, sloppy and wet.

Sehun focuses his attention on Jongin’s jaw trailing it with blazing butterfly kisses while Jongin ventures forth to palm Sehun’s raging hard-on except Sehun’s hand stops him before he could even touch his tent.

“Jonginnie,” Sehun cooes in his ear. Jongin shudders in pleasure. He loved Sehun as coquette. “Will you do the presentation for me?”

Jongin’s eyes narrows inadvertently and he stares at Sehun, lips pressed in a line. Sehun presses another quick kiss on his lips and then moves on to nuzzle his neck eliciting an illicit moan from Jongin. “Please, Jonginnie? Only this time? You can do anything you want with me?”

Jongin groans and pushes Sehun back on the sofa. Climbing over him, he takes a look at the pleading pale skinned man who paraded as an indifferent brat in office but was a ing tease who got work done out of him at home. Presentations? He practically did everything Sehun asked of him. With a grunt he lunges at Sehun’s throat nipping at his sensitive spot to get the little minx .

Sehun laughs inwardly. Jongin wasn’t only an uptight, miserly, egotistical gold digger. He also happened to be a lovesick puppy.

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Chapter 1: The ending was a pleasant surprise; who knew the uptight Sehun was such a manipulative vixen, eh? Too cute! ♥
:)) too faced Sehunie is the end of Jongin. Who would put up with that sassy kid beside the lovesick puppy. Too cute!!! Another episode please. Office SeKai is so cute!!
Chapter 1: awww, cute *giggle*
Onepenny #4
Chapter 1: Wish there was more! Jongin really is whipped. Love your writing style.
Chapter 1: Omg....i want a sequeal kf this xD
CuTAEpie #6
Chapter 1: HAHAHA go sehun! :))
BubbleTj #7
Chapter 1: I love it!!!! So...well thought out and just! I love it authornim!!! Jjang *thumbs up*
Love sekai!
Chapter 1: Lol sehun...u xD hahahahaha lucky u coz kai is so in love with ya
Chapter 1: Lol. I honestly have to say this is great. I'd love to read more. haha i love "love sick pup" Jongin and b!tchy no nonsense Sehun.
Chapter 1: The BEST thing i EVER read !! Let me love youuuuuu