No Other

Don't keep secrets.

♥ ~>

i got the inspiration from this song ^_^*~

"Please tell me the two of you didn't do anything dirty on my bed..."

Jaeyoon shot her a look that might have murdered her on the spot - that is, if looks could kill. Shara would probably lying in a heap of dead skin and bones on the pavement. "I'll take that as a no," she said to herself, worried that if she tried to pry into what actually happened the previous night, she might actually attempt something dangerous. After what happened the last night between herself and Miae, she had begun to worry if some of the blame might fall on Sunggyu's shoulders too - if Woohyun knew about Sunggyu's less-than-usual feelings for him, it could potentially ruin him and put him under immense stress. Especially since there were other factors to consider too...

As of now, none of them had met with Woohyun's parents after the 'accident'. She and Miae were aware that they already knew about what had happened to their son, and she was reluctant to meet them. The guy had been raised in a wealthy family and his parents weren't exactly very welcoming about him having friends who were of any 'lower status'. She'd first noticed this when she'd once walked home with Sunggyu and Woohyun last year, and his mother had come to the gate to welcome him home and noticed Sunggyu's dyed hair colour. Shara clearly remembered the face she'd made at the time, whispering something in Woohyun's ear and pulling him in just as he was about to turn around and bid the two of them goodbye.

Damn that woman, she probably suspected the reason he jumped was because they were 'bad influences'.

* * *

"Eonni eodiyo?" [1]

As Sunggyu hurriedly bent over to lace up his shoes, he answered, "She and Jaeyoon went ahead."

"Oh," Miae said simply as she shifted her weight uncomfortably onto her other foot. She hadn't talked with her older brother in a while, and after confessing to Shara what she knew about the complicated relationship between Woohyun and her brother, she wasn't sure whether she had already told him of all this. Hopefully she had kept shut so it wouldn't make things all the more awkward between them.

She was supposed to play the role of the innocent little sister here, but then maybe she was too curious for her own good.

But what about that phone call?

Miae chewed on her lower lip in frustration. She watched him as he got up and started on their way to school. "Ppalli gaja," [2] he motioned for her to walk next to him. Being in that kind of troublesome position he was in now must be extremely frightening, she thought to herself. If anyone else knew about this, surely they would blame him for Woohyun's condition right now. He must've been feeling really desperate, being able to sing well, have good looks and still not get the girl he likes. Instead, he got his best friend going gay for him - not something one would exactly wish for, since it practically ruined their friendship and left him with no one to turn to.

Placing herself in his shoes turned out to be scarier than she imagined. Early last night she'd just been in a stupor after seeing him covered with all that blood on his head and lying in a pool of it. At that time, the fear of death was real, and Miae had felt as if a mountain had crashed down on her shoulders. That one phone call made it seem as though she was guiilty of telling him about the Hoya-Rin couple and probably just made him snap. He probably thought it was ridiculous of Rin to go off with a nerd instead of someone like him.

Sunggyu's voice snapped her out of her train of thoughts, causing her to look up at him and ask him to repeat himself because she hadn't heard him the first time. He gave her a small smile. "Don't worry too much about what happened yesterday. I'm sure he'll be fine," he assured her; or at least he tried. Miae heard the trembling in his voice, but just barely. He sounded like he was reassuring himself. Only then did she realize she'd been keeping silent the whole way - and they were already almost reaching school. She could see the school gates approaching.

Swallowing the nervous lump in , Miae mustered up whatever courage she had and grabbed him by the wrist. "Jamkkanmanyo oppa," [3] she blurted out suddenly, stopping in her tracks. Surprised, Sunggyu stopped just in front of her, saying, "Mwo? We're going to be late."

The temptation to hold back and not say it came back again, but this time she pushed it away and looked at him straight in the eye. "I... I was the one who told Woohyun oppa about Rin and Hoya." When he gave no reaction, she repeated it again, a bubble of anger rising in her chest. "It was me. It's none of Sunggyu oppa's fault. It's because of me that he --"

"KIM MIAE!" he suddenly yelled. She reeled and backed away like a scared animal, letting go of her previously tight grip on her wrist. His expression hardened as he maintained the eye contact she had just initiated. She saw him clench his jaw. "What are you trying to say?" he asked rigidly. Miae stuttered out a reply, "...t- that you don't have to shoulder the blame just because --" she began, but was once more cut off by her older brother.

"Are you saying that you were so important to him that he would jump just because you betrayed him, told him about something that would make him sad?" he shot at her, "Do you think you mean so much to him? That he would jump for you? BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU? IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK, EO?" [4]

What was this, Miae asked herself, scared to death hearing him scream at her. She averted her eyes from him, afraid that if she met his gaze he might get even angrier with her. She ended up seeing random strangers giving them weird stares and wondering what she'd done wrong to make someone so angry and create a scene in public - if a teacher saw them, their reputation was sure to be ruined since they were in their uniforms and making noise so close by to the school. This was bad, really bad. Embarrassed and terrified, she looked up to try and apologise to him before he got out of hand - only to find him still giving that angry glare, that same angry glare from their father way back when.

She froze, mind racing back to the past. And all of a sudden she felt light on her feet, like she could take off running at any moment. It was one of those reactions that had been ingrained into her body upon seeing that foreboding expression, that ominous sign of impending dark clouds and rain battering down on her, just like those whips of the cane she had so dreaded as a child.

But then he whipped around, and stormed off.

Miae fell to her knees as soon as he turned around. It felt as though there was this hand - a huge, gnarly, wrinkled hand with long fingers that had closed around her heart and held in its grasp, feeling it pulsate against the rough palm, beating at the speed of a bullet train just running along that track of doom and headed right for the end of the dark tunnel with no opening on the other side. With one squeeze of the hand, the train would crash and splinter into a million pieces and warm blood would flow out from what remained of her deflated heart.

She shuddered a little as the hot pools of tears finally began to spill out, and she choked trying to hold them back.

That's what she was - never good enough, always bringing shame to her family, not living up to anyone's expectations and just going around hurting others even though it was never her intention to do anything bad;

What an embarrassment.

They were sitting outside on a grassy area by a river near their school, at a spot where they could feel the wind on their faces and little rays of sunlight filtered through the clouds as it set on the horizon. Exams started in three days, but neither of them were very worried. Instead, spending the rest of the day together and just relaxing - it was something they could enjoy before burying themselves in math and scientific equations.

He strummed the guitar a little, playing a few random chords. He had Rin in his arms and the guitar around her, such that they were able to share their body heat. Winter was definitely ending, and they had abandoned the thick woollen clothing that they would usually were out to keep themselves warm, like that day at the cafe. But today - today was different. Today, he'd gone to her house to pick her up knowing full well what they would have ahead of them.

She motioned for him to let her have her turn at the guitar, and her nimble fingers slowly moved over to take their place on the strings. Humming a few notes, Rin began playing a melody. Hoya shut his eyes and listened in awe. There was really nothing this girl couldn't do.

But then there was that sickening, dreadful thought eating at him from the back of his mind, dying to just spit it out and tell her everything that had happened that morning. It felt wrong keeping secrets from her. And it wasn't just that, but the fact that it concerned her made it all the worse. The only thing that was keeping him from telling her was his fear of how she would react if she found out about her role in Woohyun's accident. Right now, she had absolutely no clue about him - she hadn't even noticed he'd been missing from school that day. As far as he knew, she'd been caught up by her friends and 'interrogated' as to why the two of them had started dating.

He was glad she'd accepted him for a boyfriend, someone so wonderful and talented and pretty as her. He felt lucky, and blessed. Hoya treasured this newfound relationship and he swore to himself he would go to any lengths to protect it, and to tell her about this was probably violating his own rules; making her feel hurt or sad and seeing her smile fade away. He didn't want that.

"Where did you learn to play this?" he asked, driving his thoughts away from that matter. Rin stopped playing and tilted her head a little so she was leaning on his shoulder. "Jaeyoon taught me," she said with a bright smile, "She saw me watching, then asked me if I wanted to learn it.

"She said it was a sad song that her close friend taught her."

"It sounds beautiful when you play it," Hoya praised and kissed her hair, causing her to giggle. He would have to tell her eventually, and soon. The sun was setting and they would have to part ways in less than an hour - but to tell her right before the exam period would just be cruel, right? For her to have that horrible thought might cause her to lose her focus and her grades might drop because of that, and all her hard work and effort would be for nothing.

Also, it wasn't possible for him to hide the news from her until after the exams, because by then surely she would have noticed Woohyun's absence. And if somehow someone else found out about this and confronted her about it...

Finally, he heaved a sigh and stood, lifting her up by the arms and causing her to shriek a little, then let her sit back down on the slope in front of him, except this time their positions were reversed so she was able to look down at him - and he could look up at her, so that if he ever looked down and was at a loss for words, he wouldn't find himself staring at her face.

"Rin ah..." he said, holding her palms and gently rubbing the back of her hands with his two thumbs. She didn't respond and looked away instead. Hoya noticed the pink blush creeping up to her cheeks, making it all the more hard for him to break the news to her. How should he phrase it?

In a second, he looked up at her and she met his gaze. "Do you love me?"

He saw her lower lip curve inwards as she started to bite on it. For a moment, he thought his heart might break because she didn't answer him right away, if he was the only one who loved her so much, if he was the only one who looked stupid asking that question.

"...y- yes," she whispered softly, and withdrew her hands to hide her face in them. She didn't want him looking at her in case she turned red and embarrassed. Hearing him snicker quietly, she peeped between one of the gaps between her fingers and caught sight of his handsome features, at which she let her hands fall from her face and reach out towards his own. The action mildly surprised him, but he stayed still and let her do what she want. She flattened her palms against his cheeks, then used her thumbs to bring his eyes to a close.

He wondered for a minute what she would do next, if she was exploring his face and his features. His skin burned wherever she touched - a sensation he had never felt before. It was like a thrill running through his blood, this skinship. Maybe it wasn't such a good thing, to like it, but then --

It almost felt like his brain had completely shut off when he felt something soft meeting his lips; only after awhile did it register in his mind that she was kissing him. Immediately he moved to return it, shifting almost dangerously closer as he returned the kiss with passion and let his tongue travel onto her lower lip and it playfully. He'd only just started when she recoiled slightly, taken aback by his sudden burst of passion. Their eyes fluttered open simultaneously, their faces barely inches away from each other.

Damnit, Hoya thought, not yet. He moved in for another kiss, needing to satisfy his sudden hunger. I don't want to tell her yet, he prayed silently as their lips met in another flurry and he pushed her down onto the grass such that he was now on top of her. Blades of grass bent and folded under his fingers as he clenched his fists, still engaged in that long kiss. He withdrew for a second, giving both of them time to breathe, and dove back in. Jebal... [5]

"I love her too much to hurt her."

Sungyeol let out a huge groan as he ran both hands through his hair, effectively messing it up. "I don't get any of this~" he whined desperately.

"HWAITING!" Shara yelled out encouragingly from the kitchen, the aroma from some potentially delicious meal wafting its way to him and making his hunger pangs worse.

"mehrong~" [6] Sungyeol stuck his tongue out playfully in the direction of her voice, though he knew perfectly well that she wouldn't be able to see that reaction of his. Damn he was hungry. Shara had been in there learning new recipes from his mother - she had always insisted on teaching her every time they came over for a visit - a "polite, pretty, responsible and wonderful young girl", she would say, then nudge him (hard) in the ribs and wink ever so obviously. "Aigoo, eomma..." he sighed to himself as he finally flopped down on the table, unable to control his hunger. Sungyeol swore there was a tiger living inside his stomach.

Shara and Miae had come over to his house to study together as they would usually do before the exam period, since the three of them were close. That is, if you could count Miae as being close to anyone except Rin.

Still, it was good that he had friends with good grades. Shara wasn't made for teaching - she just couldn't explain things properly, going round and round in a long-winded explanation about how one plus one added up to two instead of eleven. And then there was Miae, who was a year younger than them. Even so, occasionally while studying by herself at the other end of the room, she would overheard them talking about a topic she was familiar with and end up teaching them how to go about solving it. But if they didn't get it the first time she would throw a fit, which was scary.

She hadn't done anything this time; in fact, she was surprisingly quiet today. She hadn't said anything about his complaining, or that Shara was idling away in the kitchen while the two of them nearly starved to death... Okay, so maybe that was an exaggeration on his part. But seriously, that tiger might eventually turn to his stomach walls if he wasn't fed his course!

"Kim Miae-ssi!" he called from across the room. She looked up a little, but barely. That's when he noticed her puffy eyes, and wondered if something had gone wrong. But he decided not to pry too deep into the matter, so he just grinned and simply finished with, "Take care of yourself!"

Then he slid his chair back and dashed into the kitchen, nagging at the two ladies to hurry up with lunch - earning himself a pinch on the cheek for being impatient. "Why don't you just move in with us already?!" Miae heard him ask from the kitchen, "You two have like the most bonded non-mother-daughter relationship!" An uproar soon followed and ensued when Sungyeol's mother replied cheekily, "Oh but she is~ or at least she will be my daughter-in-law one day, ne?"

There was some arguing after that, and usually Miae would storm in and demand of them to quiet down because she was actually trying to study for the upcoming tests - but she didn't, because there was an elder present. And also...

It would be weird, telling the guy you like to shut up right after he told you to take care of yourself.

[1] Where's (Shara) eonni?

[2] Hurry, let's go.

[3] Wait a minute, oppa.

[4] 'Eo' is like the Korean way of saying 'Huh', I think they do use the latter sometimes, but for some reason I found this to be more like a scolding from a family member since it's more personal >_<;

[5] Please... *I actually took this from this "brain map" of INFINITE members, where it showed that most of Hoya's brain was "Jebal" haha he must be really stressed or something, our poor Ho aegi! :'(

[6] "mehrong" is what Koreans describe as sticking out your tongue at someone --> : P (as such.) apparently because when you do, it sounds like you're saying 'mehrong'? o.o i think so, not too sure about this part~ ;;

I'm pretty happy with this chapter keke. It's 3am and I'm still wide awake... omo o^o;

For those of you who are wondering why the part about Gyura's kiss wasn't explained here... it will be explained in the next chapter, where our dearest kenyan friend will be making another (important) appearance!!! kekeke Dongwoo is my second bias in INFINITE and I love writing him ^_^ though I do love Sungyeol the most, I find it more pleasant to write on Dongwoo and Sunggyu hehe.

i find the difference between Hoya's and Sungyeol's hunger quite amusing lol.


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WTS Syahirah o_o don't post themmmmm >:( or you won't get yours. Or maybe I'll post yours too muahahahaha.
U write beautifully, I'm very impressed xD<br />
Keep writing, dont give up!
Jiaxin453453 #4
EEEPS :DDDD EH UR FIRST CHAPTER ALREADY EPIC EEKS I LOVE YOU SYA <3 smartie indeed, even the writing so professional :D