Maknae Line

HyukBin's Day Out

“Hyuuuuuuuuuuuung” a voice whined while poking Hongbin’s side. “Hyuuuuuuuuuuuuuungie bunnie munnie shmunkie punkieeeeee” the voice came again making Hongbin crack up.

“What the hell was that Han Sanghyuk?” Hongbin asked in between breaths, clutching his sides. Hyuk waited for his hyung to calm down. As Hongbin gradually sobered up he looked at Hyuk and said, “ahh what is it you annoying little shoe you?” while pinching his dongsaeng’s cheeks lovingly.

“It’s like our ONLY day off and all the old men want to do is sleep” he said while pouting and referring to his other hyungs as ‘old men’ causing Hongbin to smirk.

“Hakyeon hyung would slay you if he heard you Hyuk.”

“Tch old age is causing his bones to hurt so I’ll live” he cheekily replied. “Anyway hyung my point is, let’s go out today. Let’s go to that cool laser tag place. Since the others are sleeping c’mon it’ll be fun.”

Hongbin stared at his dongsaeng contemplating his words. True it was their day off and yes it was getting quite boring at the dorm especially with no tv. He nodded towards Saghyuk’s eager face and shrugged “sure why not.”

Hyuk jumped on Hongbin and squeezed the life out of him. “Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay oh my gosh hyung yesssssss let’s go! Not a minute to lose! Omgomgomgomg let’s grab some money…wait..Taekwoon hyung has a wad of cash somewhere.. I saw it…” Hyuk trailed off looking high and low for his hyung’s cash. Hongbin’s eyes widened at Hyuk’s words.

“ he’d skin us alive and bring us back to clean up the mess, let’s just use Jaehwan’s.”

“Hyuk stopped and stared at Hongbin. “Hyung…you’re evil you know that right?” Hongbin smirked and winked at Hyuk and then rushed into the room careful not to wake his hyungs. He knew where jaehwan kept emergency money for trips and stuff so he figured, this is a trip…sort of, this is an emergency because duhhhhh boredom is the illegalest of all illegals so why not? Clearly Hongbin was a logical thinker. Grabbing his hoodie and some personal cash (he’s got a heart) the visual met up with an overexcited maknae at the door.

“Hyuk shouldn’t we leave a note or something?”

“Hyuk grabbed the notepad they usually kept by the table in the living room and wrote in hurried Korean “Binnie hyung and I decided to go out. We’ll be back…….Ravi hyung don’t pop a vessel screeching when you see your face kekekekekekkekekekekeke love you byeeeeeeeee.”

As they were going out the door Hongbin glanced at his accomplice. “What did you do to Ravi hung’s face Hyuk?”

Silently Hyuk took out his phone and Hongbin almost started crying with laughter. It turned out that while Hongbin was getting the money, Hyuk decided to decorate his roomate’s face. He gave Ravi panda eyes and drew warts on his nose and used coloured markers to draw whiskers and to top it all off he gave his hyung red lips. “Hyuk….why do you have lipstick?”

Hyuk gave Hongbin a sheepish grin, “I stole it from one of the coordi noonas hehehehe.”  Hongbin facepalmed.

“I don’t know where I went wrong in life” he muttered. “Anyway do you know how to get to this laser tag place?”

Hyuk nodded confidently and sang “follow the leader hyunggie!”

“We spoil you too much you sack of dirt” Hongbin grumbled. Hyuk slung his arm around Hongbin’s shoulder and laughed.

“Love you too Snookumz!”

“Oh my god you’re satan’s spawn.” Hyuk just maniacally laughed to emphasize his hyung’s words and be all dramatic and led the way.

“WHOAAAAA it’s huge!” both boys exclaimed. They walked in and got their equipment. Sanghyuk was grumbling about he got the pink laser while Hongbin got blue but anyone with eyes could tell he was manlier. Hongbin shoved Hyuk and said “loser treats to ice cream….plus I’m manlier than you ever could be baby maknae love” and smirked.

Hongbin walked away from a dazed Sanghyuk and laghued when he heard him shriek “watch out hyung, you’re sooo dead!”

“Ohhhhh I’m soooo scared…is baby maknae gonna cry when he gets back to his Yeonnie mommy?” Hongbin jeered back at him.

“You’re on !”

“Bring it princess!”

And the game started. Hongbin’s team was winning against Hyuk’s. They had three more players left while Hyuk’s team had two. Hongbin’s main goal was to be the one to shoot his dongsaeng. They were having so much fun.

He heard Hyuk’s childish laughter as he finished off one of Hongbin’s teammates and Hongbin smiled at his dongsaeng’s happiness. Now they were two on two.

Hyuk circled back into his hiding spot and had hawk eyes looking for his Binnie hyung. Suddenly he heard a scream and realized now it was just him and Hongbin. Sanghyuk gulped. He moved keeping to the walls and stealthily scanning the dimly lit area. He was nervous. “Gotcha” he whispered as he saw the back of his hyung but before he could shoot Hongbin moved so fast that Hyuk couldn’t see and pretty soon they were circling eachother. Getting all dramatic. Cowboy movie style.

“Whoa there Sasuke, when did you learn to move that fast?” (A/N Naruto ref guys)

“It’s only because you’re slow Hyukkwaii.”

“There is no way that I’m buying that ice cream hyung.” Hyuk said quite seriously making Hongbin want to laugh but he held a serious face.

“Oh yeah, then who will because I won’t” and he shot. Sanghyuk reacted and shot too and they both fell to the ground. The lights came on and their teammates sighed.

“You did good but it was a draw.” One of the boys from Hyuk’s team said.

“Yeah but thanks for the awesome game guys” and one by one they all shook hands. As Hongbin and Hyuk were walking out, they were silent.

“Soooooooo who’s gonna buy the ice cream?” Hyuk asked. (A/N I know hyukkie is lactose intolerant but please bear with me)

Hongbin smiled at his dongsaeng, “silly I will.”

“Hey hyung the amusement park isn’t that far off from here and it’s still daylight hours soooo..?”

“Leggo.” Hongbin dragged Hyuk almost making his spill his ice cream. They reached the amusement park and their eyes literally became stars. Roller coasters, ferris wheels, water rides, cotton candy!

“HELL YEAH!” Hyuk screamed. They paid for their entry and Hyuk thanked god for Lee Jaehwan and Hongbin used his money to by cotton candy. Hongbin pointed to the largest roller coaster, eyes lighting up like a child’s and tugged on Hyuk’s shirt.

 “That one Hyuk…that one. Let’s go on that one first.”

Hyuk felt a bit uneasy but couldn’t deny his hyung’s request. As they were in line Hongbin was dancing on the balls of his feet. “Hyung, you do realize I’m the maknae right?”

“Hush boy, let me enjoy this” Hongbin silenced him like a diva. They were in their seats buckled and ready to go. They were going up and up and up…slowly. Hyuk grabbed his hyung’s hand and squeeze his eyes shut. They started counting, “one…two…three…AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” everyone on the ride started screaming. It was exhilarating. Hyuk felt his tummy tingle and squirm and he forced his eyes open and started enjoying the ride. Hongbin felt as though he was flying and raised his hands up in the air dragging Hyuk’s along with him. They went in loops, upside down and suddenly it stopped then BOOOM they were off again.

When the ride ended the boys wobbled on their feet and laughed at their chicken hair. They got soaked on the water rides, there was a ride where they had to stand up and when the ride started they ended up on their bellies and the two mankaes of VIXX thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Lastly they went on the ferris wheel. It was almost sunset. Hongbin glanced at Hyuk and saw a satisfied smile on his face.

“You know hyung…I think we should do this again but with the others. Especially Hakyeon hyung.” Hyuk’s eyes suddenly got sullen as he stared at the sky.

“I know Hyukkie. He’s so tired, so lifeless these days. We’ll do it. Next time we’ll bring them and we’ll not only go for laser tag and the amusement park but we’ll spend an entire day out. We’ll picnic and we’ll visit the new aquarium and we’ll spoil those old men rotten.”

Hyuk smiled at his hyung’s words. “Yeah..away from cameras. And society and expectations. But hyung, of course we’ll use their money.”

“Oh but of course. How else do you expect all this to happen?” Hongbin laughed. “Hey Hyuk, thank you for this. For suggesting this. I mean.”

“No problem hyung. Hongbin hyung, I know that idol life is hard at times but I’m glad I got into VIXX. I know that at first you guys probably didn’t like me but thank you for accepting me now.”

Hongbin stared out the window of the ferris wheel and then looked back his dongsaeng smiling, “we always loved you, you impudent imp.”

Later that night the two boys snuck back into their dorm.

“Phew it’s dark. Good maybe they didn’t even notice we were gone” Hongbin whispered.

“NOT! LIKELY! YOU TWO VILLANOUS COCKROACHES! OH MY GOD! WHY I OUGHTTA CHAIN YOU TO YOUR BEDS AND FEED YOU NOTHING BUT PUDDING FOR A WEEK! A wild Hakyeon screeched while blinding the boys’ eyes with light. In front of them stood four very angry hyungs.

“Han Sanghyuk my freaking face?”

“My money you two brats my money!”

“You guys can’t just leave like that. Hakyeon hyung almost lost his mind. And you didn’t even answer your phones.” Leo added.

“But we left a note” Hyuk defended.

“Huh? Where?” Jaehwan asked genuinely confused.

“Right here” Hongbin pointed to the table.





“Old age” Hyuk muttered to Hongbin and gave him a high five.






I should be doing my psychology home work but nooooooo what am I doing? Writing this plotless fic…..seriously….what am I doing? :v

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This is epic!!!!! Just imagine id all of them actually spend a day at the amusement park oh the dra assss...
P/s: psychology major too??? *High five* shud b studying for exam tomorrow but here i am guilty pleasure
maple755 #2
Chapter 1: this never gets old! esp the ending, "we left a note... right there... oh x 4" kekeke poor hyungs, didn't even look at the table to see the note.
emmyrose #3
Yay I'm glad you liked it ^^ .. thank you
Sxphia #4

Btw its too cute and funny. Thumbs up for this!
kkaepsongyehet #5
Chapter 1: "Hyuuuuuuuuuuuuuungie bunnie munnie shmunkie punkieeeeee" gosh.. waiting for time when I can use this:"D
goshh I really love your stories♥_♥
hyukbin♥ Old N♥
poor Ken get robbed(//_//) :"D
I love how you add some little things on your stories, like ravi's face♥_♥ and you mention every person on your stories. You never leave anyone out♡
Yeah. You are Daebak♥_♥
You know you are too in in Kpop when you count "1,2,3" in Korean. "하나, 둘, 셋
hana, dul, ses" ~(^○^)~
Nooo, you should do your homeworks!!!
We can wait^3^