
His The One I'm Looking For?

"Jihyo-ah!!!! Wake up!!" Chanyeol shout while hopping on jihyo's bed. But of course,beig a sleepy head jihyo didn't move even an inch. 

He sigh and goes straight to the bathroom and take a small pail of water. And splash the water at her. 

She immediately open her eyes and glared at the person "what did u do?!!"

"I..I..I.. just wanna wake u up. Now u're up,go and clean up." He tried to act calm but who can act calm in front of angry jihyo? His voice is abviously trembling and he us stuttering.

"You're really! Ok then ,I'll go but WHEN I'M FINISHED I WANNA SEE MY BED IS CHANGED AND DRIED UNDERSTAND?!!"she said loudly then takes her towel and gone to the bathroom.

Chanyeol stunned and then realised " why did i do that? Now what am i going to do? I'm so dead" but even his mouth is still mumbling,his hands still moving to clean the mess. 

After he finish (fortunately before her) he writes something on a note and go down as mrs Song is calling.

Jihyo is finished bathing and wears her uniform. She looks at the bed and smiled. "That boy,really listened well. Huh? What's this?"she said and takes the note.

I'm sorry... I'm finished tidying your bed. You're done? Come down and lets eat.. Look at the watch. What time is it now? We're almost late! Palliwa!! 

p/s:you're alarm is working well sleepy head :P

" Really? I didn't hear anything though. Weird..."then she runs downstairs.

"Finally you're here! Palli and eat the cereal. Chanyeol almost finished already." said mrs Song

"Ok." She replies with a short sentence. "Hey,dummy. Thanks" she whispered to chanyeol

Chanyeol just smirk. After a while,they'ce finished and start to cycle to the school.

"Yeay! Teacher didn't here yet! Thankfully... Right chanyeol-ah?" she ask once she stepped in the class.

"Thanks to me :)" 

They sit andchat for a while then,

"Anyeong kids.. As i said yesterday, the new will join us today" mr yoo jaesuk said with a bright face

Then,a pretty girl enters makes all the boys stares her. 

"Introduce your self young girl"

The new girl nods and introduce herself "anyeonghasseo,jung krystal imnida.. U guys can call me krystal. I just moved here and i came to this school with my cousin. I loved to sing and dance. I can dance well u know? And bla bla bla..."

"Woah that krystal really talks a lot! But she's really pretty" jihyo exclaimed.

"You're right. Really talkative!"chanyeol said while shaking his head.

After 10 minutes...

" u're finished krystal-sshi? If yes go and sits behind suho. Suho raise your hand" said mr jaesuk ( he must be bored too right?)

"Not yet but I'll continue later."said Krystal

" Good then. Ok kids,we'll continue our lesson"

Krystal go and sits where she was told. 

"Hye! I'm jihyo. Hope we'll be friends" jihyo said with sweet smile but krystal just ignores her. Maybe she didn't hear it. Its ok. I'll greet her again later.


"Recess time! Finally! I'm soo bored that i almost slept just now u know?" Jihyo confess to chanyeol.

"U're always like that. Let's go!" Chanyeol said and takes my hand and runs to the corridor. 


"Ouch! Ya!! Watch where u're going!"said boy.

" Ahh... Mianhae.." Jihyo said while chanyeol is rubbing his head. Then the boy just walk away after giving us a very cold glare

"Who is that b*tch? Never saw him before" said chanyeol

"New student. Maybe. But,he has a very cold expression. Never mind him. Let's go" jihyo said while putting her hands on chanyeol's shoulder but she us having hard time as he is taller.

"U're short. See your foot. They're must be tired balancing u. Let me do that instead." Said chanyeol while smirking. He then changed her hands' position ( i don't know how to describe it) 

Jihyo pouts for awhile and smiles again after her head being patted by chanyeol. But in her heart i think i know that boy earlier. But who is he?


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Foreverminho #1
Chapter 4: Aww. You're welcome ^^ both of them are so cute XD hwaiting!!! XD
milky_strawberry #2
Chapter 4: 6 subscribers. Dont know that it will be that much actually. I'm not expecting much. And for this chapter,actually, i have to write this two times cause the first when i'm almost ready,i've forgot to save it before clicking something. It is really tiring but it's okay. It's worth it. Do you thinks this is long enough? Or should i make it longer? And thanks to foreverminho. ^_^
Foreverminho #3
Chapter 4: Oh..thank u for updating...poor krystal tAlking alone...wonder whAts going to happen next~~
Please update soon ^^
BeastyGurl21 #4
HI!! i'm designing graphics here. if you need any graphics or posters. please check on my story^^

thx and sorry for my bad English, fighting on you story!!^^
Foreverminho #5
Chapter 4: Thanks for updating ^^ I love their friendship relationship so cute XD btw I think u Accidentally put 2nd two times :) please update soon
Foreverminho #6
Chapter 2: Wah..thanks for updating aww..I love how chanyeol show his love towards jihyo >~< can't wait for next chapter ^^
Foreverminho #7
Chapter 1: Hi.. I read first chapter already ..IT so cute and i appreciate u come up with your courage to write this story..fighting ;) u can do IT
I will support u ^^