The Seraph's Fate



"There different kinds of love in this world

But never the same love twice.

- F. Scott Fitzgerland"


I’m not human, but I am capable of interacting with them

   I am an angel and I protect humanity

  I must succeed for there is no room for failure

  But can I succeed if love comes in the way?

Do you believe in angels?

Saya is an angel, motivated by her hopes of obtaining a higher position for being an angel. She is a perfectionist and wants everything to be done without any failure. But this time, her duty is quite a challenge. She is given a task to protect a guy named Jungkook. He is a high school student who is known for bullying, dropout records, and fist fights involvement. He is one hell of a kind.



 This is Saya, a grade 2 seraph, who aims to be of their troop, Ace of Angels or AOA. As they call it, Kyria.    When compare to a student, Saya is probably the top 1 in her batch. She never miss out things, especially    important ones.

Name: Saya Kim | Troop: AOA



Kaori, Saya's troopmate. You can't really say that they are friends, well for seraphs, in earthly terminology, angels, they don't exactly describe their feelings. They just know which is right from wrong. 

Name: Yang Kaori | Troop: AOA



This is N, as they call him. Wondering what's with the black wings? Well they're not particularly from heaven as you earthlings call it. He's more of a Padnal. People usually call it as a fallen angel. It happens when angels act against their duty

Name: N | Troop: Vicious Inferno - XX





And if you think N is the only one, there are actually a number of Padnal. But here is Ken, the head of the Padnals, and he's actually quite proud to be one. He believes that being brought to this world to be an angel didn't give him much of a choice. He believes in the happiness the liberty brings

Name: Ken | Troop: Vicious Inferno-XX







And here is our little boy toy. A third year high school who's into street dancing, skateboarding, street fights, alcohols, bullying, and any other things high school kids usually does. The seraphs' goal is to his life straight, but they can't lift a finger on him until he turns 18

Name: Jungkook | Age: 18










And here's his squad. They call themselves BTS, which they really reveal the meaning behind the acronym, but people who hate them call it Boys Turned .

Names: V, Jungkook, J-hope, Jin, Jimin, Namjoon, and Suga



Author's Note:

Love and support would be highly appreciated


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