us [kai/sehun]

Us [kai/sehun]

that melodious laughter.

he stopped writing his essay. he frowned as he heard the chattering behind him. he turned around and glared at few of his classmates, talking and laughing loudly not noticing that they had disturbed someone. the so-called leader of the group, kai - or kim jongin - looked up as he noticed sehun staring.

that blinding smile.

sehun blushed as kai smirked and sent him a wink. he turned around again facing the front of the class, not wanting the other to see his pink tinted cheeks. 

damn you kim jongin.

kai's best friend, kyungsoo, noticed what was happening between the two, "ya sehun-ah, why are you blushing?"

sehun who was caught, stuttered, "w-what? no, i'm no-"

"you like our kai here, don't you?" hearing this, kai smirked.

sehun's eyes went as wide as kyungsoo's can be before he shook his head furiously, "n-no no no, of course not," a small nervous laugh. "i'm uh, not someone that..would um, have a boyfriend." he finished his sentence with a small voice, looking down at his laps.

kai suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. while his friends stared incredulously at him - "what's wrong with you man?" - sehun's cheeks are getting more red.

he spoke up after his laughter had died down, "of course, guys. sehun here won't date anybody because he's such a nerd!"

some girls who heard their conversation giggled. sehun lowered his head down again, holding back tears that's threatening to fall.

i hate you, kim jongin.

kai's friends didn't catch the meaningful look that jongin sent sehun with a sad smile as they were busy laughing their heads off.

the moment the bell rang, sehun packed up his stuffs and dashed out of the class, head bowing down.

the only person who noticed this, quickly apologized to his friends for having to leave so early and followed sehun. as they got further from the school, he called out.


sehun walked faster, the tears that he'd been holding back all day finally rolled down his cheeks.

"sehun-ah please wait!"

he reached his home, slamming the front door to the other's face and not caring if he had hurt him or not. he's more hurt right now. all he wanted was to run away from him. he practically ran up the stairs and again slamming his bedroom door before letting himself fall on the queen-sized bed. he sobbed into the pillows, tears staining them.

sehun heard the creak of the door, indicating someone was coming inside the room. he heard shufflings of feet nearing the bed before a deep voice pleaded, "sehun babe, i'm sorry."

no reaction from the boy who's silently crying into the pillows.

jongin heaved a sigh as he slowly climbed their bed. "sehun-ah..." he put a hand on sehun's shoulder before the younger boy slapped his hand away. he sat up straight, tears streaming down his face. jongin's heart broke more at the sight, but he still can't deny how beautiful the younger looks even when he is crying.


jongin froze for a moment and collected himself before pulling sehun into his lap.

"let. go. of. me. you. bastard," sehun struggled while hitting jongin's chest. jongin could only let sehun vent his anger at him.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry," sehun stopped struggling and muffled his sobs into jongin's shoulder. jongin not giving a damn about his shirt getting wet as he chanted his apologies over and over again into sehun's ears.

jongin wrapped his arms tighter around sehun's waist and they stayed that way for a moment. soon sehun's crying stopped.

"i'm really sorry. i didn't mean to say that to you." hearing no response from the other, he continued, "it's the only way not to make any of my friends suspicious of you. us." still no response. "babe, look at me."

sehun lifted his head, showing jongin his red glossy eyes and tears-stained cheeks. jongin thinks he deserves a punishment from god for hurting someone so precious.

couldn't hold all the mixed feelings he has for his younger lover, jongin captured sehun's lips in a soft kiss. receiving no resistance from sehun, he deepened the kiss. the moment the younger let out a needy moan against his lips, all guilty thoughts flew out of his head replaced with pure lust and want.

all he can see, feel, taste was oh sehun.


sehun snuggled more into jongin's warm embrace, not caring about the stickiness of sweat and other bodily fluid. their legs tangled with the sheets. 

jongin let out a soft chuckle, "we should take a bath first, you know." yet, he did not show any signs of getting up.

sehun mumbled sleepily, "'s not like it's not comfortable." the elder could only smile at his lover's adorableness.

a few quiet moments with sehun's slow breathing, showing that he was slowly slipping away from consciousness before jongin whispered, "i'm sorry, really."

that made sehun wide awake. he looked up and gazed back into jongin's eyes, a loving smile grazing his face, "it's okay. i understand."

"i'm sorry that we had to keep our relationship a secret. i'm sorry i had to ignore and be rude to you at school. i'm sorr-"

"jongin, i said it's fine. i know you only want to protect me from all your crazy fangirls. like i said before; the few consequences of dating kim jongin, the most popular kid in school." he joked, making jongin smile again.

"well then, it's still my fault for asking you to be my boyfriend four months ago."

sehun laughed and crinkled his eyes and jongin swore that he could never love anyone else more than sehun.

"nah, i was wrong for saying yes."

jongin frowned at his words, "you regret saying yes?" a hint of fear mixed with sadness in his eyes.

sehun reached up and pecked his lover's lips. "you're such an idiot, you know that? i would never ever regretted saying yes to you."

replacing his frown with a gentle smile, jongin kissed sehun's forehead, "i love you so much."

"i love you too. now, let's sleep."

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lalicesarang #1
Chapter 1: So effin sweet u need to write more (u definitely have talent for writing considering this is ur first time)
Chapter 1: SEQUEL PLES
leftright #3
Chapter 1: whaaaaaa.......sequel please Author-nim~ at least Jongin friends know about their relationship~ OR even better...........make another Sekai fics!! haha ^^
Chapter 1: Aww, it's so cute~
I loved it!
Chapter 1: Hahahahah ..kai,be a man and show to the world ur heart belong to that gorgeous sebooty
Chapter 1: I just find this and start to read and after I read the story it turn to be really good~
The story is cute with a little bit angst but meh the fluff still make me smile like an idiot now XD
Nice job Author ^^
HannahJojo #7
Chapter 1: So cute~~~ i want moar!!!