Good Citizen

Good Citizen

"Aissh…" Yoongi hissed under his breath.

He’d been wandering around the mall for a good hour trying to look for you after seeing you drop your wallet. He didn’t even know who you were, but he didn’t want to half- trying to be a good citizen (item number one on his New Year’s resolution list).

After looking through the basics like Victoria’s Secret, Macy’s, along with an assortment of different jewelry stores that were nearby, he was ready to give up. He didn’t even know if you were still in the mall to be honest. For all anyone knew, you might have left just after you dropped it, then all this running around would have been for nothing.

"Excuse me," Yoongi poked at a security guard nearby. "Have you seen a girl with dark hair with a black purse?"

The guard raised one eyebrow before laughing a little harder than necessary. “In this mall? Where almost every female and even some males fit that description? Sorry, kid. Maybe she’s in the food court.”

Yoongi winced. 

Kid? Who’s he calling kid?

"Whatever." He shook it off. He slipped the yellow wallet into his pocket before making his way to a place that catered more to his own interests.

"Hey, Yoong." The manager at the record store nodded towards him.

After a while, he’d become a regular. Most of the time he didn’t even buy anything. He just loved to sit among the aisles and listen to whatever he could find. There were vinyls on vinyls on vinyls. If he was lucky, he’d find an old school hip-hop record from someone he’d never heard of.

"Anything new?" He asked as he started poking through clearance.
"Someone brought in a stack of Run DMC and Black Sheep, but someone’s listening to it in the back."

"All of them?!"

The manager nodded. “She was ecstatic when she saw them. She kind of reminded me of you actually. She grabbed almost of them and ran to the back to listen. I think she’s still there.”

Slightly annoyed that his usual spot was taken, Yoongi made his way to the back room. He could hear the faint sound of Black Sheep’s the Choice Is Yours through the door.


A young girl who looked like she had been napping not seconds before he came in peered at him with fairly large eyes.

"I’m so sorry. Was I taking too long?" You stood up.

That’s when it hit him.

You’re the one who dropped the wallet.

"No, no, it’s my fault." Yoongi stuttered. "I should have knocked first."

You smiled, bowing ever so slightly. “Don’t worry about it. I was nodding off anyway.” You bent over to bring the needle up from the vinyl before slipping it back in its sleeve to purchase.

"That’s a great record." Yoongi shoved his hands into his pockets awkwardly. "One of my favorites."

You perked up. “Mine, too. You don’t often meet other young adults who like this stuff.”

"Yeah, ha." He laughed once, taking notice of how stuffy it suddenly was in the room. You were too cute for your own good. Everyone always talks about how cute guys are when they wear flannels with the sleeves rolled up, but no one ever mentions how cute girls are when they do it. And you were beyond cute.

"Did you want one of these?" You motioned over to your small pile of records. "I grabbed some duplicates by accident."

"Um, sure." Yoongi accepted your offer but not before the wallet stuffed in his pants scraped against the edge of his fingers. "Oh, holy crap, I totally forgot. This is yours—"

You raised your eyebrows at the sight of your wallet. “Oh. You picked this up?”

"Yeah…" He grew nervous from your tone. "Is it not yours?"

You giggled. “No, it’s definitely mine. Were you looking for me this entire time?”

"Well, not the entire time…" He avoided your gaze. "I just thought, you know, it had important stuff in it, and you might be looking for it later. I mean, like now since you’re buying that."

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it, but…" You ped the wallet with a smirk and held it up to your face to reveal a giant hole at the bottom. You grinned at Yoongi through the gash. "I was throwing this away. I guess I missed the trash can."

"Wait, what—" He grabbed the wallet and inspected the large defect. "There was nothing in this?!"

You shook your head with a large grin at how embarrassed he was. “I bought a new one to replace this. I’m sorry you wandered around looking for me.”

"I can’t believe I—-how did I not see that!" He threw his hands down. "This is what I get for trying to be a good citizen! I’m sorry I wasted your time." He turned his back on you.

"Wait!" You grabbed his arm.

Both of your faces turned red at the skinship. He coughed. “Yes?”

"I’m about to get coffee. Did you…" You backed away, letting go of his arm. "Did you want to join me?"

"Really?" He smiled.

"I mean, it only makes sense to reward a good citizen."

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Yonghyunism #1
Chapter 1: Cute story!!!!
loel19 #2
Chapter 1: Akakakakakaa yoongi's fail. -.-
that's a cute story >.< as cute as suga haha
i luv it!!