What is wrong with me ♡

Mail Boy
I just wanted to put a little bit for chapter 2 before I start chapter 3! Letting you know now if you didn't read before, this was originally a one shot but I've decided to add in 3 more parts! I have 2 more chapters to go, but since my writing style has changed don't be too alarmed when the style changes (I'll try to keep it the same!)
It's not a huge update but enjoy reading!


I sat in my room, the coffee cup on my table. I glanced over at it and my face instantly flushed.
His name rolled out from the tip of my tongue. It almost felt like my life was complete. I couldn’t contain my happiness as I saw the clock strike 2:45. After minutes of me staring at the digital clock, I heard the doorbell ring, strange but I quickly got up and ran towards the door. 
After going to the coffee shop, I missed my chance to arrive home in time to see Xiuminssi. He probably left early to start delivering but I still came back late. I sobbed in my head as I missed the chance to talk to him and this time properly. Though it wasn’t like I was brave enough to see him myself.
I reached the door and opened it and my eyes paused.
“X-Xiuminssi.” I stared at the mail boy in front of me. He looked out of breath and tired, what could he possible be here for? He was still catching his breath and he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
“H-Here.” Xiuminssi handed me some mail and he quickly bowed and walked away. Was this all he came for wait- this was all happening too fast.
“A-Ah wait…!”
“Yes?” He turned around, my face was going to turn red again, my words are caught in my throat. I forced them out,
“Er uh s-see ya.” He gave me a smile and waved bye to me. I waved back slowly and slumped down from my door. See ya? That’s it? Out of everything I could say I said See ya. 
What is wrong with me.
The only time I never saw Xiuminssi was on Sundays, since mail isn’t delivered those days. I usually slump in my chair thinking about if I actually talked to him, what it would be like. I felt my face burn when I thought of the coffee shop incident.
 I’ve decided to start going there, not only because they have good coffee but because I have to start making an effort to see him. It was strange that today after telling Kai about him that we actually outside of delivering mail. It was a miracle, if none of this happened I would still be knocking my head off the wall for not getting his name for the 37th try.
Today was Friday and I don’t have school but I wanted to see him again. I felt like there was a turning point today. 
I called up Kai, not forgetting about how he might possibly know Xiuminssi. 
And I talked to him over the phone after 3 rings,
“Hyung what’s up?”
“Don’t think I’m gonna let you off for what happened today.”
“L-Look Hyung I didn’t know he was going to be there!” Kai said in defense. Although that whole coffee incident was a pity what I really wanted was to know was why or how they knew each other. After I asked Kai nonchalantly replied,
“Oh well, Xiumin hyung also delivers my mail.” I almost dropped my phone at the thought of my mail boy delivering other people’s mail. Ringing on their doorbell and smiling at them.
“H-He does?”
“Well Hyung he’s a mail boy what do you think he does?” Well that makes sense. But still- him delivering my mail makes me feel special. It’s the only connection I have with him. I sighed and Kai gave me some cheering. I still sighed in my head because it's true. I don't see him in school because we're in diffferent classes 
What is wrong with me.
“I feel like you’re gonna be seeing him a lot more then you think Hyung.”
“You see him everyday anyhow and today you saw him 3 times! At school, at the coffee shop, and at your home. So coincidence? Fate? I don’t know just don’t be so down.” I could tell Kai was really worried about how I was talking. Just earlier this week I felt like just being able to see his smile in the afternoon would be enough for me. But if I have the possibility to speak to him more then I’ll take it.
“Thanks Kai.” I smiled to myself in hopes of bringing up my spirit. I hung up the phone and changed into more comfortable clothes. I walked over to my bed leaving my phone at my side. I laid down and satred into the ceiling.
Kai lives close to me if you didn’t know and well I should’ve thought about him delivering other people’s mail. It felt like he was mine.
I stared at my phone, maybe I could ask for his number next time. Maybe I could talk to him till midnight. Maybe I would invite him over one day. Maybe I could ask him out. Maybe I could kis- OW!
“O-Ouch…” I fell off my bed and groaned loudly. I stayed on the ground and rubbed my back while trying to get back up on my bed. If you guys didn’t know I’m a bit clumsy, and I sometimes fall off my bed while thinking about er a certain someone. 
What is wrong with me.
I’ve tried many times to get him out of my mind but- after experiencing so much today, Xiumin was constantly in my mind. His skin was soft and pale and just his voice was filling my mind. It was unique and different almost melodic. I started to daze off again but this time I didn’t fall off my bed. This time I closed my eyes remembering the way he smiled at me with his cute cheeks. 
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I have to admit I have that habit to never read on-going storys, but for you I broke my rules.
M123hello #2
Chapter 2: omg this is so cute x)
so far so good !! Im looking forward to your updates !
Chapter 2: :O YAY you updated~
please update soon~
is this the end??? is there gonna be a continuation????
how does kai know xiu and vice versa?????