▐ ↳ 7SINS 〉 — sment's new girl group ( apply open.)


not all those who wander are lost


As I said in the rules, ulzzangs and models as face claims only, I 'm not a fan of idols as face claims, it doesn't look realistic to me. 7SINS will not be doing cute concepts, they are more in the strong, y, classy style, so please don't use a cutie ulzzang, pretty please. Lee Sung Kyung is taken, just a reminder.

For the plotlines, I won't be giving you special traits you should follow, I'm just going to give you a Sin that your character will represent in the fic. Your personality doesn't need to be attached to that specific sin either, she can be all shy and her sin can be wrath for example.

As for love interests, I said I don't care who you pick because doesn't matter, it can be an idol, it can be a model, an OC, the age is not important either, but don't make a huge as well, if she is sixteen, she shouldn't be dating a man on his 30 I think. Xia Junsu is taken. 

I will be choosing six girls, since my character is part of the group as well !!

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snaekeu #1
Chapter 2: Is this still open?
spirit_L #2
Chapter 3: Actually, my face claim is Kwon Su Jeong, not Baek Sumin.
dr3amers #3
Chapter 3: I applied but I do not see my character, I'm new to this, are you not taking any more people??:)
Chapter 3: Um...i applied too...but my chara isn't up there...
dr3amers #5
Chapter 2: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/927859/1/kpop-application-application
Here is m application I hope you enjoy reviewing it:)
Chapter 2: It's still open? I want apply but can you help me how to apply? This is my first time
Chapter 3: /patiently waits/ OWO <3
spirit_L #8
Chapter 1: Is there a specific age our chara has to be in?
-mirai- #9
Chapter 2: Is the sin of our plot the stage name of our character, or just the sin that's she is representing?
//will apply soon