I Miss You

I Miss You

Seo Yeon finally went to school after 3 days of being absent. She was sick, she had a bad fever and she was always throwing up. It was the worst fever she had ever experienced. Her body smelled like the pills she had to take three times a day and it was not a nice smell at all. She was happy to be back to school again. Being at home was nice but being at school with friends was nicer. She missed school.

Seo Yeon arrived a little bit late than she usually did. The class was already filled with her classmates. Seo Yeon walked calmly into the class and went straight to her seat. As expected, her friends gathered around her.

“Seo Yeon ahh!! You’re here!” said Sherilyn, who sat next to Seo Yeon and was also Seo Yeon’s best friend.

“How are you?”

“Better then before.” Seo Yeon said, pulling her chair to sit down. “Did you miss me?”

“Of course I miss you!” Sherilyn said and pulled Seo Yeon towards her to be hugged. 

“She was not the only one who is missing you, Seo Yeon.” Said Haengbok, who was standing beside Seo Yeon’s table. Seo Yeon raised her eyebrows.

“Ah..did you miss me too?” Seo Yeon asked, feeling a bit weird because Haengbok wasn’t that closed to her. “I miss you too!”

“No, it’s someone else.” said Nyssa who suddenly joined in the group. “I know you know who he is.”

“Someone else?” Seo Yeon asked, getting confused. “Is it you Nyssa? Who else could it be?”

Sherilyn exchanged smiles with Haengbok and Nyssa. Seo Yeon sensed something fishy behind that smile.

“Minho asked me why you were absent.” Sherilyn said, and Seo Yeon almost fell from her chair when Minho’s name was mentioned. “He said he missed you.”

“WHAT?” Seo Yeon asked loudly and the whole class looked at her. She went red and then whispered in a smaller voice to Sherilyn, “Minho said what?”

“Minho said he missed you” Haengbok interrupted with a stern voice. “The most handsome boy in this school said he missed you.”

Seo Yeon felt her stomach was uncomfortable. She felt like throwing up again. She felt sick. Minho said that? Why? She was not interested in him! Why did he say that? What was going on in Minho’s mind?

Minho, as said by Haengbok earlier, was the most handsome boy in school and he was perfect in everything, including studies and sports. Almost all girls in the school adored him, well except Seo Yeon obviously. Seo Yeon was the only one that was not taken by Minho’s perfect ness. 

“Oh, Minho is here!” Nyssa exclaimed excitedly and pulled Haengbok behind Seo Yeon’s chair. 

Seo Yeon turned her attention towards the door. There, stood the tall Minho. The girls went aaaaaahhh at his presence. Minho didn’t step in immediately. He scanned the class first. Seo Yeon’s heart skipped a beat when Minho stopped scanning the class and was staring at her. Their eyes met for like three seconds (which felt like forever) then Minho turned away quickly. He hesitated for a second, and then he went quickly to his seat which was beside Sherilyn. Seo Yeon who was still surprised, got back to her senses and refused to look at Minho anymore. What was that all about? She asked herself. Minho scared me! 

Seo Yeon tried to calm her heart down by reading a book. History should keep me distracted, she thought. She began reading. But Minho’s soft gaze at her a while ago kept popping inside her head.

“Ahhh..why is my heart beating so fast?” she asked herself. “Concentrate! Concentrate!”

“Kwon Seo Yeon sshi.”

Concentrate..concentrate..I should concentrate, Seo Yeon told herself. Ignore everything else.

“Kwon Seo Yeon!”

Who was that calling my name? Shut up, I want to concentrate! Seo Yeon thought, still facing her book. 

“Seo Yeon-ah!”

“What?” Seo Yeon turned, and saw Sherilyn was looking at her impatiently. 

“Minho called you.” Sherilyn said. “Didn’t you hear?”

“Why did he call me? I— “

“Kwon Seo Yeon, I miss you.” said Minho who was standing at his seat, looking straight at Seo Yeon.

Seo Yeon thought her ears were deceiving her. She looked at Sherilyn for explanation. Sherilyn just shook her shoulders, smiling uncertainly.

“Kwon Seo Yeon, I miss you!!!!!” Minho said loudly, making Seo Yeon’s heart felt like dropping. After he said that, he gazed at Seo Yeon like the way he did when he arrived, and then he ran out of the class. 

Everyone in the class was surprised at his action. Seo Yeon was frozen at her seat.

“What was that?” Seo Yeon asked. “He is crazy!”

“So he likes you!!’ Nyssa said with sour face. “No wonder he’s been rejecting us all!”

“I’m heartbroken!” said another classmate. “Minho!!! Why???”

The girls started to be noisy.

Seo Yeon was confused. She really didn’t understand Minho. Really? Minho liked her? Why must it be her? 

“So what my dear Jjong said is true,” Sherilyn said. “Jjong said Minho likes a girl in our class.”

Jjong is Sheryl’s boyfriend. He was also Minho’s bestfriend.

“There is no way Minho could like me!” Seo Yeon said. “No way! And when is the teacher going to come in? 
I’m going crazy already, so early in the morning!”


Seo Yeon was walking home alone after school finished. Even though she wanted to avoid it, her mind kept thinking of Minho’s surprising confession that morning. She never thought such thing would occur. Minho was the most famous boy in school. She was nobody. Minho had a lot of fans. She didn’t know if she had any fans. She rarely talked to Minho while Minho talked to everybody (but her). Then out of the blue, that event happened. Minho must be joking. She felt sick.

‘Hello Seo Yeon” said a familiar voice from behind her. Seo Yeon turned. It was Minho. He was smiling nervously. Seo Yeon didn’t smile back.

“Um. Hello.” She answered and continued walking faster than before. Why was Minho behind her? And why was he even more good looking up close and personal?

“Wait, why are you walking so fast?” said Minho. “Wait for me!”

Seo Yeon didn’t feel like waiting. She walked faster.

“Wait!” Minho said again and Seo Yeon felt a hand grabbed her right hand. She stopped abruptly. 

“Can we walk together?” Minho asked, his eyes fixed on Seo Yeon’s eyes. Seo Yeon went red and turned away.

“Sure.” Seo Yeon said and her heart was going crazy inside.

“Great!” Minho said and pulled Seo Yeon’s hand to walk with him. Seo Yeon felt uncomfortable and tried to release her hand but Minho didn’t allow it.

“Um..can you..”

“I’ve been waiting forever for this!” Minho said happily. “Finally I can be with you!”

Seo Yeon wondered why she didn't refuse.

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Chapter 1: cute! though i can't help but feel bad for mc lol, she's so confused after being so sick...
tamelessdreamer #2
Chapter 1: Minho <3 haha. “I’ve been waiting forever for this!” “Finally I can be with you!” So sweet!
this was sweet but it ended so abruptly!