Chapter 1

of New Discoveries & Lesson Learnt

Nam Taehyun tiptoed silently into the bedroom he shared with his husband. Well, technically his ex-husband. He waited until he knew that Mino was not home to come over to grab his things. Well, he was more or less moved into his new apartment but it was just some loose items that he needed to get.

Well if he was to be totally honest with himself, he wanted to take a look at the house that he called home for the last five years for one last time. Mino had been very generous and wanted to give him whatever Taehyun wanted but he just took the minimum terms because anything else would just be reminding him of Mino too much. He was not sure how long he just sat on the bed they shared the night before as a married couple because the next thing he heard was Mino calling out.

“Taehyun? Are you here?”

Taehyun quickly stood up, hastily wiping that lone tear that escaped from his eyes, his heart beating rapidly. How long has it been since he was just sitting on the bed and remembering? five minutes? An hour?

“Oh, you are back. Don’t worry, I will be done soon.” Taehyun felt all flustered at the sight of Mino standing at the doorway.

“No worries. Take your time. You sure you do not want to stay a little longer?”

“It is ok I have found a place and already more than 90% moved in.” Taehyun answered.

The longer he stayed, the more things were bound to happen, not to mention the possible friction that they might not know they had.

“Do you need me to send you there? I can drop you off at your new place.” Mino asked again. He hated that formal tone and the politeness. Were they not the two closest people ever?

“No it is okay, Dara noona will be here soon to pick me up.” Taehyun smiled again.  It struck to Mino at that time that he could not remember the last time where Taehyun’s smile actually reached his eyes. Just exactly how much did the things changed between them?

“Do you want to say goodbye to...”

“No.” Taehyun was quick to answer but it was too late as the sound of pattering feet can be heard.

“Appa!” A small girl came running in and wrapped her arms around Taehyun’s legs.

Their daughter…

Another reason why he chose to come over at night was because of their daughter, Euna. He remembered Euna was not going to be home that night that was why he decided it was a better time to come over.

“I thought she was going to be staying with Halmoni?” Taehyun asked as he picked Euna up, taking in the comforting scent of baby powder and the baby clean smell.

“Well, she was kicking up a really big tantrum so I brought her home instead.”

“Why did you throw a tantrum at Halmoni? It is wrong, Euna.” Taehyun chided gently.

Song Euna pouted cutely. She hated when Taehyun appa scolded her even though she knew she was clearly in the wrong.

“Where are you going appa?” She asked resting her head on his shoulder.

Taehyun looked at Mino unsure what they should be telling their daughter. In fact, how does any parent tell a child so young that they are no longer married and living together?

“Appa is going to Dara imo’s place for a while.”

“Bring baby?”

“I cannot bring Euna along but I will come back see you okay?”

“Then let me walk you to the door.” Mino offered somehow not wanting to let Taehyun get out of his sight so soon and was relieved when Taehyun silently agreed.

It seemed like it was the longest walk Taehyun ever took to get to the front door. As they stopped at the front door, Taehyun turned to give him a smile and a kiss on the cheek as he handed Euna over to Mino.

“Euna, be good and listen to Mino appa ok?” Patting Euna on her head and ruffling her hair softly.

“Yes, baby will be good.” She nodded her head cutely as Mino settled her in his arms.

“Take care of yourself, Minho?” He whispered. Taehyun took one last look at the house before he stepped out and into the car that was waiting in the driveway.

The last thing he saw was Mino standing there along with Euna in his arms watching him leave.


Mino could not sleep that night. In fact, he could not remember the last time he could not sleep. Then he remembered the reason he was tossing and turning was because Taehyun was not there beside him. He settled Euna in her room with all her plushies before returning to his room only to realize that he has been tossing for an hour or so, still wide awake.

Up until yesterday, Taehyun shared the other side of the bed with him. He never said it to Taehyun but the presence of him always comforted him and made him feel more assured. He can always count on getting a good night’s sleep as long as Taehyun was with him.

Mino shook his head sadly in the dark. Nam Taehyun was not going to be sharing a bed with him anymore.

They met when they were in school together. Mino was the popular guy with an ear for music particularly when it came to lyrics writing while Taehyun was the introverted student with one or two very good friends but a genius with melodies and tunes. They were thrown together by their music teacher to work on a song for an annual school event.  Three months later, they were dating and have been together ever since.

Taehyun was 19 and Mino was 20 then. Their relationship was not all smooth sailing, in the midst of the happy times, they fought like crazy but at the end of the day, they resolved their differences and worked hard to keep the relationship going.

He proposed to Taehyun on his 23rd birthday in front of their immediate families and close friends. Graduating from school did not deter them and they held on to each other through it all. Like all newlyweds, they worked hard to juggle work and family. Mino worked as a producer while Taehyun and his 3 best friends opened a music school together.

They decided to adopt Euna two years ago. It was like an icing on a cake, life was good they were a model family with solid careers, nice house, a lovely daughter and well mannered. However, with each of them having more responsibilities, they started to drift apart without  even realizing it. 

Mino was not too sure what happened between them. Was it what most couples coined the famous saying of the 7th-year-itch? He was not sure because all he knew was things went down the hill from there.

Unlike how they were now, there was a time where they used to cuddle in bed falling asleep in each other’s arms or just talking until the sun rose up. They would cater a weekday and a weekend as their date days where they will go out or just spending time with each other.

However, somewhere along the way they stopped going out on dates, stopped giving random hugs and kisses, stopped being intimate and worse of all, was that they stopped talking to each other altogether.

Mino still remembered how Taehyun initiated it.

It was one of those rare occasions that he was home early. Dinner was a quiet one with each just focused on the food in front of them. Due to work commitments, Mino sacrificed time with family. He did not think it would matter after all it was all to provide well for his family.

They sat in complete silence for an hour plus. It was close to the end that Taehyun looked up from his place and told him he wanted a divorce. Somewhere along his subconscious mind, Mino was already expecting it but it did not mean he was not surprised when he heard from Taehyun’s lips. He did not know what possessed him but he said “ok” and they continued on making useless small talk.  

Six months later, they were divorced and Mino has not slept well since then.


“Go away.” Taehyun mumbled his voice thick with sleep and could not be bothered to open his eyes.

The person ignored him and continued to plant little kisses along his neck to his jawline.

“Can’t a person get some decent sleep?” Taehyun grumbled into Mino’s chest when he finally turned around.

Taehyun was never a morning person and hated getting up before it was time for him to wake up.

“I am just happy and so thankful I get to have my wish of waking up beside you for the rest of my life fulfilled.” Mino tilted Taehyun’s face to meet his so that he could see his eyes.

“You can tell me that when I am fully awake later.” Taehyun grumbled some more causing Mino to laugh out loud,

Taehyun intended to inch forward to kiss Mino good morning until a rude shock jolted him.


Taehyun shot up from his bed, breathing heavily as he wondered why he dreamt of that. He looked around the white walls of his room and a pang of sadness shot through him. He was alone in his room, in his own little apartment. From now on, he was living along and should probably start to stop himself from harping on the past.

He took a deep breath and got out of bed. He had a lot to do today, new registration at the music school, dinner with his best friends. He knew they were worried about him but Taehyun wanted to forget things by keeping himself as busy as possible. No time to harp when one was super busy right?

He made a simple breakfast for himself after he got ready which were a sandwich and coffee. He remembered how he used to make a cup for Mino every morning. Taehyun wondered if he was coping well without or like him, Mino was feeling an overwhelming sense of loss too?


Mino dragged his tired body to the dining table. He only managed to get 2 hours’ worth of sleep  just before dawn. The lady who came in every morning put his breakfast in front of him.

“Mr Song, you look terrible. Come have some food.”

Mino took a sip of the coffee first before anything else and it tasted different. He called to the lady again and asked if she made it wrongly but she said she followed every step and Mr Nam wrote for her. Mino looked at the black liquid in in surprised.

It was scary how habits were because just that morning he had a tougher time than usual. Taehyun always helped him with his tie and the worst part was his shirt cuffs. Taehyun would always help him no matter what.

Mino shook his head to clear his thoughts. He seriously really needed to start adapting to being along again.


“Mino hyung?” The then 19-year old Taehyun suddenly called out to Mino who was busy scribbling away.

They always gathered at an empty music room to work on their little project but now that it was over, they still met up just to do their own things or compose songs together or just talking about random stuff that came to their minds.

“Hmmm?” Mino looked up and saw the person next to him. His heart was doing weird little things inside his chest.

“Have you ever liked anyone?”  Taehyun asked as he thought out loud.

Mino was the few friends he knew from the upper year and gotten to know when they were thrown together for the project to come out with a song for the annual school gala.

Taehyun was apprehensive at first, the cool older guy with a distinctive taste in music that was so different from his. Would they be able to come up with a good song for the school band to perform? However, Mino proved to be very considerate, understanding and respecting of his opinions.

For that Taehyun was grateful, for that he was willing to spend time with him even though the project was over. For that, he did not mind that Mino would sometimes wait for him outside his class so that they can have lunch together. Finally, for that, it might be the reason why Taehyun thinks he might slightly like Mino more than just friends.

“Yah! Nam Taehyun! How do you expect to answer that?” Mino muttered exasperatedly. He wished he could bang his head against the wall right at that moment. Taehyun always asked him the most random questions ever. However, it might just be the reason why he was so special, Mino mused.

Taehyun gave him a look of confusion causing him to look really cute as his eyebrows drooped further.

“Yes, I did. Liking someone means you want to see that person all the time, hear his voice, know what the person is thinking all the time. Your heart will beat faster when you see the person and you want to see the person almost immediately again once the person leaves. “ Mino explained to the best that he could.

“Oh okay, I think I get it. Well, I got to go. See you tomorrow, Mino hyung.” Taehyun looked at his watch before grabbing his stuff and left.

Taehyun wanted to face palm so bad because he can now confirm now that he likes Mino because everything that Mino said about liking a person was true with him. He sighed because it looks like he got it real bad.


Mino’s voice that sounded behind him nearly caused Taehyun to jump in fright. Mino looked as though he ran here as Taehyun took in the sight of the older guy’s heavy breathing and wind swept hair.

“I forgot to tell you one more thing.”

“W...Wh…What is that one more thing?” Taehyun could not stop himself from stuttering. It was as though he felt something really important was about to happen because he suddenly felt really nervous.


Mino then swooped down and claimed Taehyun’s lips in a kiss. Taehyun’s first kiss… Their first kiss...

It did not matter that they were caught and had to serve detention for the rest of the week because to Mino, it was all worth it.


As the famous saying goes, life goes on.

It has been three months since they signed the papers that declared them as divorced but each of them went on with their respective lives and not too bothered with their statuses. Their paths still crossed but never long enough for them to catch up and it was solely because of their little girl. The only major difference Taehyun really felt was the presence of his daughter. He used to be within the immediate radius of four feet but now not anymore.

It never occurred to them to fight custody over Euna. They felt they each have equal rights to her. Taehyun would still sometimes pick her up from daycare or spend time with her at Mino’s home.  Taehyun could see Euna anytime he wanted. In fact, whenever he needed to arrange something with Euna, all he needed to do was give Mino a call. Those were the only times they spoke to each other.

They would make small talk when they meet. Like when they bumped into each other in the kitchen or when Mino’s home and coming up the steps. It could be when Mino stop by Taehyun’s apartment to pick Euna up or at the music school. It was always the same kind of greeting and asking if they had been well then they will just go back to what they were doing.

The people watching them knew how hard it must be to see it eating them from the inside.

“I cannot believe that they are divorced. They are my human definition of true love forever. It is such a pity. So sad.” Park Bom muttered sadly as she watched the interaction between the two of at the reception counter of the music school. 

“Well, things happen but I am glad they ended on a peaceful note. I mean things usually get very ugly when divorce happens.” Dara quipped as she sipped her tea sitting at the bench where parents usually sit to wait for their kids. The particular spot offered a clear view of reception counter.

“I wished Taehyunie talked to Mino about it before deciding about it. I mean it is obvious he still loves him. Seriously, what gave him the idea?” Seungyoon muttered shaking his head.

“He said he rather love alone than to face each other every day in a marriage without love anymore.” Bom answered sadly. Who would have thought that their maknae will be the one to initiate?

“Be quiet, he is coming.” Seungyoon hurriedly shushed everyone up.

“Hey, what were all of you talking about?” Taehyun asked as he went to get himself a cup of tea.

“Is my favourite baby girl gone?” Bom asked.

“Yes she is gone. Mino brought her home. What are you all talking about before I got here?” Taehyun replied with a smile as he sipped his tea.

“Nothing, we just talk about the usual day to day events.” Dara answered without batting an eyelash.

“Oh yes, are you interested in attending Seunghoon’s company reception with me next weekend?” Bom asked.

Lee Seunghoon was Bom’s husband. They met in university and were classmates. They fell in love when doing an assignment together and the rest was history. They were happily married for two years and now waiting for the arrival of their first child together.

“Me? I am invited?” Taehyun pointed to himself surprised since Bom noona did not say anything about the invitation.

“Well, the guys at his work place want to get to know you… I have screened them they are normal and totally not weird or anything.” Bom’s voice got softer and softer at the maknae continued to stare at her. Seungyoon moved over to cover , preventing Bom from continuing on.

“It is ok, you can let noona go.”

“Oh so you don’t mind?”

“I mean I don’t mind you talking about it. As for the invite, thanks but no thanks, I am not ready.” Taehyun answered.

“If you do not mind me asking, why initiate a divorce when you still love him? Isn’t Euna a good enough to work it out? You guys are a family unit, I am sure things could be thrashed out.” Dara commented.

“What if I told you all that it was a bet I made with myself and now I need to stick through it?” Taehyun asked at he looked at the three people who have been with him throughout the good the bad and the ugly times. The same people who teared up with joy when he got married.

The three of them sighed together hoping that their maknae seriously know what he was doing and getting himself into.


“How is Taehyunie?” Mino’s mother asked as her son and granddaughter met up with her for dinner.

“I just saw him today when I picked Euna. He is doing good.”

“Really? I have not seen him for a while I need to find time to meet him. I missed him.”

“He does ask about you which I said you are well.” Mino answered absently. To be honest, he was just humoring his mother by saying what he thought she wanted to hear.

“Yah! Now you are just entertaining your own mother.” Mrs Song grumbled.

She was really shocked and sad to know that they were going through with the divorce. A big part of her was hoping and praying that the couple managed to resolve their issues without having to divorce. She had always loved Taehyun as though he was another of son of hers.

Taehyun was the one who informed her about the news. She already had an inkling that he was going to deliver bad news because the Taehyun that day was a sad looking one and he was never sad to meet her, ever. He looked so sad and tired that her heart went out to him as she patted his back and told him she will not let Halmoni know.

She was a first hand witness as to how their relationship developed over the years. She never knew the extent of how the things and issued snowballed until divorce became they only choice and option.

“Answer me frankly, do you still love him?”

“Mother, you already knew that answer to the question extremely well.” Mino muttered exasperatedly.


“Then what, mother? We are divorced if you have not get the memo yet.”

“I have totally no idea how did I get such a stupid son! Get him back!” His mother put her hands on the side of her forehead and massaged. What kind of a stupid son was that?

“It is no use mother. Love is never everything. Things between us are not the same anymore and who knows Taehyun might have moved on already.” Mino answered but he left out the little point on what he saw when he picked up Euna at the music school.

"Yah, pabo!" Mrs. Song left her son alone in the dining area with a smack on the head.


Mino looked up at his calendar and realized it has been 3 months and 15 days since they signed the papers. He could not concentrate on anything after the meal with his mother. He had never doubted anything in their marriage until the point where Taehyun voiced that he wanted a divorce.

He realized that it was too late to do anything. He did try to salvage the situation by going on dates or having late night couch talks after it was initiated. However, those dates were just terribly awkward. Conversations did not flow as easily as before. It was as though they became even less than friends and they were supposed to be the closest?

In all the 10 years that they were together whether was it lawfully or not, he had never strayed and was never tempted. It was a fact that he worked in an industry where there were temptations in all shape and sizes but at the end of the day it was Taehyun, only him. When he decided to strive for success in his career, he sacrificed time away from Taehyun. Now, he was no longer here beside him anymore.

Mino wanted to reject the idea of a divorce so bad but when he saw the pain and determination in Taehyun’s eyes, he could not help but to agree. However, he will be truthful and admit he will never love another like Taehyun. He thought they would at least still be friends who could talk to each other with no uneasy feelings. It would be like getting to know Taehyun all over again and maybe have a second shot at things. Things like getting to know each other again, going out on dates, getting into a relationship again and if it was even a dream that was possible, getting married again.

Until he saw Taehyun that morning at the school.

The music school that Taehyun co-owned with his friends was situated among a bustling neighborhood. It was a small three-storey building with big glass doors and windows. One could hear various instruments of students playing or music from the dance classes if they walked past it.

Mino approached the glass doors happily and had intention to ask Taehyun out for dinner, under the excuse of discussing Euna and his mother. Mino thought his plan was full proof and was already thinking about a good place for dinner until he saw him.

Taehyun was still Taehyun. The same handsome features, same charisma and the same happy smile. However, it was not for him. It was for another man. He did not know who he was but they looked really happy talking to each other. That smile was the one that was robbed off Taehyun in the last days of their marriage.

They were ending their conversation when Mino stepped into the front reception. So much for his plans towards a reunion that was now pointless since Taehyun had already started to move on.

“Damn it!” Mino cursed as the phone rang breaking his thoughts.


"Mother? Why are you crying? Yah, what happened?!" Suddennly, Mino was alert and on full attention.

"What?! Halmoni is admitted into the hospital? Sure, I will be right there." Mino immediately hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital.


hihi back with chapter 1... Thanks for the comments on the prologue... hope you all will like this update... No silent readers please!

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southsmooch #1
Chapter 1: Whooaaaa seperation at first chapt.,.. I think im gonna get some more melancholy lingering when I finish this.
Chapter 7: Woa you are so mean :((( thought mino was really dead :(((( thank god it's just a misinformation :"") after the ups and downs finallh they are back together again~ hope mino wont messed up for the 2nd timee ❤️
Lunayh #3
Chapter 7: WOW I HATE YOU! (Just kidding.... Half...) When i saw that Mino will go for one month and be back in PLANE and you said that it remains one chapter i was jokely thinking " what if she made Mino die in the plane?" AND THEN, YOU.MADE.HIM.DIE in an accident... I swear i facepalmed myselft like " HOW CAN SHE DO THAT?! Holy, now Taehyun is gonna be alone, after all those tragic events in his life, how would he survive ?"
But NO, it was another Song Min.... LOL, i laughed out loud, how creative you are really! I was like already crying !! Plus! Your second chapter make me feel so bad, so sad.... :(

So sad ! Your stories make me fall in love with the namsong more and more... I'm seriously talking, now i'm just so into them that i stopped reading double b & binhwan fictions xD
Hehe, thanks again for this fiction, as always it's perfect, with that little thing that made your stories magic and surprising ! (well you love playing with our feelings right? dont deny it e.e )
Once again, i fell in love with them, you, and your writing style. <3

BIG LOVE ! :p (minus one because of that scare you make me feel :p)
dnlsj52 #4
Chapter 7: Oh my god the twist of events! Thank god it was a happy ending! I love the pace of this story, not too draggy but not too rushed. I enjoyed it so much, thank you for this great story<3
Chapter 7: i thought it gonna be sad ending since the accident ....

but it turn 180 from reality..nice work btw :)
ScarletS #6
Chapter 2: omfggggggggggggggggggg
namnammie #7
Chapter 5: you made my heart skip a beat gosh authornim! love the story!!!
Chapter 7: ooooooh my godddd, I hate you so much for tricking us, I actually started tearing a bit:OOO how could you ahahhaha! anyways, I really enjoyed this story, happy ending - that's what I needed! thank you and I look forward to reading more stuff from you!!!!!! Namsong namsong namsong!!
Chapter 6: first comment from silent reader hehehe~ ^^~
i love how detailed you explain the feel and story ^^ not draggy at all :D
i hope the best for namsong's second wedding ^^ XD
Chapter 6: so precious ♥ i love this chapter ...