Chapter 24 : The Reason Behind all Lies

Love-Hate Neighbors
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"What are you doing here ?"  Taehyung hesitated to ask but still he managed , flabbergasted.

"I got curious that's all"  Jungkook said drably "So Gein , are you gonna say to him" he continued

"Say what ?" Taehyung was really confused , what's the secret between Gein and Jungkook ? What's the thing she wants to say ? Unfortunately , that all things can be answer by Gein and Jungkook still , they were not responding , it looks like Gein was thinking so deeply the fact that she didn't heard what Jungkook said .

Yssa just stood there not having an interest to join their affair but she also wants to know what is happening to them "G-Gein ? Are you okay"

After a few decades of time not literally decades , Gein sighed deeply and grabbed Jungkook's ear. "You little brat , you always ruined our moments"

"Ouch ! Gein noona ! Stop it !" 

Jungkook screamed from the top of his lungs trying to back away from Gein's grip. Yssa and Taehyung were so out of place they didn't understand a single thing happening to them "Noona? " Yssa's eyebrows met "B-brat?" Taehyung barked

Gein stopped punching and pinching Jungkook , she looked at the two and released a heavy sigh "Okay , i'm gonna tell the whole story"



Everyone was talking about Yura and Taehyung as the news easily spread throughout the school. Of course Taehyung is really popular among the girls and Yura is one of the best ballet dancer and she's one of the pretty popular in her club. Some of the students were in favor on their relationship since they said they look good together but some of them were not. Gein was walking in front of the school with full of confidence because she decided to confess to Taehyung before the ball when she heard some girls talking about Taehyung.

"Did you hear the news about Taehyung?" the girl whispered to the other girl but since Gein was close to them she can hear their conversation. At first Gein doesn't want to eavesdrop on them but after she heard Taehyung's name , she leaned closer to hear their conversation.

"Yes my friend called me , she's now in the school so i need to hurry" the other girl said.

"Well let's go"  the two girls ran among the crowds and disappeared

"What about Taehyung anyway , well maybe it's nothing. Come on Gein don't let anyone distract you , you can do it maybe Taehyung likes you too" Gein chuckled like a crazy woman , she didn't mind the news knowing that probably it's just about Taehyung playing basketball now or in how he danced yesterday because everytime Taehyung does things — even little things like (Taehyung flipped his hair , Taehyung tied his shoelace ) that have a connection with iness and cuteness , it will surely spread over the whole school. When she finally reached the school , she saw Taehyung walking with his hands on his pocket and a lollipop on his mouth killing all the girls he will pass by. Gein inhaled deeply gathering all her confidence up as she followed Taehyung along the hallway

When Taehyung noticed that Gein was following him , he stopped for a while and turned around settling himself to ask her what's the problem.

"Ummm Tahyung can i talk to you for a minute ?" Gein stuttered , like this is the first time she's confessing to a boy which is exactly true. Taehyung looked around and he saw some girls staring at Gein with a confused look. "Okay"

"Seems like she's still not familiar with the news huh"

"Thanks but not here , let's go to the school garden"

Taehyung simply nodded and he follewed Gein in to the school garden , he walked a few inches away to her so that everyone doesn't notice that they were going on the garden together , preventing to spread another rumors about him. They reached the school garden without anyone noticing since Taehyung let Gein to go first , avoiding himself to go with her , he talked to Hoseok in no great shakes. After a few minutes , he went to the garden and he saw Gein looking at the particular flower. Only the daffodil grabbed Gein's attention so she took a picture of it and made it her phone wallpaper. After a while , she saw Taehyung standing in front of her while holding his phone and looking at her deeply.

"What will you gonna say?"  Taehyung asked 

Gein gulped for the last tine thinking that it would be perilious if she confess because she knew hat Taehyung is very popular but that didn't let Gein to miss this precious opportunity so se continued.

"Taehyung i have something no i want to tell you this f-for a long time"  Gein stuttered , she continued "Now i decided to gather all my confidence thinking that maybe you have the same feeling as me" 

"What?" Taehyung frowned still confused of what she was saying

"I love you Taehyung at the first time i met you , i fell inlove with you. The way you smile , the way you speak it makes me so weak" Gein chuckled in embarrassment , she smiled expecting that Taehyung would respond with I love you too let's be together although she was cringing to nervousness and

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Chapter 44: Plzzz update soon, I love the story so much....
brownyeux #2
Chapter 44: Yasss update soon author-nim !!!
emeliee01 #3
Chapter 41: Author-nim,,,, updateee! TT
taemoong #4
Chapter 41: Thank you author-nim for the update ♡
taemoong #5
Chapter 40: I Hope you'll update soon ! :)
sinwan #6
Chapter 38: oh my.. author-nim... please update.. ..
Army_jiaying #7
Chapter 36: Omgg hahahha kyaa this is like... omg luv triangle..? Does yysa even luv sehun as much as she luv jungkook tho.. WHY DO I HAVE A FEELING... MAE LIKES BOTH JUNGKOOK N SEHUN...?OMG...ㅠ ㅠ CLIFF HANGER I GUESS... HAHAH
Army_jiaying #8
Chapter 35: Omggg pls update sooooon... and omg mae... n Yssa.. hopefully not gonna be rivals... hahahaha
koreankimchibaby #9
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Wassup author nim! Im only here to inform u that i am AngelikaXOXO_KPop...but since i forgot my password to that account..i made a new one...glad i found the stories i subscribed to ... XD aww thx for writing my name *sends virtual hearts* ㅋㅋㅋ
sehunlover94 #10
Chapter 34: Although she might still have feelings for Jungkook, I'm all in for SEHUN♡.♡