The escapade of escaping

Freak Show

Saeron quietly poured over her dirt map, which she had drawn out with a unicycle pump nozzle over a half-hour. It had on it a detailed layout of troop's trailer park, with a line drawn through the roads running between the attractions. This was her escape route. The time for action was twenty-seven past eleven at night, which she had inscribed in pig-pen code in the bottom-left corner. As she was memorising her route, Jaehyo came from around the corner and locked eyes with her. For her plan to not be ruined, she quickly rubbed out her route, having memorised it, but left the time, saying she was trying out a new indie pattern that had caught on in Busan's graffiti recently.

"Well isn't that just neat!" Jaehyo replied, a little too enthusiastically, "Well then, I'll just leave you to your street art and go back to the green room!"


"She is definitely planning on breaking out," Jaehyo reported, hands resting on the table, "The minute I approached her she rubbed out the trailer park drawing and tried to make out the pig-pen was some street art from Busan."

"I knew it!" U-Kwon shouted in protest, standing up and snapping his fingers.

"You knew nothing," Kyung commented before hitting U-Kwon on the back of his head lightly.

"I know. I just really wanted to say that once," U-Kwon responded, pouting.

"Anyway," Zico said, picking up where Jaehyo left off, "Do you know what the pig-pen said?"

"Twenty-seven past eleven pm," Jaehyo answered, proud at his fascination with relatively easy codes.

"Well then," Zico commented, smirking, "I have an interesting game plan."


The cold bit through Saeron's sweater as she ran across the trailer park, the exit in clear sight. Suddenly, she heard a noise. A bicycle bell.

And then another one.

And another one.

And then a chorus of them, all responding to the original two.

Saeron ran for her life for the exit as someone behind her roared, "Attack!"

Saeron could clearly hear seven sets of bicycle chains, all trying desperately to catch her. But the gate was only a few metres away. She could easily make it without the bikes chasing her.

This was it. She was a measly half-metre away from freedom, and the fresh air smelled so nice. Without warning, someone grabbed onto her black locks after braking and pulled her to face him. Saeron winced at the attack and the culprit took of his helmet and looked at her with a small smirk.

"Well if the princess' head is hurt," B-Bomb pouted, "We'll just need to fix it up in the green room, won't we?"

With those words he ditched his bike by the gate and walked Saeron back with his arm draped over her shoulder as she inhaled his strange smelling mango shampoo and sulked. She was so close to getting away. And what about her parents?! She had been missing for almost three days at that point! They would be so worried and angry and-

"I'm sorry B-Bomb," she blurted, "but do you have a phone I can use?"

B-Bomb pointed lazily at a phone box that was free. Saeron ran into the small booth quickly and dialed her home phone number.

"Hello?" a voice crackled on the other end.

"Mom!" Saeron exclaimed, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I was just going for a walk and then-"

"Oh don't worry dear," she insisted, "Your friend, Kang or something along those lines, phoned us a couple days ago! Terrible thing, to have a head injury when all you're trying to do is enjoy yourself! You just rest and get back when you feel ready, okay?"

Saeron hung up the phone in silence and looked at B-Bomb incredulously.

"Head injury, huh?"

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Karamelle #1
Chapter 3: This is really good so far! I was smiling a lot~ update soon!!