
Pink Sticky Note


It was a just a little bit after school and Eunbin was rushing to the radio station. Maybe taking the shift ten minutes after school ends was a bit of a mistake on Eunbin’s part, but she didn’t really care. She enters the small building and feels the rush of air conditioning hit her, the sudden change of temperature causing goosebumps to appear on her arms. She bows to the older people in the station before entering her own small room and getting situated.


“You just came from school?” One of Eunbin’s co-workers asked. “How was your first day?”


“Yeah, I did.” Eunbin nods. “It was easy. Nothing out of the ordinary.” She smiles, lifting the headphones and placing it over her ears. She fixes the small stack of papers in front of her and waits for the cue to start. Eunbin notices the red “On Air” sign turn on and she begins to talk.


“Good afternoon, everyone!” Her voice was chirpy and bright, considering she was a DJ. “I hope you’ve all had a good day so far. I’ve only just gotten out of school.” She laughs and sees her co-worker giving her a thumbs up for doing well.


“This first song I’m gonna play is…”


– -


“What’s this?” Eunbin asks as she places her bag down and sits at her swivel chair. She picks up the pink piece of paper from the spot in front of her.


“It was stuck outside the door when I came. I thought I should bring it in.” Her co-worker shrugs, fixing some audio wires that got too tangled. Eunbin hums confusedly, staring at the neat handwriting on the paper.


The station turns on and Eunbin quickly puts the paper down and places the headphones over her ears.


“Hello, everyone!” She greets. “As always, I hope you’re having a good day, and, if you’re not, I hope your day will get better! My day at school today was very slow and very boring but I’m already feeling better being here.” Eunbin stares at the sticky note in front of her.


“Mmm, someone stuck a pink sticky note outside my door with a song request on it, so I guess I’ll play that song first.” Eunbin decides. “This song I’ll play in a few moments is called Better With You by This Wild Life but for now, I’ll play a couple of advertisements.”


She hands the note to her co-worker, who begins to search the song up. She continues to talk into the microphone, reading the advertisements written on her paper.


“And, now, I will play the song. Once again, it is Better With You by This Wild Life.”


She places the stack of papers down as the song begins to play. Eunbin’s lips couldn’t help but curl up at the softness of the song, wondering why someone would want to request this song, but leaves it to be. She allows herself to smile contently at the calming song, being able to catch a few phrases of English here and there. Her co-worker looked just as relaxed as she did.


When the song ends, Eunbin was all smiles.


“Ah, what a calming song. I really liked it. That was Better With You by This Wild Life, everyone. I will play a couple more songs and then I will read some comments. Sound good? Good.”


– -


It was a particularly hot Friday when Eunbin exited school with a hop in her step. She was grinning by the time she could see the familiar pink sticky note on the building’s glass door. She reaches up and sees the same song written on it. Eunbin flips the post-it note around, reading the handwriting.


Glad you liked it. Play it again, won’t you?


There was a small heart next to the penmanship and Eunbin’s smile doubled. She enters the studio and sits in the chair, wiping some sweat off of her forehead and neck.


“Do you see who puts the notes up?” She asks her co-worker, genuinely curious to the person behind the neat handwriting.


The co-worker shakes her head. “No.”


“Hmm…” Eunbin plays with the corners of the sticky note before setting it down and slipping her headphones on.


The co-worker gives her the five second countdown of her fingers before Eunbin’s voice rings out. “It’s so hot today, isn’t it? Stay refreshed, everyone! Stand in front of the aircon and drink lots of water, okay?” Eunbin giggled a bit, her mood bright. “Also, to the person who post the note on the door, I will play the song again for you.”


Eunbin glances over to her co-worker, who nods, and begins to list off a few advertisements. When she finishes, the familiar start of the song she had on repeat the other day made it’s way into her headphones. Eunbin grins and stares down at the pink sticky note in her hands.


– -


“Hmm, this comment reads, ‘Can you please sing a little bit for us? Please!?’” Eunbin laughs. “I’m not a singer, JJ287.” She says to the person who sent that comment in. “I’m sorry, I don’t want your ears to fall off if I begin to sing.”


“‘Eunbin! What grade are you in?’” She reads another one. “I’m in my last year of high school.”


“‘Are you single?’” Eunbin reads before giggling. “Aye, are you trying to hit on me?” She jokes. “But, yes, I am single.”


Her co-worker gives her the heads-up that they only had a few minutes to wrap up. Eunbin nods.


“For the last song I will play, it’s going to be a familiar song.” Eunbin smiles. “I hope you didn’t think that I’d forget, you anonymous sticky-note placer.”


And, with that, Better With You comes on.


– -


On the other side of town, the grumpy Suyeon lights up immediately as the song comes on, flowing through the car’s stereo. Her father shoots a look over to his daughter who no longer seemed so grumpy. Suyeon sat up a bit straighter, her eyes staring out the window to the seemingly endless traffic on the highway. She smiles and is glad to have started the habit of rushing over to the studio everyday after school to place the sticky note on the door. Suyeon had only begun to listen to Eunbin’s radio station when school had started, the station turning on randomly one day after her first day of school, the pure, bright voice lifting her irritated mood.


Suyeon lived in a different town far from the school she went to, but her school wasn’t that far from the station so she figured she could visit and stick the note there considering her dad was almost always late in picking her up anyways.


Suyeon spent her school days wondering about the girl with the upbeat voice. Wondering if the girl liked the summer or the winter. Wondering if the girl was a good student or a bad one. Simply just wondering.




Saturdays and Sundays were a bit lack luster for Suyeon. She was so used to hearing Eunbin’s voice for the entirety of the week so not hearing her was a bit of a bummer. She wasn’t sure if Eunbin’s station played on the weekends, but she checked anyways. Suyeon frowned as it was just reruns of advertisements and songs, no sign of Eunbin’s lively voice.


It might’ve been stupid, crushing on a DJ, but Suyeon couldn’t help it. How could one not crush on Eunbin? She seemed so friendly, so upbeat, and so attractive, it was inevitable for Suyeon.


– -


Eunbin escapes the building quickly and rushes down to the station, hoping to maybe catch a glimpse of the person who had been leaving sticky notes on the door for the past three weeks but to no avail. She was greeted by empty sidewalks. She huffs and collects her breath before taking the sticky note off of the glass door.


As always, it was the same song as a request on the front and on the back was a small note.


There’s going to be a storm soon, stay safe!


Eunbin looks up at the sky and notices the large dark grey clouds forming above her. She smiles at the note and enters the building, placing the sticky note into her uniform pocket. Taking a seat, she taps on the table and reads over her script.


“I saw who it was.” Her co-worker announces as she untangles a pair of headphones. Eunbin’s eyes snap up.


“You did?” She asks excitedly.


The co-worker nods and hums. “She’s a pretty girl.”


A pretty girl. Eunbin smiles widely. “Really?”


“Yeah. She was wearing a school uniform but it’s not the same one you’re wearing. I think she’s from the school down a few blocks from yours. Looked around your age, too.”


Eunbin’s heart pounded with the newfound information. “Ah, I see.”


The station goes live and Eunbin was still smiling widely.


“It’s going to start raining heavily, so everyone stay dry and stay inside, okay? Don’t get sick!” She says to her audience that were scattered all over the town. “To the pretty girl who left the sticky note, you stay safe, too!” She grins.


Suyeon, who was slumped against the car door, sits up abruptly at the direct comment made to her, her cheeks warming up. Her dad looks at her worriedly.


“You okay?” He asks. Suyeon furrows her eyebrows.


“Yeah.” She replies, wondering how on earth Eunbin had been able to see her. She knew that Eunbin’s school came out ten minutes after hers did. There was no way Eunbin could’ve been able to see her. The rain starts to pour down soon enough and Suyeon wonders if Eunbin would have a ride home or if she had to walk. She stares at all the cars in front of her, the bright red lights fading to a blur the further up the cars were. Suyeon takes a deep breath and shakes her head.


– -


Suyeon was in a bad mood when she enters the car. Her dad was on time in picking her up, his car parked right outside the school, which gave her no time to rush down to the station. She sighs.


Eunbin skips down to the building and pauses when she sees the blank door. She her head to the side and looks around the sidewalk to see if the note had fallen off, but saw nothing. She frowns and enters the building.


It was clear that Eunbin was disappointed. The pretty girl had come everyday after school for almost two months now and it was a daily thing for Eunbin to look forward to the neat penmanship on the pink sticky notes.


When the station began to air, Eunbin spoke immediately, her tone a little less chirpier than usual.


“Ah… Did I scare you off, note placer? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.” She apologizes before continuing to talk, clearing . “Today was a bit of a drag, wasn’t it? Hopefully it’ll get better by the time the moon rises! Here’s the new song by Lovelyz titled as Hi~ to lift your spirits!”


Her co-worker pats her back, noticing Eunbin’s slightly down mood. “Maybe something came up and she just couldn’t make it?” She tries to reason and Eunbin felt incredibly childish. Getting upset over something so little, getting upset because of someone she didn’t even know, it was childish in Eunbin’s mind and so the girl shakes her head, allowing a smile to settle on her lips.


“I’m okay, just a bit confused is all.” She assures her co-worker, though her heart said otherwise.


Suyeon desperately wanted to exit the car and run back to place the sticky note she had written earlier that day onto the familiar glass door but she knew she couldn’t. She plays with the crumpled sticky note in her jacket pocket, feeling guilty.


– -


The next day, Suyeon hurries to the station, playing two sticky notes on the glass door instead of one. What she didn’t know was Eunbin’s school had early release that day, and that Eunbin was walking down the sidewalk just across the street. Eunbin widens her eyes when she realizes that that was the sticky note placer.


She panics and wonders if she should talk to the girl or if that’ll be awkward. She nearly misses her chance as the girl turns on her heel to walk down the street but she runs forward.




Suyeon freezes at the incredibly familiar voice. She turns around and sees a girl just a little bit shorter than her standing in front of her, panting. Suyeon widens her eyes at just how attractive Eunbin was.


“You’re the sticky note placer.” Eunbin states after collecting her breath back. She scans Suyeon and smiles. Suyeon opens to say something.


“I… I gotta go.” She takes one step backwards.


“Can’t you atleast tell me your name?” Eunbin asks, still smiling as she knows that the girl was embarrassed.


“Suyeon.” She answers.


Eunbin’s lips were curved up at a perfect angle and she nods. “Get home safely, Suyeon.”


Suyeon smiles despite the pounding heartbeat throbbing in her ears. She turns around and runs back to her school. Eunbin watches her go before taking the sticky notes off of the door and entering the building, the smile never leaving her face.


She reads the sticky notes repeatedly before the station begins to air.


I didn’t mean to not reply to you yesterday! I had no time to run over here, I’m sorry. :(


Play the song again! Again! Again!


Eunbin smiles at the two notes and folds it neatly into her pocket.


“Good afternoon, all you amazing people! I am in a really good mood.” She smiled to her co-worker, who only smiled back. “I will start off with this same song. Hopefully none of you are getting sick of it just yet. I don’t think I ever will get sick of this song…” She trails off. “So, without further ado, here is Better With You by This Wild Life…”


– -


Eunbin tightened her backpack straps as she walks into the bookstore. She glances around and huffs when she realizes it was empty. It was a Saturday afternoon and Eunbin had needed to buy a book for school. There was a bit of a shuffling noise and Eunbin turns her gaze to the far corner of the store.


“Hello, how can I help…” The voice pauses as the person turns the corner of the shelf and sees Eunbin. “...you.” Suyeon finished her sentence. Eunbin’s pink lips curl up.




“Hi.” Suyeon replies, feeling the blush warming up her cheek. “How can I help you?” She repeats, walking closer. Eunbin looks around.


“I need to buy this book for a school project.” She states, holding out a piece of paper with the title of the book on it. Suyeon nods.


“I’m doing the same project.” She states, walking over to the front desk. “I finished already. I guess you can just use my book instead of buying a new one.”


Eunbin widens her eyes. “What? No. It’s okay, I’ll buy one.”


“Are you sure?” Suyeon probes, reaching over the counter and pulling out the thick book. “I really don’t mind.”


“I…” Eunbin contemplates. Suyeon holds the book out to her and Eunbin takes it hesitantly. “Thanks.”


“No problem.” Suyeon says before they drifted off into silence. Eunbin clears .


“You go to the co-ed school?” She asks, starting a conversation.


“Yeah. “She nods. “Are you from the all girls school?”


“Yep! It’s crazy because....”


The two end up spending all afternoon chatting at the back of the small bookstore. It wasn’t a surprise to Suyeon that Eunbin was someone easy to talk to. She figured that since she was such a great DJ that she’d be such a good conversationalist.


“Hmm… Do you mind if I say your name on air?” Eunbin asks, her finger tracing the words on the cover of Suyeon’s book.


Suyeon raises her eyebrows. “What?”


“I don’t like saying anybody’s name on air without their permission, it’s okay if you don’t want me to, though.” Eunbin shrugs.


“No, you can say it. I was just surprised, is all.”


Eunbin giggles. “You know what I’m surprised about? I’m surprised you still send me sticky notes.”


Suyeon blushes deeply. “You want me to stop?”


“Not at all.” Eunbin replies instantly. “It’s cute. I like them.”


“Oh…” Suyeon mumbles and Eunbin grins.


“I keep all of them, you know?”


Suyeon tears her gaze away from her lap and looks over to Eunbin. “You what?”


“I still have all the sticky notes.” Eunbin states, her eyes slightly smaller than usual because of her smile. “Every single one.”


“You…” Suyeon’s voice was small. “That’s…”


“You should come to the station on Monday.” Eunbin suggests. “You can stay and then maybe we can go out and chat or something?”


“A date?” Suyeon questions out loud, widening her eyes when she realizes she said that out loud. “I mean… uhm…” She stutters.


Eunbin saves her from the worst kind of embarrassment with just a few words. “Yeah, a date, if you’d like that.”


Suyeon’s stomach flutters and she blinks rapidly. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.” She nods. Eunbin smiles widely.


“I’ll see you on Monday, then?”


“Sure.” Suyeon nods, her heart thumping.


– -


“I dedicate this familiar song to a very pretty girl who goes by the name of Suyeon. Here’s Better With You by This Wild Life.” Eunbin winked at Suyeon who was sitting in the seat next to her. Suyeon contains the squeal that was threatening to escape from and she bites down on her lower lip.


The song begins to play and Eunbin easily takes the headphones off of her head, fixing her hair. “So, have you stopped sending me sticky notes?”


“Oh.” Suyeon was reminded and she reaches into her pocket, pulling out the pad of pink sticky notes. She looks around and takes the pen that was in front of Eunbin, uncapping it and beginning to write. Eunbin watches and gives a little grin to the girl who seemed to focused on writing.


“Here.” Suyeon pulls the sticky note off and hands it to Eunbin.


You don’t have to keep playing the song, you know?


Eunbin almost doesn’t catch the tiny words at the very bottom of the piece of paper.


p.s, I like you.


There’s a small beep, indicating that they were back on air. Suyeon avoided Eunbin’s eyes as the girl greeted her audience yet again.


“It’s getting colder and colder, please wear warm coats! Oh, and, by the way.” Eunbin lightly pokes Suyeon in the shoulder. Suyeon looks up and connects eyes with Eunbin just as she says her next words, “I like you, too.”


– -


They were sat side by side on the floor of the bookstore, their backs leaning against the shelf behind them. Suyeon watched in amusement as Eunbin attempted to beat her high score on some game on her phone.


“How the heck do you even play this game?” Eunbin grumbles, failing multiple times. Suyeon only smiled, her eyes scanning Eunbin’s face. When Eunbin gives up, she huffs and turns her eyes to Suyeon, taken aback to see Suyeon already staring at her.


“Wh… Why are you looking at me like that?” Eunbin questions, laughing a little out of nervousness.


Suyeon looks away. “No reason.” She mumbles.


“You’ve gotta stop doing that.” Eunbin bumps her shoulder with Suyeon, who looks up at her in surprise.


“What did I do?”


“You always do something cute and then back away.” Eunbin states. “Don’t back away.” She shakes her head, well aware at the lack of space between them. Suyeon takes a deep breath.


“Okay. I’ll try to stop.”


“Good.” Eunbin nods her head, her left arm curling around to wrap around Suyeon’s right. She interlaces their fingers together and places their hands on her lap, returning to the game on Suyeon’s phone.


– -


“It’s almost time for your Saturday special.” Suyeon states as she sees Eunbin enter the bookstore. “Why are you here?”


“It’s the Valentine’s special, not the Saturday special.” Eunbin corrects the girl who was organizing some books on the shelf. “And, to answer your question, I came to see you.”


“Oh? Why is that?”


“It’s Valentine’s day.” Eunbin says simply.


Suyeon places her hand on the shelf and turns her head to look at Eunbin over her shoulder. “Is that your way of asking me to be your Valentine?”


“Depends.” Eunbin shrugs, taking a step closer. “Would you say yes?”


“Depends.” Suyeon mocks her. Eunbin rolls her eyes. “Come down to the station with me. We can come back here afterwards and talk.”


“Alright, but if I get fired by my boss, it’s your fault.”


– -


The radio show consisted of callers calling in and confessing their love for someone listening and it continued like that for the majority of the show. There was one male caller that called in and confessed his love for Eunbin.


Suyeon kinked an eyebrow at this, watching Eunbin to see how she would reply.


“Sorry.” Eunbin apologizes, her eyes flickering towards Suyeon. “I’m taken.”


– -


Eunbin tugs Suyeon towards the bookstore and Suyeon is wondering why she seemed so excited. Eunbin continues to drag her until they were at their usual spot far back in the store. Suyeon widens her eyes at the scene.


Spread out all over the shelves and books was every sticky note Suyeon had sent to Eunbin, and, for every pink sticky note, there was a blue one next to it.


“Like it?” Eunbin let go of Suyeon’s hand and goes to stand in front of her. Suyeon’s eyes twinkled and she nods.


“You’re crazy for doing this.”


“Technically, my friends did all of this for me. I just wrote the notes.”


“You’re still crazy.” Suyeon shakes her head.


Eunbin smirks playfully. “Yeah, crazy for you.”


Suyeon laughs loudly. “That was really bad.” She states, closing the distance between her and Eunbin. The younger girl grins proudly.


“Yeah, but oh well.” The grin on her lips falters when she sees Suyeon’s face coming closer to hers, more specifically, Suyeon’s lips. Her breath hitches when Suyeon dips her head just enough for their lips to brush against each other’s. Eunbin reaches up and places a hand on Suyeon’s waist, their lips fully pressed against each other’s now.


Suyeon cupped Eunbin’s cheek as their lips began to move gently against each other’s. It was only a few seconds into the kiss until Eunbin began to smile widely. The smile was contagious because Suyeon began to smile as well, their teeth hitting each other’s softly.


Eunbin pulls back and hugs Suyeon tightly. Suyeon kisses Eunbin’s temple and holds her.


“I’m glad you requested that song.” Eunbin mumbles against Suyeon’s neck. “I probably wouldn’t be here with you if you hadn’t.”


“I’m glad, too.” Suyeon tightens her hold just a little bit more, making sure that it wasn’t just a dream, making sure that Eubin really was with her.


And she really was.

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Thank you so much for writing this!!
I loved this ep and I'm so sad there isn't more fanfiction out there for these 2, they're amazing.
The pink sticky notes were such a cute touch, and Eunbin getting all gloomy and sad the one day she didn't receive one. Cute.
aicatibog #2
Chapter 1: Oh My God! I just died. This was absolutely amazing. Really really cute. I just love the whole story. I wish they had a better ending at the 'show', but this one is so ing perfect. I wish i could've find this fic sooner. You really did a great job here Author-nim, please keep going. LOVE IT.
Chapter 1: f***ing cute story~!
Chapter 1: A happy ending for this couple, my life is complete :)
It was a little odd seeing Eubin announce Suyeon's name on air, considering harassment and anonymity was a huge thing for them, but I'm just glad it was a happy story. These two get tortured so much...
SeongYuJin27 #6
Chapter 1: This is just so dam amazing! I wish there are more stories like this out there. Huhuhu. Great one author-ssi!
Nam_Ja #7
Chapter 1: this couple so sweet.....<3. Thank for this story...
Janus999 #8
Chapter 1: omg it's so sweet~~~
that episode of seonam ruined me. this was honestly so cute ahh ♥