
Toppdogg highschool au


Byungjoo walked up the steps that led to the school building, he looked up at the sun which today was surprisingly brighter than usual. Why does the sun have to be so bright like calm tf down aint nothin special goin on today. He moved his gaze toward the building

'Stardom High' the worn out letters on the worn out building spelled.

A sigh escaped Byungjoo’s mouth as he looked pitifully at the ‘s’ letter hanging on for its dear life. Before he could make it to the second set of stairs the front door bust open and out popped a boy with an especially round face. He sprint down the stairs followed by two other boys, one of which, Byungjoo recognized as a particularly nice hyung from his neighborhood, Sehyuk. The other was a boy that made him a bit nervous, “Yah!! Get your back here!!”  Sehyuk shouted as he ran after the round faced boy “hey Byungjoo” he said as he darted passed him. Byungjoo just mouthed a hello nervously and looked at the round faced boy, “You can’t tell me what to do!! Im not a little kid anymore!!” the round faced boy shouted as he ran farther and farther from the school.

Byungjoo turned and walked right into the other boy, spilling the papers he had been holding. “S-sorry” he stuttered quickly picking up the papers. “it’s alright” the boy responded, his tone eased the tension Byungjoo usually got when meeting new people. “aaah pgoon how dare you do this to me on a monday” the boy said.

" Pgoon?" Byungjoo muttered.

"Sehyuk… thats what we call Sehyuk, and im Hyunho but you can call me Seogoong," Seogoong said as he took the papers out of Byungjoos hand and replaced them with his hand," Byungjoo’s hand lifelessly followed the handshake. "Im Byungjoo" he said softly. He heard footsteps behind him.


That face…..An Ulzzang??  A boy with a handsome face appeared in front of them handed Seogoong one of his papers then walked away. Seogoong scoffed. “Who’s that” Byungjoo asked as they walked into the school and through the hall. “Beats me,  Hey I know a lot of people but I dont know everyone.” They walked into their homeroom classroom. “This is Gohn” He jerked a sleeping boy up by his collar. “Hi I’m Byungjoo”  he waved, Gohn glared at seogoong and waved back to Byungjoo with a smile. Seogoong pulled a seat out for Byungjoo , “Here this one’s empty” Byungjoo put his bag down. “You’re in luck, right next to class president”  Seogoong put the papers on the desk next to him and walked over to his desk on the other side. Byungjoo tried to keep up with what he was saying, it was really nice of him to introduce him to his friends, he didn’t expect that from a tough looking guy. “Thats my friend Jenissi” Seogoong pointed through the window and into the classroom across the hall. Byungjoo assumed he was pointing to the tiny but unapproachable looking upper classman who was staring out the window.

He then spotted two old friends, Xero and Nakta, everyone at this pathetic musical arts academy has a pretentious stage name, but Yooncheol does look like a camel. The tall boy waved at him and he waved back. “Byungjoo~” the other boy chimed “Aww why arent you in our class….Seogoong hyung, wheres Yano??” Seogoong sighed, “Pgoon is getting him.” Xero walked over to the guy by the window, Jenissi, and what he did next made Byungjoo’s jaw drop. “Taeyaaaang~” Byungjoo watched with eyes wide in surprise, as Xero comfortably hugged the upperclassman, at first he thought it was some sort of typical underclassman up, but then Jenissi’s eyes went from the window to Xero and he saw him mouth “Jiho” whilst smiling sweetly at him. UM excuse me. Byungjoo blinked, a lot of things had changed over the summer, he hoped that they hadn’t changed enough for him not to fit into the mold.

The bell rang, and Pgoon appeared dragging Yano behind him. More students entered, A boy with a pretty face caught his eyes, but he soon became distracted when he saw some familiar faces, Sangdo with his friendly smile and ears that stuck out cutely, and Hojoon a boy who wore glasses and always seemed like he had nothing to say. Hojoon worked at the convenience store down the street from where Byungjoo lived, he seemed like a dull boy and secretly, deep down inside, Byungjoo didnt want to spend this year like that.

"I would have gotten to finish another level if you hadn’t spent all that time lecturing me" Yano whined. Pgoon took his seat next to Byungjoo. "Pgoon hyung" Byungjoo giggled. Pgoon smiled then turned to Seogoong with his eyebrow raised. Seogoong briefly looked up and back at him with a smirk, feeling no remorse for teaching the young one his nicknames he had personally given and encouraged amongst the students at this school.


That was what Byungjoo learned was the pretty boys name. It didn’t bother him much that he sat right in front of him….well that was until they got halfway through class. Hansol turned around, he seemed to be eyeing Byungjoo. Byungjoo nervously lifted his head and met eyes with him, he was smiling and something about him made Byungjoo uneasy. It was a bit awkward, they stared into each other’s eyes for quite a while until Hansol spoke, “Hey Bjoo, you got an eraser?” Byungjoo muttered in a voice so small that even he himself couldn’t hear it, “Its Byungjoo…” He slowly pulled out an eraser and handed it to him. Ok maybe he’ll leave you alone if you dont make eye contact with him. “Bjoo” someone said as they snickered. It was Sangdo. Gdi He’s not gonna let me live this one out.

As school ended Byungjoo thought he wouldnt see Hansol again but he was mistakened as he caught him on his way out. Hansol had blocked his way, Oh great what does he want, he was doing it again, eyeing Byungjoo. “Bjoo, you forgot your eraser” He put it into Byungjoo’s shirt pocket than walked away.

At dinner when he was asked how his day was he made sure to mention how many friends he made, especially the upperclassmen and he obviously left out the unnerving details about everything that made him anxious.

Several blocks away someone else was just settling in.

Sanggyun had barely moved into his new home yet he couldn’t stop smiling with excitement as he carried his belongings up into his room. He danced around the room placing little knick knacks in different places. He stopped in place when he heard something that stood out from the usual sound of children playing outside. He inched closer to his window and leaned out to find out where the noise was coming from, Sanggyun watched without blinking.

Heh? what the hell is this? 

a/n: im sory its bad i swear I'll get/write better
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KimLMyungie #1
Xenissi. Hojoon and Sangdo. Hanjoo. Seogohn. P-tom.
n9 fic m9 9/9 *tips fedora*