Chapter 2

It's All Lies

Baekhyun's Pov:
    I was so ecstatic when I got invited to one of Daehyun's friend's parties. Finally, I am able to go to a party that Daehyun will be going to.
    "What should I wear?" I asked myself as I sat on a chair by the cash register at my parents' diner.
    "Why don't you go shirtless?" Chanyeol said making me blush.
    "Yah! Why would I do that?" I asked trying to hide my red cheeks.
    "Oh come on, Daehyun won't be able to resist you. Remember, I've seen you without a shirt on and those abs of yours, are like chocolate." Chanyeol said making me blush even harder.
    "Shut up Chanyeol! That's not going to happen!" I said crossing my arms over my chest. I felt so violated.
    "You never know Baek, it could happen." Chanyeol said and went back to cleaning tables.
    "You never answered my question Chanyeol!" I said pouting.
    "Why don't you dress like a bad ? You still have that leather jacket, right? You can cake on your eyeliner and everything." Chanyeol said, making me seriously consider it.
    "That's actually not a bad idea. Thanks Chanyeol." I said and the two of us went back to work.

Daehyun's Pov:
    School was finally over and I was walking towards the Byun Diner, to apply for a job, but what I wasn't expecting was to see the object of my affection standing at the cash register when I walked in.
    "Daehyun?! I mean, hello, welcome to the Byun Diner, how may I help you?" Baekhyun said looking a little frustrated, which was extremely cute.
    "Hello, I came here because I heard that you guys were looking for workers." I said trying to keep calm.
    "Yes we are. Do you have a resume?" Baekhyun asked perking up.
    "Yeah, I do. Here it is." I said pulling my resume out of my bag.
    "Thanks, if you don't mind me asking what's someone rich like you doing looking for a job in a diner?" Baekhyun asked the very question I was afraid he would ask.
    "Well... my parents want me to prove to them that I'm a hard worker before giving the company to me." I said, hoping and praying that he would believe me.
    "I see, just let me call my Umma and she can have a look at your resume." Baekhyun said picking up the phone next to him and calling his Umma.
    While I waited for Baekhyun to finish talking to his Umma, I could feel eyes on me. I turned around and saw that Chanyeol kid looking at me strangely. Just as I was about to ask him what his problem was, Baekhyun had hung up the phone.
    "Well, I've talked it over with my Umma, and you can start on Monday." Baekhyun said and I was ecstatic, but I kept my cool image so as not to direct attention to myself.
    "That's great! Thank you so much. I'll be here bright and early." I said with a bow before turning and leaving with a huge smile on my face.

    It was the night of the party and I noticed that Baekhyun hadn't arrived yet. I was a little disappointed when I couldn't find him.
    "Hyung! Who are you looking for? Your boyfriend Baekhyun?" I heard Youngjae say from behind me making my eyes go wide.
    "How did you know!!" I asked shocked that he had figured me out so easily. I guess he really is a genius...
    "Oh please! I'm your best friend, of course I know about your little crush. That and I heard you say his name in your sleep." Youngjae said making me face palm myself.
    How could I be so stupid as to reveal my crush.
    "The others don't know about this, do they?" I asked, a little afraid of what the rest of them would say.
    "No, they still think that you like Yoonji. That's why they invited her." Youngjae said making me once again do a face palm. Weren't they listening to a word I was saying, when I said that I didn't like her that way?
    "Don't worry about it Hyung, I'll keep your little crush a secret." Youngjae said, I wasn't sure if I should be thankful to him or not. "Oh look! There's your boyfriend now." 
    "What?! Where?!" I said looking around for him, and when my eyes finally landed on my angel, they nearly popped out of my eye sockets.
    There in my field of vision, coming in my direction was my crush, and damn... did he ever look hot. I found myself practically drooling over him, but I was snapped out of it when I saw some random girl walk up to him. 
    'How dare she! He's mine !' I thought to myself and casually made my way over to Baekhyun and the girl.
    When I got closer to the two of them I realized that he was talking to one of the Queenkas in our school, and she was doing a lot more than flirting with him. She was even touching him, and I did NOT like that so I went up to them and pushed her away from him.
    "Omo! Daehyun! So you do like me after all." The girl whose name I think was Suzy, started flirting with me, and that made me even angrier.
    "No! I don't like you! I like him!" I said pushing her away, not realizing how loud I had said what I had just said.
    Everyone in the yard gasped. Nobody knew what to say or do after my little confession.
    "Argh! I'm such an idiot!" I said and turned and ran out of the yard and started walking to cool off. 'Why did I say that all of a sudden?' 
    "Daehyun! Wait up!" I heard the voice of my crush say. I stopped without turning around. Waiting for him to say something, but what I didn't expect was what he did next...



CLIFF HANGER!!!!! Hi guys! Sorry for taking so long to update. Writer's block has been a Bee-otch! Hopefully I'll be able to update a litte more often now. See you guys soon!

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Lanesie #1
Chapter 3: Where the chapter 333333 TT what baekhyun do did he kiss him omgggggg I want to read the story how???
jolenealvarez #2
Chapter 2: Ahhh! Did he kiss him? Its unexpected so did he slap him? Wait!? Why would he do that? Ugh *brain dies* Please update soon ^^
I can't wait to read this! XD
It's Baek and Dae!!! :'D