
When You Saved Me

I tried getting his hand off my ankle, but it didn’t work. How can he be holding onto me even when he’s unconscious? Is he acting? To stop me from avenging? I tickled him. No response. I shouted. No response. I guess he isn’t acting. Just as I decided to stay, his hand slowly lets go of my ankle. Should I stay, or should I go? My brain is directing me to go, but my conscience is telling me to stay and take care of this man.

Sometimes, I hate the nicer side of me. Once it gets to me it always make sure my decisions are following my morals. If what I will do is harmful to others and not benefitting anyone, no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to do it. Tonight, the nicer side of me succeeds to control me again. I stayed by his side, and took care of him. I cleaned up the pool of blood, and got a doctor to take a look at his wound. The doctor said that the wound was severe but not deadly. He also gave me two packs of medicine and asked for a dollar. In the palace, I never had to pay, so that was new to me.

“I don’t have any money,” I explained, “but I have something that worth quite a lot.” I took a hairpin from my hair and handed it to the doctor.

The doctor’s eyes widen so I asked, “Is that not enough?”

“No, no, that’s more than enough, but I don’t have enough change,” said the doctor.

“Oh, it’s okay,” I said and the doctor left.

That night, after feeding the man the medicine the doctor gave me, I wrote a good-bye letter to the man:


Dear Mr. Stranger,

I would love to thank you for saving my life and apologize for your injury. The doctor said that it might leave a scar, but I think men with scars are more attractive than men without them. Therefore, I hope you won’t get too upset over it. If you are, I understand and I am sorry. Let’s never meet again since I am destined to be an unlucky woman.


As I was about to place it on the table, I thought, did that sound a little erted? Weird? Awkward? Men with scars are more attractive than men without them? I should probably rewrite it, so I changed it into:


Dear Mr. Stranger,

I am very grateful that you saved my life. I am also very sorry for your injury. Please forgive and forget me.


I left the note on the table and when I went to take a last look at the man, I noticed that he was quite good looking. He had thick eyebrows and his eyelashes were pretty long for a guy. The second I looked at his eyelashes, I saw his dark brown iris. I realized that he was staring at me and his hand was wrapped around my arm. He said:

“My father once told me that people who had committed sins will end up with nothing but misery. You should believe in karma and forget about avenging.”

For a second, I thought about giving up, but then I thought carefully and replied, “No. Too many people will have already suffered before he gets what he deserves. Your father died because of him too. Shouldn’t you avenge for him?”

Then, the man slowly lets go of my arm and I ran out into the forest. The man’s words kept repeating in my head. Karma? Is there such a thing? No, that’s not important right now, just find a place to sleep for tonight, and think about it tomorrow.

I couldn’t sleep that entire night. I kept on thinking about the word, karma. Not knowing where I was heading. Unknowingly, my feet brought me back to house.

I took a deep breath and lifted my head. And I felt my entire stance stiffen.

“Why, look what we have here,” a tall, bulky man I didn’t recognize sneered as he stepped closer and closer. I could smell the stench of cheap alcohol as he approached. My eyes darted across the room and took in the unfamiliar surroundings. I could feel my nerves shaking in fear. What have I gotten myself into?

I felt his calloused fingers on my face, and I gasped when he gripped my chin, tilting my face upwards. I stood, helpless, as I watched him bring his face closer towards mine. The way those clouded eyes looked at me got hair on my neck standing on its end.

“Such a fine thing you are,” those words slurred.  The clasp on my face fisted my hair now. “I’m going to take my time slow with you, little one,” he grunted, before sniffing my neck, his nose brushing against my jaw.

I closed my eyes shut, not ready for the event that was my doom. I, Princess Mina, the Princess of Eliisa; what would my people think if they knew of my tainted chastity. Is heaven blind?

I felt that rough hand slide down my side before the man’s presence disappeared. My eyes fluttered open at the sudden event. And they widened when they caught sight of my savior, his face blank as he drove the rock over and over the dead man’s head. I gasped, recognizing that face.

And then, as if the reality of what just happened finally crushed on me, I sobbed; my weak knees bringing me to the ground.

I heard a huff, and then I was lifted off the ground, into the arms of that strange man I have accidentally injured. Salt water blinded my vision as he carried me back into his hut, and laid me onto his bed.

“Shh…” he hushed as covered me with a blanket. “I’m here now. I won’t let anyone else hurt you while I’m here, so just go to sleep,” he whispered as he my hair.

And as the day’s exhaustion took over, I drowned in darkness.


I woke up to the rays of morning light, squinting at the brightness as I stood up.

The sleep from my eyes seemed to have vanished the moment they laid on the broad shoulders facing my way. I bit my lip.

I owe him an apology.

Just as I was about to apologize, the man turned around and stared at me with those incredibly dark eyes of his. “I’ve been thinking about what you said last night,” he started, his gaze directing to the ground along that sentence before they returned to me. “You were right. Before he gets what he deserves, more and more people will be suffering,” and he held out an envelope. Then, I hear him say softly, “I shall avenge for my parents.”

At first, I was happy to have a companion, but then I thought, what if he betrays me? What if he is acting so he can stop me from avenging? What is causing his mind to change? I took the envelope from his hand and read the letter. His mother died. The reason this man is deciding to join me is because his family is one of the victims.

“Mina,” I said and let out my hand.

“Sehun,” replied the man and he shook my hand.

As I was preparing for lunch, Sehun ran in. He ran too fast and couldn’t stop in time when I was chopping unions. He bumped into me, causing me to cut my finger, while saying that he has good news. As he was about to tell me what the news were, he realized that I have cut myself.

I couldn’t control the hiss that left my mouth, and he caught sight of the injured finger. I heard him curse before he grabbed hold of my arm and dragged me to the running water. I winced at the sting as the ice water ran over my wound, but otherwise toughed it out.

I caught his face from the corner of my eyes. His handsome features were twisted with concern as he stared at my finger. I gulped, before letting my eyes drift to his and he looked into mine.

I could hear the drumming of my heart in my ears, and the air suddenly grew thick. And the room turned completely silent. It was so quiet that I could hear Sehun’s breathing. And before I knew what was going on, our faces were already only a few centimeters apart. As if my rationality finally came back to me, I jerked away, pulling my hand with me.

“It’s really not big of a deal. It’ll just leave a scar, that’s all,” I murmured. I didn’t understand why I suddenly felt so shy.

 “I am so sorry,” Sehun apologized. I could feel his stare on me. Get it together.                  

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” I cleared my throat- Not really, I just needed some time to collect my thoughts. “Oh right, you said you have good news. What is it?” I asked. Anything, as long as it cleared the awkwardness.

“Oh- Oh yeah,” he stuttered a bit, but I felt the atmosphere clearing up a bit. He walked around the room so he could see my face. “I found a job that can be very useful for us to avenge,” Sehun said to me gently. “We’ll be delivering vegetables to the palace. Starting next month.” His face was serious as he continued. “I’ll give you back what is rightfully yours, Mina.”


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manoorah #1
Chapter 2: It is interesting !!!!!
Good work!!! And i am looking forward to the other updates!!