Blood isn't thicker than water.

目覚め: 神々! {Apply Closed.}

Chapter Four- Blood isn't thicker than water.

目覚め: 神々!Characters



   Lina was walking back down the hall just going to give Kayoung the jacket back that she had borrowed from her. She knocked on the door but got no answer. She figured that she was still out walking with Minjoo. She opened the door just walking to Kayoung's closet. She grabbed a hanger and hanged the jacket back on the hanger then hanged it in Kayoung's closet. She looked over to a photo frame and picked up the picture. She figured it was Kayoung and Hojeon when they were younger. "Seesh, puberty did good things to him." Lina said as she put it down just walking out of the room. She walked down the hall just seeing Minki passed out on the couch. She pulled the blanket over him then could see Kayoung and Minjoo walking to the shrine hand in hand. "Well something good happened for them to be like that." She mumbled to herself. She just walked into the kitchen just finishing up the dishes. "I see some people finally told each other their feelings." Lina called out as she heard the shrine door open to their home part. 

"Shut up! No likes a nosy person." Kayoung yelled back at her. Kayoung could hear Lina laughing as Minjoo walked Kayoung to her room. "Good night, Joo." She said as she looked up at him. 

He smiled at her just brushing her hair from her face. "I am sorry that we didn't get to see the stars like usual. Maybe we can make a date to watch them next time." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"Okay." Kayoung smiled back at him. 

"Good night, Ka. I'll see you in the morning." He said as he let her go as she walked into her room. He turned around just walking down the hallway to his room. He opened the door to his room just falling on his bed and breathing in then out. He was gald that he had told Kayoung and was gald that she liked him back. He rolled over just sitting up. He got ready for bed just getting under his covers and going to bed. 


The next morning Minki was the first one up. He was had one of his brothers in the village bring all of his things to him. He was getting use to walking around on his feet since Lina had told him he couldn't fly around like he did anymore if he was going to work at their shrine. He was had just finished getting the last bag from his friend when he saw a male walking up to the shrine just dressed casually he looked kind of famillar. "Uhm, the shrine is closed. Sorry." Minki looked at him as he looked down at Minki through his sunglasses. 

"My sister works here." Hojeon looked down at Minki. 

"Sorry, she is probably still sleeping. You could come back when the shrine is open. No humans allowed in the back part of the shirne where we live." Minki nodded as he looked at him. 

"Oh, I see. Tell her that I stopped by." He his heel and walked off. 

"But you didn't tell me your name or anything." Minki answered 

"Oh. You don't need to know my name. Just tell Kayoung that her brother stopped by. I had something to give her." He said as he walked off. 

"If you want I can give it to her?" Minki asked as he looked at Hojeon. 

"No. I'll just have someone bring it to her." Hojeon answered as he kept walking. 

Minki didn't anwered and just disappeared into the shrine. He walked into the living room just pushing all of is things to one corner. He could hear others up just moving around as he sat there just reading a book. He didn't want to bother anyone until he heard foot steps into the living room. "Good morning!" He called as he looked up to see Cirino half awake. 

"Hey." He got out as he moving into the kitchen. 

"Did you sleep well?" Minki asked as he followed Cirino. 

"Too much soju." Cirino answered as he searched through the fridge just drinking water. He walked off just leaving Minki by himself as walked back into his room. 

Minki frowned as he smiled as he could see Kayoung outside just watering flowers. He walked outside then turned right back around when he saw that Minjoo had beat him to her just sneaking up behind and hugging her. "Last night must have been rough, I guess." Minki told himself as he walked back into the kitchen. He started taking things out to make breakfast as he flapped his wings just hovering to cook better. 

"Good morning." Lina told Minki as she noticed what he was doing. 

"Good morning! I am making breakfast for everyone then you all can open the shrine. Also Kayoung's brother is going to send someone to bring her something. He came by before you all were up." Minki said as he nodded to her. 

Lina sighed. "Alright. Thanks for telling me. I'll gather the others for breakfast." Lina walked off just going to gather the other. All of them sat down at the table as Lina looked to Kayoung. "Your brother is going to send someone to the shrine to give you something. Just be on a look out for that." Lina said as Kayoung nodded. 


Kayoung was handing some teenage girls their trinkets as she sighed. It had a been few hours since the shirne had been opened and no one looking they wanted to rob a bank and shoot the place up had come in yet. Kayoung stretched as she was so happy that they figured out the difference between summer and winter hanboks. She tied up her hair into a bun just sticking a flower in in her bun as she helped another teenagers pick out their trinkets. She hadn't even seen Wonho and another from the club come in until she was looking up to see them right above her. 

"Oh, the guys back at the club would pay me a lot for you in that." Wonho pulled her to her feet as she snatched back from him. 

"Oh shove it." Kayoung snapped as she turned to the other. "Oh, hi Jooheon." She added as he nodded. She placed the trinkets back on their place as she sighed. "What do you want?" Kayoung said as she crossed her arms. 

"Oh don't act like you aren't happy to see me. I'll be the highlight of your day. Plus two are better one." Wonho winked at her. 

"Oh great, have as much fun as you want with Jooheon. I am sure you can find a hoe to play with that around." Kayoung snapped at them. 

"I think we'd rather a bunny, Ka." Jooheon interjected as he let a bunny eared topped pearl necklace with a black chain hang in the air around his hand. "Hyung told us to give this to you. He said that you would know why." He added as he stood infront of her just clipping it on then placing it right. He stepped back just looking at her. 

"Why would I know why?" Kayoung glared at them. 

"He said it would be obvious to you. Anyway when you loose the little boy with rattled feathers then come play with the real men like old times." Jooheon brushed her backside just tapping it a bit. He his heel just leaving with Wonho before any of the others could even notice them. 

Kayoung took of the necklace just placing it in the palm of her hand. She faked a smile as she closed the stand's door just placing a be right back sign on it as she marched into the cafe just going back to her space with a slam of the door. She slammed the necklace down on the table and sat down just wondering how Hoejon found out. No one had said a thing. She couldn't believe that he knew and would send those two to rub it in her face. 

"Hey, are you okay? You came in here like a thunder storm." Minjoo siad as he had flour in his hair and cake batter splattered on his apron like her storm had 'caused him to spill batter or something. 

"I am sorry. It is just I am upset about something." Kayoung said as she fixed his hair. 

"Oh is that what your brother gave you. It's cute." Minjoo tried to cheer her up then knew he didn't at her face. "Sorry, is this what you are upset over?" He asked as he sat down. 

"Yes. It is just somehow Hojeon knows that I am really a moon rabbit not playing hence the rabbit ears. He is rubbing it in our faces. It make it worse he just had to send Jooheon and Wonho to deliver it." Kayoung sighed as she looked at him. 

"I hate that guy, Wonho. He didn't do anything to you?" Minjoo asked 

"Is that the main thing you are concerned about?" Kayoung asked 

"As your boyfriend, yes. I am also wondering on how Hoejon knows about us. We were really careful. Maybe today we can go return this and find out how he knows." Minjoo nodded as he kissed her forehead. "You are prettier happy." He said as he walked just hearing her following behind him.

"I know." She answered as he looked at her. She walked back to the stand and opened it up just  getting back to business. Kayoung turned around just seeing JinAh leaving the wishing wall. She was wondering why she was here instead of at school or with Minho. "JinAh, Hey. How have you been?" Kayoung asked as the girl looked at Kayoung. 

"Oh hey. Did you like the necklace? I helped Ho-oppa pick it out." She smiled as Kayoung have her a werid look. 

"For starters when did you ever start calling Hojeon 'Ho-oppa'. I thought you didn't like my brother? Secondly, He didn't give it to me in the intentions that he probably told you so no. I didn't, sorry." Kayoung crossed her arms. 

"When did I ever say taht I didn't like Hojeon? He is actually really sweet and was really happy to get that for you. He was just trying to be a good brother." JinAh said as Kayoung moved her closer to the stand. 

"JinAh, what is wrong with you? Hojeon is much more concerned with girls and money than me. He made that obvious from a very early age from dropping out of college, befriending that odd guy Namjoon, and then the club. My brother can be a good guy, but most of the time he's not. You should know that coming from the girl who calls him sleaze-ho. Really, what did he blackmail you with?" Kayoung took ahold of her shoulder. 

"Nothing! Kayoung, a person can change their views on someone. Look, I only came here to hang that up. I have work soon so I have to get going. I really think that you should spend more time with him. He isn't as bad at you always say." JinAh pulled away from her. 

"Please don't telll me that you like him or want to go out with him, right? JinAh-" Kayoung blurted 

"No, that is going too far Kayoung. I am just saying that he isn't a bad person. Also why are treating Jooheon and Wonho so bad? I thought you were friends with them? I think that cake idiot has changed you." JinAh nodded. 

"JinAh, a lot of things have changed in my life. Minjoo is not a cake idiot! He is sweet and cares for me. He is a great guy. Just go, I don't want to agure with you. I'll see you arond. Tell Minho that I said hi." Kayoung watched her as she laid her head on the stand. 

"Rough day?" Lina asked 

"Oh you wouldn't believe." Kayoung answered. "I am fine though. Don't worry about it. I am going to deal with later on with Minjoo. You should have a good afternoon with Cirino. I heard he is taking you exploring or something. Have fun with that." Kayoung nudge her. 

"Look, We are two friends just hanging out." Lina looked at her. 

"Where do you think Minjoo and I started out as?" Kayoung winked at her as she picked up the cash box just walking it into the cafe. Kayoung was putting the cash in her box in the register in the cafe. They had deicided it was the easiest place at the moment. Kayoung watched as Minjoo was serving giggling high school girls while trying to let down gently about him no longer being on the market - but he still was literall as it came with no, I am dating Kayoung then placing down their order. Kayoung laughed just getting caught just hiding behind the counter. 

"I see you." Minjoo sighed as she got just hodling her box. 

"I was just leaving. Aren't you popular?" Kayoung said with a nod. 

"Some what, but I am only yours." Minjoo said to her as she smiled. "There it is." He added as she stared to walk off. 

"What is there?" Kayoung wondered out loud. 

"Your smile." Minjoo mouthed as he turned and walked back into the kitchen. 


Lina leaned up aganist the gate wall as she watched Kayoung and Minjoo walk hand in hand just talking as they were going into town. She figured that they were going on a date or something. She did think that it would be a lot more fun to date by themselves instead of having everyone not two minutes away from you. She had already changed and closed the gate doors. She walked only to stopped by Cirino. "What do you want?" Lina asked as she looked at him. 

"Don't you remeber? You and me out on an adventure." Cirino looked at her. 

Lina nodded and followed behind him. "I know. Are you wanting to go now?" Lina asked as Cirino nodded as she was tossed a water bottle. Lina caught as she shook her head. She just followed Cirino as they walked through the forest behind the shrine. She knew that he would ever secret path and every little part of this forest. She simply  just followed Cirino as they went about this walk. 

Cirino looked back to Lina as they walked. "So do you know why Kayoung was upset earlier today?" He asked as it was getting awkward with them just sliently walking. 

"Brother and sister stuff. We shouldn't worry about it." Lina answerd as Cirino sighed. 

"Is that why they went into town?" Cirino asked her as he bent down just picking up a flower. He reached over and put it in her hair before she could notice just running off. 

"You stupid idiot!" Lina tossed her hand forward just letting a string of water hit the back of his head. "Yes that is why they went into town. I am sure that they will be okay." She said as he shook his head as she backed up. "It's not like her brother is going to attack them or something. He is just being a douche fo a big brother." Lina added as she started following him again. 

"Lets hope not." Cirino told her as he pushed back a tree branch. He watched as Lina's eyes light up as they come upon a small lake. Cirino gave her a flirtly wink as she looked at him side ways. Both of them went red as they coughed just going down to the lake. Cirino knew that it was awkward as they were just standing around. They both started to say something as they started to walk back. "Why don't we start like this, I'll say something about myself and in return you say something abour yourself and so on." Cirino looked at her. 

"Alright that sounds fair." Lina said as they started back to the shrine.


Kayoung walked ahead of Minjoo was he was eating some fish cake just trying to catch up to Kayoung. She just wanted to get this over with. Kayoung felt Minjoo snatch her hand and stop her. "We have all night, Kayoung. Eat something." Minjoo let her part of his fish cake as he pulled her along. He just wrapped his arm around her waist just bringing her to a small shop. "Go sit down and just relax." He told her as he gave her the fish cake just following behind her. He ordered as he sat down beside Kayoung.

"Sorry about being so rush and stuff. I just want to dealk with this and get it over with, you know." She said as he nodded. 

"I know that you do. Don't say sorry. You are just worried." Minjoo said as he hugged her side. Their food soon came and the two started eating. Minjoo held out his chopsticks just feeding her some fried glass noddles with kimchi. They were having fried glass noodles and chicken soup. "For someone in a rush, you sure are eatting a lot and slow." Minjoo as she leaned up and ate what was on his chopsticks. 

"Tease me and you lose your food." Kayoung smiled at him as she ate. She leaned on her elbow as she looked out of the window. "Do you think that my brother knows about all of us?" Kayoung mumbled to Minjoo as they finished up eating. 

"Most likely that he does since he knows about you. We are going to have to make sure that he doesn't give us away. If something attacks openly out here then we know who sent it." Minjoo said as he held her hand just inlocking their fingers. "Can we trust him?" Minjoo looked down at her as she shook her head. 

"I don't. He's changed a lot ever snice he met that guy Namjoon in highschool. My parents think taht he is doing this because we aren't close anymore, but I just think he's chosen the wrong crowd for good." Kayoung said as they down the street. 

"Well then great. I need step into this shop real quick. Go on ahead to the club. I don't think that Hojeon will hurt you alone. You are his sister. I"ll be quick." Minjoo said as he entered a small shoping selling jewelry. Kayoung only nodded as he walked into the shop. He was going to buy them couple rings but he was thinking of giving them to her on another date that he was planning. He entered the shop just going to the front desk. He had already ordered them and just had to pay for them. He stood at the desk just tapping on the glass. A worker came and Minjoo told them that he was there to pick up an order. 

Kayoung pushed open the door to the club just walking in. She was clutching the necklace in her hand. She could see Hojeon sitting across from Namjoon at a table just looking over papers. Kayoung walked up just toss the necklace at Hojeon. "What crap are you trying to start with me? How do you know?" Kayoung said as the two look at her. She watched as the necklace slid across the table and Hojeon just looked at her.

"I have my sources. Sit down, are you hungry?" Hojeon said as he crossed his arms. 

"I already ate. Hojeon, you have to tell me. You could be in danger." Kayoung glared at him. Kayoung thought it was werid that Namjoon laughed as he looked at Hojeon. 

"She thinks you are the one in danger." Namjoon said Kayoung looked at him. 

"I was only trying to give you something nice for once. Since you brought it up, I do know. It wasn't hard to tell that something was different about you then Namjoon talked about the old stories at that shrine. Mom and dad will be so upset, but I won't say anything. I guess we both didn't turn out like we were suppose to." Hojeon said as he looked over to Namjoon. "You think that Kayoung has changed a lot from the little girl that use to follow you around?" Hojeon asked

"You were so cute back then. Still are now but you are growing up a lot too fast though." Namjoon said 

"Shut up. Just tell me Hojeon. Wait, let me guess that Namjoon told you? I always thought something was off about you." Kayoung said as she stuck her hands in her pockets. 

"He did. He knows a lot about your new world. Wait here. I have cilent waiting upstairs." Hojeon stood up as he gathered the papers. Namjoon followed him as they went upstairs. 

Kayoung focused on them just trying to hear what they were saying. She heard something behind her and spun around just grabbing Jooheon's arm. "Get your paws away from me." Kayoung snapped as she pushed him away. She glared at Jooheon as he smirked. 

"Where is your bodyguard? Get rid of him so you could play with us?" Jooheon reached out only to slid back across the floor. He saw a flash of green then huge wings disappearing. 

"I think I would kill you before you could play with anything." Minjoo let his wings fold against his back just letting disappear ing a faint green light. He heard clapping from above and held Kayoung's waist just having her behind him. Minjoo didn't move just watched what Hojeon would do. 

"Jooheon, go on with the others to eat. I have it from here." Hojeon looked down at them. 

"Alright. Have fun." Jooheon said as he left. 

"You know, Kayoung, we have a lot in common. We were both taken over by different lights." Hoejon looked at her as he watched Minjoo's wings folded on his back. "Oh so you are the tengu that killed our pawns." He added as he shook his head. "I just thought you were some that Kayoung was playing around with. You aren't really someone I would see Kayoung with. Wonho or Jooheon, maybe just not you." He looked at the two. 

"I wasn't the only one that killed them. Do we need to be worried about you?" Minjoo asked 

"Only if you get our way." Namjoon said as he stared at Minjoo. 

"As the god the presides over this area, I will stop anything that doesn't belong." Minjoo said as he looked at them.

Hojeon flipped down from the second floor just landing on his feet. He had a scythe behind his back just having one gray eye and a dark red eye. "I won't-" He started as he spun his staff turning back to normal as workers came into the club as he watched Minjoo's wings vanish the same he returned to normal. "Get out, both of you. Kayoung, we don't have to have this fake get togethers anymore. Though, you are always welcome here when you come to your senses." He looked at her. 

"I won't be coming back. Lets go Minjoo. We won't let them ruin our date." Kayoung her heel just walking out with Minjoo. She let the door slam as they walked out just looking at Minjoo. "We'll have to ask Minki about Hojeon and Namjoon. We know that they controled those pawns that came after us." She sighed as she leaned on Minjoo as they walked. 

Minjoo could tell that Kayoung was upset. "I am sorry about Hojeon. Come on lets go get some ice cream." He said as he took a hold of her hand. He pulled her close just walking with her. "I am not so sure that they control the pawns. I think they are working for someone and it is their job to look after and make the pawns down get into trouble." He nodded to himself as they walked. 

"That sounds right. We should get home soon before anything happens." Kayoung said as Minjoo just kept walking. She looked up to him and frowned. "I am sorry. I am just worried and kind of scared. I mean my brother had one red eye and gray eye then was gonig to attack me for no reason - or he got an order to take us out. I just want to be careful." Kayoung said 

"I understand. Really, I do. I hardly doubt he will attack us out in the open like this. He won't want to expose himself." Minjoo stopped just turning Kayoung around to face him. "For the rest of night, no more talking about Hoejon, evil crap, or people trying to kill us. The rest of the time will just be for having a good time just spending this time together." Minjoo told her as she nodded.  "Lets get some ice cream?" He asked 

"You're right. It's just- right no talking about it. Lets go. Maybe stuffing my face will distract my mind from it." She answered as she took a hold of his hand. She leaned on his side as they walked. They entered a small ice cream shop. Kayoung orered some chocolate and mint ice cream just eatting it out of a bowl as Minjoo had ordered a scoop of vanilla with chocolate chips folded in it. They sat across from each other as two girls approached them. 

"You two work in the new shrine, right/" One asked as she looked at them. 

"Yes. We do." Minjoo answered as he looked at them. 

"Oh,we love going there. You guys are so cool, keep up the good work!' The other bowed to them as they left the shop. 

"Well at least we have some fans out there that evenutally won't come to kill us." Kayoung laughed as Minjoo only nodded. "Sorry, I guess all of us have gotten that habits of saying things like that." She bit down on her spoon. 

"No, I would have made the same joke, don't worry about it." He said as he nodded. "Come on, lets go watch the stars. They should be coming out now." He took a hold of her hand just watching her use her free hand to grab her cup of ice cream as he pulled he behind him. He let go as she just walked beside him. He used his free arm to wrap around her side just pulling her close as they walked to the free park to sit on the grass and look at the stars. They finally made it to the park just sitting down and Kayoung laid her head on his shoulder. They both wondered if they could have more days like this just watching the stars just enjoying each other's company.


Cirino had already gone a couple times on telling abotu himself and she had also gone a couple of times. He was trying to think of another fact about himself that she might not have already guessed. "Well I was raised and born in Italy." He looked over to her as they were walking. She only nodded and crossed her arms almost telling him that she already had guessed that one. He sighed as he looked around as he thought. " I really like eatting bruschetta. It is soemthing from Italy." He told her as she nodded. 

"I know what that is, my mother is from Greece you know." Lina gave him a look as he laughed. She shook her head and muttered idiot under her breath. She figured from his idiot smile that he hadn't heard her. "I really like surfing and swimming. Like Minjoo my mom can play the cello. She use to be a part of the Greek National Symphony." Lina told them as they were getting closer to the shrine. They landed themselves in the paito area just looking at her each other as they stood there. 

"Oh that is cool. I bet you got some of her music talent, right?" He asked as he stuck his hands in his pockets. 

"Uh not really. I am not that into it. I like the water more." She said as he looked to him. 

The two kept walking just enjoying talking and actually not bickering with each other for once. Miyeong noticed that they were back and walked over to them just wanting to ask if they would be joining them for dinner as it seemed Kayoung and Minjoo were going to be staying out later than they had told them. "Hey guys, are you two going to each with us?" Miyeong asked as she walked over to them. 

"What do you want all of the sudden?!" Cirino snapped at Miyeong just annoyed about her ruining the good moment where Lina actually seemed to like him as a person and friend than the idiot wolf guy. Miyeong just started to say sorry as Lina smacked Cirino. 

"Would you chill, idiot wolf! Say your are sorry and she was just being nice to ask us if we were going to eat!" Lina told him harshly as she turned to Miyeong. She sighed as she shook her head. "Yes, we are eatting here. Has Kayoung or Minjoo called you at all? They should have been home by now." Lina sighed as Miyeong shook her head as she walked back to the shrine. 

Before Miyeong had left, Cirino told her that he was sorry. He just stood there look around and coughed as Lina started talking. "I had a good time today. I really enjoyed walking around and talking with you." She said as she nodded at him. Lina turned to face him as she started talking again. "We should do this more often." She added with a short nod. 

"Then it is a date." Cirino blurted as he looked at her. He froze at what he heard come out of his mouth. He was wondering what Lina would say. 

"Just like today was?" Lina looked at him as she walked off to the house just leaving him there. Lina didn't even look back just slid the door open just walking into the kitchen to help Miyeong. She heard the door opened a few seconds later just peeking around the corner to see him just going to his room. 


Hojeon leaned back in his chair just looking at the screen infront of him. He had just got done with a conference call from his boss. Learn their powers and gather more information on them. Do the bird and rabbit yourself. He got up just grabbing his jacket just throwing it over his shoulders. He grabbed his phone and the keys to the club. He walked down the stairs just stopping infront of Jooheon. "You are in charge tonight. Don't make me regret this." He dropped the necklace with the red key with bat wings on it in Jooheon's hand. He watched him put it on as he bowed then went back to work at the bar. "Are you coming, Namjoon?" Hojeon looked over to rafters. 

"Alright." The other answered dropping down to his feet. He didn't know what they were doing, but it sounded fun snice Hojeon wasn't wearing a suit and gave the key over to Jooheon. It meant a lot more fun than he expected. Namjoon cringed as they walked into the park. All the stupid human couples around not in their club spending their so called money. "Why are we here?" He questioned as he looked over to the older one. 

"The shadow pawns say that Kayoung is here with that boy. Fighting here is a lot easier on their turf. Besides learning about their powers with just the two of them will be less stress on our bodies." Hojeon explained as he could see them in the distance. He waved his arm and a red barrier surrounding them to keep unwanted humans was up just trapping them in. His vision changed as his eyes did and he held his scythe with one hand as he stopped. He guessed Minjoo felt the wind change suddenly and looked back to see them. 

Minjoo looked back to see Hojeon transformed and Namjoon just starting. He watched the other have black like bone wings with long claw like nails. Minjoo wings went full length just sprending out behind him. His eyes went red while his swords appeared behind him. "We don't want to fight you." Minjoo said as he looked out of the corner of his eyes at Kayoung's sliver ears and purple-ish eyes. He had guessed their last fight had finally brought upon her full goddess form by the she looked now compared to other times. 

"But, we want to fight you." Namjoon answered as he stared at them. He looked over to Hojeon. "I let you have your sister." Namjoon said as he charged at Minjoo. Namjoon figured that Minjoo would pretty fast by the one wing sweep and he was in the air with swords drawn. "I can do that too." Namjoon let him know as he raised to his level. 

"I told you two that we would protect everyone and we don't care to kill you." Minjoo flapped out a large green wave that Namjoon dodged as he clashed his swords against his claws. 

"You would kill your own brother?" Hojeon looked straight at Kayoung as his scythe caught against her staff as she pushed him off just jumpping back. 

"Only if you make me." Kayoung answered with a frown. Kayoung looked up to Minjoo and only nodded. She swung her staff and sent out sliver strands that wrapped around Hojeon arms. She pulled forward only to slice some skin as he cut them with his scythe. Kayoung braced herself as she felt the impact of his scythe but still blocking it with her staff. She could feel the tip slice her skin as she kicked forward just hitting him the stomach with a glow of sliver sending him. She watched as he used his scythe to stop himself from hitting some trees. 

Hojeon looked at the tree and could see pairs of eyes watching them. He assumes their were play toys while they were learning what these two could do. He couldn't tell who they were, but knew they were probably up on the chart. How many times would he have to prove himself? Hojeon ripped his scythe out of the ground as Kayoung waved her staff just sending out more strands. "No more playing baby games." Hojeon stared at her as he pointed his scythe at them just turning them dust with a red flash from his scythe. "Show me what makes you so wanted as a moon rabbit." Hojeon kicked her straight in the chest just watching her fly until she landed on her feet just getting up. 

Minjoo slashed at the claws just dodging them and black electric charges tht they gave out. The charges weren't that bad as he was getting use to them, but the charges against fresh wounds hurt like hell. Minjoo wings flapped like the speed of light just sending out green needles like projections that riddle Namjoon. Minjoo watched most of them fall out as he slashed the guy just getting one arm then green lines went up his arm like 'x's just sinking into his skin and cutting him as Minjoo flew back. 

"You think that you have this in the bag, don't you?" Namjoon asked from behind Minjoo as he was kicked in the wings just loosing balancing and tumbling forwards as his wings covered him as he fell. Namjoons claws peirced throw the openings of his wings just barely sticking him and charges surged through him until Minjoo looked down to see a sliver crescent moon charm around his neck and knew Kayoung couldn't heal and keeping fighting at the same time anymore. 

Minjoo could feel his claws sinking furthers so he opened up his wings just feeling the ends get cut as he did. His green waves wrapped around Namjoon's wings just pulling them as they getting closer to the ground. Minjoo threw his swords to the ground just gripping his claws and pulling them just pulling Namjoon over him while stilling pulling at his wings. He grabbed one sword and cut his claws just as they came as he released his wings as Namjoon hit the ground as Minjoo tumbled across it. Minjoo held out his hand as his other sword came to him. "The same trick won't work on my twice." Minjoo said as his heel to slice his torso and leg. "I might not have it in the bag, but I'll learn to have it." Minjoo looked at him as he watched Namjoon slide back. 

Hojeon ripped out of a moon net that sliced his skin each time that a broken peice fell on him. He watched her necklace's moon loose sliver liquid in it by each attack. "Are you almost out of juice?" He laughed as he flashed behind as her fingers tips glowed white as he felt the side of his neck burn. He swung his scythe just slicing a thin line down her arm as he held his neck. 

"I am just getting started." Kayoung answered as she swiped up her arms and flung blood forward. "Copy cat." Kayoung mumbled to herself as her staff glowed and she pointed to his arm. She watched as his arm sliced open just spraying some blood on the ground. 

The eyes in the tree sighed as he jumpped to the ground. "Reverse medical magic isnt' good. I'll take her and you get the boy, Fei." The male said as he disappeared like a shimmering motion as he stopped Hojeon and grabbed the slide of his neck. His glowed black and Hojeon returend to normal just healed up. "Go back to work. You did well." He said as he turned to looked at Hojeon. 

"Jaebum? You of all people!" Hoejon started as he stepped back from the dragon like tail on the ground. "Don't kill her." Hojeon turned around just walking through the barrier. 

Jaebum smiled with dragon like teeth just wipping out his tail just smacking Kayoung with the end just watching fall over. "I wonder how much I can sell something like this for? Or maybe let Mark have you? He likes animals." Jabum spoke to himself as he stood over Kayoung. 

Fei appeared infront of Namjoon just butterfly like wings glowing behind her as he raised her arm. "Go." Fei spoke as Namjoon returned himself to normal just walking away. He knew that he back talk to her. Fei blew a gray smoke at Minjoo just watching him tumble from the air. "I hate birds." She eyed Jaebum. "Jaebum! You can play with her later, lets go!" Fei ordered as the other his heel and shimmered out as Fei turned into a black butterfly just landing on his shoulder before he left. 


Minjoo sat up just rubbing his head. He could see Kayoung rolling over just coming to as well. He pushed himself up and walked over to her. "Don't push, yourself." He told her as he picked her up. "I'll fly us home." He added as he forced his wings to go at their full speed. He could see the shrine finally after taking a couple breaks ontop of a couple buildings. He landed just tripping over himself as he made sure to have Kayoung landed ontop of him. Minjoo stared at her just sighing to himself. "We are lucky those two didn't kill us. They were a lot stronger than us." Minjoo said as Kayoung nodded. 

"I know. I am sorry that we had to fight again. Trouble always finds us." Kayoung said as she felt him kiss her. 

"I am glad that we could finally see the stars." He said he pointed to the sky. He smiled as she laughed just flicking his nose. 

"Whoa, did you get into a fight and just make up?" Cirino asked as he walked over to them. 

"No. Hojeon attacked us. He's part demon or something." Minjoo said as he took Kayoung's hand to help him up. 

"Get me my sketch pad. I can draw Hoejon adn Namjoon's other forms and I got a glimpse of the guy who smacked me in the head with his tail." Kayoung said as the others pushed them inside. Kayoung felt Miyeong hand her them as Lina pressed a towel hard against her arm. "Ow, ow." Kayoung whined as she drew. 

"Why didn't you two call for us?" Lina glared at them. 

"Because they just wanted to fight us. We didn't want you guys to get hurt too." Minjoo nodded. "I am sorry. I told Kayoung not to contact anymore. Blame me." Minjoo looked at them. 

"Next time just call for us, we don't care to get hurt to help. It is our job too." Miyeong nodded to them. 

Kayoung finally finished the drawings and showed them to Minki. "Can you tell us anything?" Kayoung asked 

"Well they are humans given demonic powers like you all were given god or goddess powers. Now this guy is full on demon but I don't know anything about him. He must be new or something I hadn't been taught yet. We'll just have to wait for information the next time we see them. For now, you two should go get some sleep. Your injuries should be all healed up tomorrow." Minki said as he looked at everyone. "Actually everyone should get to bed. Tomorrow we will get up early to have a training day, I have been going easy on you all." Minki stared at them. He watched them all go to their rooms and he laid on his make shift couch bed. "Good night everyone!" He yelled just smiling to himself.


Here is a new chapter. I hope you guys like it. Don't worry, Jaebum and Fei will return and won't one time appearing demons. 



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目覚め: 神々; Finished the rest of chapter two. The part you already read got uploaded early - sorry about that. I don't know what happened. xD


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Chapter 46: It's okay! I loved it :) but I understand losing interest because of the lack of comments and such. Hopefully when I have more time, I'll be able to apply to another story of yours :) Good luck on the ones you are writing now!!
Chapter 45: YAY! Another awesome chapter :)

I'm glad that Minjoo is listening a little bit but man such crazy things going on between all the different gods and goddesses. I feel bad for all the little ones being dragged into the mess that is being made :( I'm glad that Kayoung is back with the group though and not just believing everything Minjoo says :P

Excited for the next chapter :)
Chapter 44: YAY new chapter!! And the kimonos are back <33 Love those visuals!

Oh man what a plot twist! I mean I had my suspicions early on but it's interesting to see just what it was about. I hope that Minjoo understands after all this is explained. I'm also glad that the relationships are mended a bit. But the dating JB thing -wiggles eyebrows- what shall happen there? dun dun dun~

I must say I do like the new moon rabbit and his friends (Seyoung is my fave from that group xD). So I'm excited to see what happens next with that.

I shall check out your new story!
Chapter 43: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!! I totally thought I read and posted a comment to this chapter and I just realized that I hadn't. T_T

It's so good though!! Learning a little bit about their past and a little bit of mending the rift in the group :D

And then there is Minjoo who is just causing all sorts of issues for everyone :P they're gonna have to put him in his place one of these days and stop him from becoming something horrible! The new moon rabbit seems pretty nice :D

Again sorry for the super delayed comment T_T I can't wait to read more about everything going on :D
Chapter 42: I wonder how truthful JB is being though I have to admit, at the moment, I trust him more than Jinyoung :P

The festival sounds like a lot of fun and I'm glad that (so far) everyone is honoring the promise that was made. I bet they all love the flower crowns xDDD Cirino probably took lots of pictures of Lina in one.

Oh snap WHAT DID HE WRITE???? Can't wait to read more :)
Chapter 41: Another fabulous chapter!!!

I'm glad that they are trying to work things out between all of them. I didn't realize that Koi and Moon Rabbits were going to be in the same sort of god tier dang. I just love the whole dynamic that is playing out!! I hope Kayoung stays safe and Minjoo calms down a bit but Miyeong and Jaesung are just so cute x3

Can't wait to
Chapter 40: I think Kayoung and Minjoo are being a little too naive about everything going on. On the other hand, Lina is being a little too cautious and hard headed, but that's her personality hahahahaha

I don't like this new set of people, they give me bad vibes but that again might just be my inner Lina creeping up on me. Jaesung at the end was adorable trying to be all cheesy for Miyeong.

I can't wait to see what happens next!!
Chapter 39: Gosh I'm so impressed with how well you keep track of everyone. There are so many amazing characters and I have to go back and make sure I'm thinking of the right people hahahaha

I'm glad that the anger between the two sides is getting less but Minjoo still needs to stop being a little sometimes :P hahahaha I love the way you write the characters and they all fit so well! I hope the ookami aren't doing anything bad and I really hope that they aren't walking into a trap. I do want them to all help the kids as much as they can but I love how you have Lina with a head on her shoulders still because if they lose shrine patrons, they'll become weaker and probably lose their powers and then they can't help anyone. Ahhh this is such a great story! I'm excited to read more :)
Chapter 38: Kind of short?? I envy that you think this is kind of short hahaha x3 but alas, another wonderful chapter.

I love the drama going on even if the two sides irritate me I'm glad that Lina and the others are still trying to include Minjoo and Kayoung. Minjoo is being a butthead though :P hahaha I really really liked the part where she summoned the three spirits!! That was really cool to see how they acted and what they think of the situation. I hope that everything works out and Minjoo and Kayoung don't get into too much trouble with the people they are trusting :/ Their buddies will always protect them though I'm sure! Even if they don't think much of them right now :P

I'm excited to read more!!
Chapter 37: Ooooh trouble at the shrine! I like how you played it out really naturally instead of having them agree to everything. The idea Lina has is basically right and Minjoo needs to get off his throne to understand a little bit of where she is coming from. It annoys me that he cares more about Kayoung than everyone else but it also makes sense cause he loves her. HURRAY FOR FAMILY TROUBLES

Also this hospital visit uh ohhhhhhhhhhhh :P can't wait to read more :)