Under The Glowing Lanterns.

目覚め: 神々! {Apply Closed.}

Chapter Four- Under The Glowing Lanterns.

目覚め: 神々!Characters



  The next morning Minjoo was the first one up. He was going to go visit his brother before they had to start getting ready for the festival tonight. He was in the kitchen when he heard chairs scrapping about and noise from outside. He grabbed his cup of tea since their house never had any coffee just tea. Jaesung made this a noncoffee house snice his tea was better and healthier. He walked outside to see Kayoung dressed just cutting flowers and moving paito chairs since they had blown into the garden from the wind. "Would you like some help?" He asked as he looked over to him. 

"Why are you up so early? You usually sleep forever. The guys usually have to drag you out." Kayoung wiped her hands off. She walked over to him just looking his cup and sighing. 

"I am going to visit my brother. He asked me come see him." Minjoo said 

"Can I go? Any excuse to not wear a hanbok or kimono is what I look for." Kayoung laughed, seeming better than yesterday. 

"If you want. We have to be back before ten though." Minjoo said as she nodded. 

"Just let me go change. I have to look some what presentable." Kayoung said as she dashed just leaving him sigh. 

Minjoo had finished his cup of tea just tieing his high tops on as he was waiting for Kayoung. He just waited by the door when he heard something moving just feet running across the floor. He looked up to see Kayoung standing there. She had pulled her hair up into a bow like bun just breathing in. 

"Is this too much?" She asked as she walked over to him just showing him her outfit. 

Minjoo had a problem with too much skin showing and others would stare at Kayoung. He walked down to his room just coming back with a short sleaved black button up shirt and taking one of her wrists then putting in the sleeve hole then drapping it around shoulders just putting her other arm in. "Now it looks much better. Lets go." Minjoo said as he started out of the door. He noticed her sigh and he only watched her stomp down the shrine stairs following him. They were soon on the bus just going into the city. When they were there, Minjoo had stopped and gotten them both a cup of coffee to wake them up as they walked to his family's house. 

"What is your brother like if I may ask?" Kayoung said as she looked over to Minjoo. 

"He is a lot like you. You remind me of him a lot." Minjoo said 

"Oh really? I see." She answered as she dumpped her coffee cup into an empty trash can. She looked over to Minjoo who was looking at his phone. She got on her tip toes just looking at his phone just over his arm. She felt his hand pushed her away just looking at her. "I wasn't being nosy. I am bunny. I get curious. Plus you are like a giant compared to me!" Kayoung added as she crinkled her nose up like rabbit would. Minjoo was still a lot  taller than Kayoung even with heels on. Kayoung had always been tiny. 

"I am pretty sure cats are the curious ones." Minjoo looked down at her. "You are short for your age." Minjoo nodded

"Hey! I am not short! I am fun sized over growned bird." Kayoung whined as she kicked Minjoo in the . 

"There is nothing wrong with being short. Some find short very cute." Minjoo nodded 

Kayoung only smirked at him. "So I am cute now?" She asked as she bumpped her hip into him. 

Minjoo rubbed the back of his neck. "I uh, didn't say that. -t, I am not saying you aren't cute either." He said she laughed just smiling to him. 

"I am only giving you a hard time. Don't hurt yourself, Joo." She said as she hooked her fingers behind her back. 

"My house is just around this corner. How would I hury myself if I am just talking to you?" Minjoo mumbled to the last part as he heard her laugh. "What is funny?" He stared at her. 

"You are something else, aren't you? I don't meet a lot of guys like you. It is different and nice." Kayoung said as she nodded. 

"What do you mean 'guys like you'?" Minjoo sounded confused as she shook her head. 

"I am not telling you. Remeber you have to figure me out on your own~." Kayoung snapped her fingers at him as they walked. Kayoung only smiled as he sighed. 

The two walked up to house with no cars in the small walk way. Minjoo was so happy that his parents weren't home. They would critize that Kayoung wasn't the type of girl that he should bring to their home because she has no music background or had the same path as him - well before he had become a god. He pulled out his key just opening up the door. He kicked off his shoes as he looked back at Kayoung just placing her shoes by the door neatly. "Come on, you don't have to make them neat. This is a palace." Minjoo pushed her forward as she sighed. "Kangjoo! I am here and I brought a friend!" Minjoo yelled 

"Wow, you can actually make your voice that loud? I thought it would break if you yelled or something." Kayoung as he just glared down at her. 

"Mini, I am in here!" Kayoung heard a voice yelled as she being pushed again. 

"Hey  I know how to walk, Joo." She said as Kangjoo was wondering who Minjoo brought since he knew Minhyuk and Daegeum did not dare to call Minjoo, 'Joo' nor did they sound like that. Kangjoo was sitting in the living room just watching TV as Kayoung walked in just stopping. 

"Uh, Hi. I'm Kayoung. It's nice to meet you." Kayoung bowed then just smiling to him. 

"Oh, you are the girl on the bus. She's pretty. Are you sure she is just a work friend, Mini?" Kangjoo asked Minjoo. 

"What does he mean girl on the bus? Did you take a picture of me without telling me?!" Kayoung asked as she pushed Minjoo. 

"No, he accidently took a picture of you sleeping on his shoulder. You looked really cute." Kangjoo laughed as Minjoo sat down not knowing what to say. 

"I didn't know she was asleep on my shoulder. I'll be carefull from now on." Minjoo sighed as he noticed Kayoung sit next to him. 

"Oh, well I look good where I go so I am not too worried. Anyway, your house is really nice. Are you going to show me around or just pretend to sleep?" Kayoung leaned over to look down at Minjoo as he had leand back into the chair. 

"Fine, come on. We'll be right back." Minjoo said as he got up just walking after Kayoung. 

Kangjoo laughed. "She is either already has Minjoo on a leash or confuses him enough that he just gives in after awhile." He mumbled to himself. He grabbed his wheelchiar and pulled himself into it. He had an accdient when he was eightteen and he had messed up his legs. He didn't have to always use a wheelchair, but prefered it over his cane or walker. He rolled himself down a hall just hearing Minjoo telling Kayoung this was his room then they were going to look at the backyard next. He grabbed Minjoo's photo album just rolling back in the living to see the two out in the backyard and Kangjoo wondered why the flowers looked like when they first planted them and Minjoo was blowing air at Kayoung as she was trying to kick or hit him. "Those two are too cute." He told himself as he turned away for a sceond as Minjoo was walking up to the sliding door just rubbing his backside and Kayoung marching up the stairs just having her arms crossed. "Kayoung, would you like to see Minjoo's photo album?" He asked as Kayoung walked over to him. 

"Sure. That would be a lot of fun to see how he looked like a little kid." Kayoung said as sat down next to Kangjoo. 

He handed her the photo album as he turned to his brother. "Help me make some drinks, Mini." Kangjoo said Minjoo helped him into his wheelchair. Kangjoo rolled into the kitchen just looking back to see Minjoo watching Kayoung just either smile or nod as she looked at the book. "Worried that she'll runaway because you were such an scary looking kid?" Kangjoo asked as Minjoo shook his head. 

'No, I am just afaid someone might break in then kidnapp her.' Minjoo thought in his head. "No, just checking to see if she was okay." He told Kangjoo. He didn't know how to tell his own brother about his own powers or what was happening. He was just in his own world as he felt himself get hit with an ice cube. "Hey! That hurt, hyung." Minjoo looked at him. 

"What is up with you? You are more werid than when you left for college and believe me, Mini, you are strange to begin with." Kangjoo said. "What aren't you telling me? Dont' tell me you got her-" He was stopped mid-sentence. 

"I didn't do anything with Ka, I mean Kayoung. We are just good friends. She was the frist one I got close to at the shrine. She is a lot like you, but more complicated." Minjoo nodded. 

"Well she is a girl. They tened to be a little more complicated than males. There is something esle. Do you like her?" Kangjoo asked 

"I am not talking about this with you. Tell me what do you think this means when someone says that they have never meet a guy like you?" Minjoo asked 

"I thought we weren't talking about Kayoung?" Kangjoo asked as Minjoo sighed. "Oh, relax. You have to figure it out on your own. How is working at the shrine?" Kangjoo asked as he placed the tray of drinks in his lap. 

"Uhm well. It is good. I work in the cafe and I bake and make food for people." Minjoo said with a nod. 

"Really sounds fun." Kangjoo said with a nod. "My friend said that you all represent animals. What the heck is a tengu?" Kangjoo asked 

"You told him?!" Kayoung had finally found them just holding the photo album. 

"No, he heard about us representing animals." Minjoo gave her a look. 

"Oh." Kayoung looked at her feet. 

"Okay, spill it you two." Kangjoo glared at them. 

"Okay, you have to promise not tell anyone. If you do then you will be putting both of our lives in mortal danger." Minjoo said 

"My life has already jumpped off form mortal danger to just panic and hope I don't get killed." Kayoung crinkled her nose up. 

"I won't say anything unless I fear you two need police help." Kangjoo raised an eyebrow. 

"Don't. We are gods of powerful animals. I am a tengu which a powerful bird god and Kayoung is a rare moon rabbit goddess. We got tricked into becoming them when we arrived at the shrine. We can prove it." Minjoo said as he walked around to the back of brother's wheelchair. He pushed him to the sliding door just taking him outside. Kayoung was following behind them. She sat down next to Kangjoo as she just looked this was normal. Minjoo stood off the grass as he his wings flapped behind him. He hovered a bit just his wings flapping a bit. Then they disappeared. 

"I am not very good at controling my powers yet." Kayoung sighed "I did heal your flowers though." Kayoung smiled to Kangjoo. 

"I believe you two. I won't tell anyone." Kangjoo said as they all went back to the living room. 

"Thanks for keeping out serect. We should get going. We have to get ready for a gods and goddess festival tonight. It was really nice meeting you, Kangjoo." Kayoung said as she hugged. 

"It was nice to meeting you as well, Kayoung. Please take care of my brother. He really needs it." He said as he watched her go to the door to get her shoes on. "Minjoo, I will give you one peice of advice. She is a special girl and you should get yourself unconfused about your feelings because she'll be gone before you know it." He patted his brothers arm. 

"Believe me, I already have one bird trying to rip her from us." Minjoo said as he waved bye to his brother. He walked over to the door just hearing Kangjoo rolling to the door. "Don't worry, I'll lock the door. Just go rest, hyung!" He yelled at him as he closed the door just locking it. "Lets hurry and get home. I didn't tell anyone where we would be going." Minjoo said as they walked down the street. 

"You don't look any different from when you were young. You were cute when you were young." Kayoung said out of the blue as they walked. 

"Now you have to show me your baby pictures." Minjoo nodded at her. 

"You'll have to get through my dad and brother first before they even let you see the apartment." She laughed as she patted his arm. "I can't believe you didn't tell anyone where we were going. They are going to freak out." Kayoung smacked his arm. The two got on the bus stop just riding back to the shrine. Before they had gotten on the bus, they had picked up lunch for everyone that it might be a good way to get on their good sides for leaving. They got off the bus just walking to the shrine gates as Kayoung could see a little body just sitting at the gate. "Minki?" Kayoung as the person's head lifted up then jumpped up. 

"Hi. I am sorry for just sitting but they wouldn't let me in. The snake one threw tea at me." Minki said as Kayoung sighed. 

"Why are you here?" Minjoo asked as he pushed the gate doors open just letting Kayoung and Minki in. 

"I came to tell you about Jonghyun's plans for tonight. I know that he sent the death god after you and he is really mad that it didn't work. He also got Minjoo-nim's message and is ready for the pipsqueak in his words. I overheard him talking to the older hyungs about tonight. They plan to take Kayoung-noona and steal her powers. Our clan has always been given moon rabbits in the past to work as healers or along side our leaders because of the alliance the tengus made when moon rabbits were being killed. I mean that isn't really practiced much anymore, but Jonghyun-hyung is all about tradition when he came into power. I know you think I am just tricking you, but I don't believe in killing others for powers. Oh, hyung wants to fight you and kill you too." Minki said as Lina marched over. 

"I thought I told you to get lost." Lina looked down at Minki. 

"Well if he did just leave then we wouldnt' know what a real festival that we would be going to. Minki told us about Jonghyun's plans for tonight. I think that I might have something that will help us. Miyeong come here." Kayoung said as the girl walked over. "You don't mind if you wear one of my kimono's tonight to make it seem like you are me and I am you?" Kayoung asked as Miyeong nodded. 

"Are we going to fool Jonghyun?" Miyeong asked 

"Yes. You'll have to wear my necklace and spend some of the night with Minjoo, but everything will go as planned if we call each other different names." Kayoung said with a nod as she took off her necklace and put it on Miyeong. "Come on lets go to my room to put on the kimono Jonghyun sent and fit it so it will fit on you then you can give me one of yours." She said as the two girls walked off. 

"You can act like Miyeong is Kayoung, right?" Lina looked at Minjoo. 

"I can try." He answered as he sighed. "It just makes me nervous when Kayoung doesn't have anything to defend her with on." Minjoo said as he started for the shrine house to get changed for tonight. 

"Oh, she's a big girl. She'll be fine. Hurry up and get ready so you can train so you can kick Jonghyun's ." Lina said as she went to go tell Jaesung and Cirino about tonight's plan. She hoped that it would work and finally they would have everyone off their backs for a while. She told the other two boys the plan as they nodded. "You, Cirino, need to work on summoning our weapons faster. We'll need them really quickly if something goes wrong." Lina said as she nodded. 

"Just let me you tell you this, You better hope that Miyeong can pull off Kayoung's personality because the girls are compeletly different." Jaesung nodded 

"I'll do fine. Besides Lina can't pass for Kayoung even if the person was blind. No offense." Miyeong said as she was wearing the kimono Jonghyun had sent as Kayoung was wearing one of Miyeong's hanboks. 

"And I'll have to do is not talk." Kayoung said with a nod. "Minjoo are you okay to fight Jonghyun?" Kayoung asked 

"I already said that I would rip his wings out so I intend to do that. Although help would be much liked if I need it." Minjoo said as he mixing up cake batter. "I am going to make a bigger verison of Kayoung's dessert for tonight. We can't show up with nothing." Minjoo said as he was pouring the cake batter in the cake pans. 

"I made you guys something as well to help hide your faces, People usually masks tonight for fun, so I made each one of a mask." Minki said as he handed Lina a white mask with light blue markings on it to make it look like a fish. He then handed Miyeong the one that looked a rabbit with purple on it then gave Kayoung the one that looked a kitsune with red markings. He handed Minjoo one that was black with long black beak that only covered his mouth and nose but didn't cover his eyes. He gace a white mask to Jaesung that had markings on it to look like a snake while Cirino's had wolf ears and organe whiskers. 

"Thank you, this will help us a lot." Kayoung said as she patted his head. 

"Your welcome. I have come to see you all as friends of mine. Besides we shouldn't fight you guys after all you did save this shrine from people who would only take advantge of the powers these animals hold like the people I have grown up with." Minki sighed as he leaned on his elbows. 

"What do you mean of saving it?" Lina asked 

"I don't know that is what the old tengus on the mountain say. I don't know everything. I am still pretty young for a tengu." Minki said with a nod. 

"How old are you?" Lina crossed her arms. 

"Uhm, I don't know. We really don't count on the mountain." Minki shurgged as he jumpped down. "I better go before any one starts missing me. Don't worry about me getting introuble. I can just say that I was giving you the masks and confirming that you were coming tonight.." He said as he flew off. 

"Well lets finish up the chores around the shrine then get ready to leave for the festival tonight." Lina said as she walked off. 

Kayoung waited until everyone left just sitting at the counter as Minjoo was making the deccorations for the cake. "Minjoo." She said as he looked up. "I want you to wear this." She said as she had strung her staff on a new chain just putting around his neck then undert his hanbok so no one could see it. "I might be the crowd and if you need help then you can throw it." She nodded. 

"Won't Miyeong need it?" He asked 

"No, I told her to say that she didn't think she would need it on stuch a peaceful festival." Kayoung said as she got down. "I have finish the floral arrangements. You'll do fine." Kayoung said as she left. She walked into her station just leaning on the table. She really did hope that this would work. She made large foral arrangment to take with them just tieing around a good luck wishing wooden plank just tieing the ribbon twice into a bow. She picked it up and carried out to Miyeong. She walked over to her and set down on her table. "This is to wish all good luck, but mainly for the plan to work." Kayoung laughed 

"These are good luck forutnes. Just hand them out to people and remeber to give this one to Jonghyun." She said as she handed her a stack of paper then handed her another written in red ink. "Don't worry about what it says just give it to him." Miyeong said as she got up. 

"Are you all ready to watch Minjoo and me spar for a bit?" Cirino asked as he looked at the two girls. "This actually will work. I can't really tell you two apart from behind. Of course, I know but I don't think others who don't know you will be able to tell." Cirino said as they walked to back of the shrine in the forest. Minjoo was there in one of his nicer hanboks just leaning on his twin blades while his wings were folded on his back. 

"Are you wearing Kayoung's staff?" Jaesung asked Minjoo. 

"Just in case I need it out in the crowd." Kayoung sat down in the ground just stretching out her legs. "Show us how fast you can take down Cirino!" Kayoung added as Cirino glared at her. 

"Seriously? You aren't going to give me a fighting chance?" Cirino asked 

"I have to give Minjoo some encouragment so that he have more confidence for tonight." Kayoung sighed. "Don't hurt each other too much." She added 

"I won't." Minjoo said as his wings flapped just him hovering above the ground. "Do you want me to start?" He asked as Cirino nodded. 

"One rule, you aren't allowed to leave the air." Cirino said as his ookami ears popped up and his tail waved about. 

"Why would I?" Minjoo questioned as his wings flapped green waves as Cirino ran around just dodging them. 

"Can't you make them any stronger?" Cirino asked as Minjoo sighed. 

Minjoo just sighed as he flapped his wings just sending out a big enough waved to knock Cirino into a tree. "Oh, sorry. Did I hurt you?" Minjoo asked as Cirino got up. 

"No. I am fine. I am just trying to get you to go into full tengu." Cirino said. "I can't train you when you already stronger than me. It would be you training me into how to dodge and fight another tengu." Cirino nodded. "I have been reading up snice I am head of the weapon area." He added as Minjoo focused just breathing in then out. 

Minjoo's wings grew into their full length just flapping out and his eyes turned red. "I don't know how long that I can hold it." Minjoo said as he flapped down the ground. Minjoo jumpped out of the way just swinging one sword just sending green waves from his sword at Cirino as he doged them with his own sword. Minjoo kept dodging and using his wings to flip over Cirino or fly away and get away from him. He finally just sat down as his eyes turned back to normal and his wings disappeared just wanting to take a nap. 

"Here, eat something." Kayoung said as she sat next to Minjoo. "You did really well." She added as she sat there. "The others are getting the cart ready with all that we need to take. You can sleep on my shoulder on the way there." She smiled at him as he nodded. He took the snacks from her just eatting. 

"Kayoung, please don't worry about me tonight. I want you have a good time and even if it isn't with me." Minjoo told as he pulled her to her feet. 

"I plan on having a good time with everyone even you." Kayoung walked off just slipping down the mask as they were about to leave. She watched as Minjoo slipped his own on just walking behind her. There was going to be a special transportaion for them to get to the mountain where the festival was going to be held. They all got on the cart just sitting down just waiting till they got to the festival. 


They were walking into the festival just handing out what they had brought. Kayoung who was playing Miyeong could see Jonghyun in the distance. She stayed at Jaesung's side just looking over to him. He only nodded as he took the the regular tags as she had the special one. They walked over to Jonghyun and Kayoung handed him the tag as he thanked Miyeong for it. Kayoung just said your welcome as Jaesung walked off with. "You do a pretty good Miyeong." Jaesung whispered through his teeth. He had noticed snakes could talk pretty low and not look like they were even talking. 

"Thanks. Lets just hope that she can play me." Kayoung told Jaesung as they walked. 

"Lets go get something to eat, Miyeong." Jaesung said as they were passing some of the tengu guys. 

"Okay." Kayoung mumbled as she feld odd being called Miyeong. They passed Minjoo and Miyeong. She only smiled at them as they walked. 

Miyeong was carrying the foral arrangment just smiling back to Kayoung as they passed her and Jaesung. They walked up to where Jonghyun was talking to his guys about the festival that would start in a few hours. Beside her Minjoo was carrying the cake that he had made. Miyeong just mentally prepared herself. "Hello, jerk bird - I mean Jonghyun. Where do we need to put these?" Miyeong asked as she looked at him. 

Jonghyun only sighed. His mask looked very much like Minjoo's just the beak was longer. "Well it seems you haven't changed from the last time I spoke to you, Kayoung. You can hand me this then Minki will go put the cake up." Jonghyun said as Minki took the cake box from Minjoo as Miyeong handed Jonghyun the vase. "You look nice in that kimono." He added as Miyeong rolled her eyes. 

"I only wore it becaue Minki said he liked it. I never had any intentions of wearing it for you." Miyeong nodded as she her heel. "Minjoo, do you want to go see what we eat before the it is all taken?" Miyeong asked as Minjoo only nodded. They walked off as Jonghyun glared at them. Miyeong didn't look back just kept walking and hoped that he had bought it. They made it to where the food was adn Miyeong could see Jaesung holding Kayoung's plate as she was helping make his. Miyeong started making her plate. 

"When you two get done, come sit with us." Jaesung said with anod as him and Kayoung walked off. Jaesung sat across from Kayoung as she had sat next to Lina. "They are buying it so far. Miyeong is actually playing me very well from Jonghyun's face." Kayoung laughed as she smiled Miyeong as she sat next to her. "Nice job on the flowers, Kayoung." Kayoung told Miyeong. 

"Thank you. I knew that they would look good. Best looking thing on that table." Miyeong nodded. 

"I am not that full of myself." Kayoung whispered as the rest of them laughed. They all finished eatting as Minki flew over to them. "Hi Minki. Don't you look cute tonight." Kayoung nodded.

"Thanks, Miyeong. The cermony to start the festival is about to start. Come to center of the courtyard. The things will happen then." Minki smiled to them as he took their trash. "Be careful." He whispered to the real Miyeong.

"I will. Please don't worry. Stay with Miyeong." Miyeong said as she got up.  She watched as Minki nodded as they walked to middle of the courtyard. She gave a look to Cirino and he only nodded. Miyeong watched as the courtyard was dark and she could see Jonghyun staring at her. She only glared at him as she patted Minjoo's arm for him to calm down. Miyeong knew that everyone would be focused on the bright light show and laterns floating around. Each of them was handed a latern and a match. She lit her's and the latern's flame turned a light purple color. When all the latern's were glowing, they let them go into the air. Miyeong felt something over the second that she had let go of her latern. She did struggle to get free but felt her body going numb and herself getting sleepy. She did mange to hit Minjoo's arm as he looked back not to see anyone. He scaned around to see Kayoung still by Jaesung and he blew wind at them. 

Kayoung snapped her head around as he heard Minjoo's voice in the wind telling them that Miyeong had been taken. Kayoung moved through the crowd and got by Cirino. "Now." She said as she looked at Lina. "Use the water in the fountain." Kayoung closed her eyes and waved her hand at the clouds as they moved out of the way as the moon glowed a bright white color just making where Jonghyun was clear. 

Cirino wished for their weapons his sword appeared on his back as he looked around to see Minjoo's blades on his back as everyone had theirs. "Stay with us." Cirino told Kayoung as she got behind him. He watched as Minjoo's wings folded against his back and he looked around. 

"Kayoung?! Guys, Kayoung's gone! I told you guys that he would do something like this." Minjoo yelled as as he hovered over the others in front of him just landing where he was blocked by some of Jonghyun's guys. "Are you going to protect someone that kidnaps people?!" Minjoo asked 

Jonghyun only shook his head and walked forward. "What are you going to do? Rip my wings out?" Jonghyun asked as he flicked some wind at Minjoo. Minjoo just moved his head as his wings fluttered out just as his eyes turned red. 

"I can always try or you can give us Kayoung back." Minjoo said as Jonghyun sighed. Minjoo watched a Jonghyun's wing's folded out. Minjoo didn't wait to surprise attack Jonghyun just swinging his blades and sending out green waves as water came from Minjoo's sides just protecting him from Jonghyun's men. 

"Don't attack him. This is my fight." Jonghyun snapped as he got up. He grabbed his sword from one of them as he could see Minki standing next to Kayoung whom he thought was Miyeong. He thought it would be odd that he was standing next to her and her not do anything about it. He got out of his head as he was sliced by another green slice. He kicked out just watching Minjoo avoid his attack and a white wall appear. He wondered how that would happen if Kayoung wasn't here, but he couldn't worry about that now. He let his eyes go red as he slashed at Minjoo just sending him back and cutting his arm. He never noticed the cut closed up a bit from Kayoung's staff being on his neck. 

Minjoo charged at Jonghyun just doing what he did with Cirino. Wind slices with his wings as his blades glowed green as he was slashing at Jonghyun. He kicked him the chest when he got an opening of him trying to dodge everything that he was doing. He felt his leg being grabbed and he was thrown into a pillar just flapping his wings to keep him off of the ground. He watched as Jonghyun was trying to figure out why his wounds were closing up like they were. Minjoo knew that Jonghyun had figured it out when he dashed over to where Kayoung was. He started flying just ripping off the necklace and throwing it Kayoung. 

Kayoung caught it just pointing it Jonghyun. "Told that you couldn't have me." She swung it just watching it send out crescent moons like net just trapping Jonghyun on the ground as he landed with a thud. Kayoung watched as Minjoo had placed a foot on him and taken a hold of his wings. HE started to pulled as Jonghyun yelped for him to stop. "HE will when Miyeong is brought to me." She said as he heard Jonghyun whistle air. 

Miyeong was flown out just pushing away from the tengus and walking over to Jonghyun. She flicked fire at him and burnt the edges of his wings. "That is what you get for kidnapping me." She said as she walked over to Jaesung. 

Minjoo stepped away from Jonghyun just returning to normal. He felt a white light glow around him as Kayoung had healed him. "Stay away from us or next time I will rip them out." Minjoo said as he his heel just walking over to Kayoung. "Do you want to go on a walk?" Minjoo asked as she nodded. Minjoo just walked next to her as they left the festival. 

Lina turned to Minki. "Come on, Minki. I don't want you getting hurt for helping us. You can come back with us." She said as he patted his back. She pulled Cirino's collar just letting him know to come on. She could also see a Jaesung and Miyeong leaving as well. Lina just pushed Minki forward as they left. She waved her arm just sending a crash of water on Jonghyun as he was getting up. 


Minjoo had flown himself and Kayoung down the mountain just walking through the dark town back to the shrine. He felt bad that they couldn't enjoy the festival, but things happen. Kayoung was walking infront of him a bit as he was could feet behind her. He had been thinking about what he had been told by his older brother this morning. He didn't want her to be taken in anyway. He sighed as he also didn't want to ruin teh bond that they had now if she didn't share the same feelings as him. He sighed to himself as he looked up just seeing her waiting for him. He would have to get the other guys to help find out if Kayoung did like him more than a friend. He caught up to her side as he smiled down at her. "I am sorry that things happened so early that you didn't get to enjoy the festival." Minjoo told her 

"Oh no. I enjoyed it a lot. You looked really cool and handsome up there." Kayoung nodded as she looked at him. "Besides the night is still young, we can have all the fun we want. There is a full moon and we don't haave to worry about anything attacking us for once." She stopped in a middle of a feild just spinning around and falling down on her back. 

Minjoo only sat down beside her not knowing how to take her words. He never did. He wasn't clueless or anything - he just didn't want to say something wrong. He just watched her close her eyes and seemed she had fallen asleep because of the full moon. He assume Kayoung had relied to much on the moon to supply her power without it going through her necklace first. That net she had made seemed to take a lot out of her then she healed him at full as well. He laid back just moving her head on his chest just sighing to himself. He looked up in the sky to see a few stars in the sky then he closed his eyes just feeling himself relax as the moon shined bright in the sky. 


Hey guys. I know kind of a double update. Red Moon and this one were actually one chapter, but I went ahead and separated them. I hope guys like it. There is more to this chapter, but I didn't want to get too long. xD 


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目覚め: 神々; Finished the rest of chapter two. The part you already read got uploaded early - sorry about that. I don't know what happened. xD


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Chapter 46: It's okay! I loved it :) but I understand losing interest because of the lack of comments and such. Hopefully when I have more time, I'll be able to apply to another story of yours :) Good luck on the ones you are writing now!!
Chapter 45: YAY! Another awesome chapter :)

I'm glad that Minjoo is listening a little bit but man such crazy things going on between all the different gods and goddesses. I feel bad for all the little ones being dragged into the mess that is being made :( I'm glad that Kayoung is back with the group though and not just believing everything Minjoo says :P

Excited for the next chapter :)
Chapter 44: YAY new chapter!! And the kimonos are back <33 Love those visuals!

Oh man what a plot twist! I mean I had my suspicions early on but it's interesting to see just what it was about. I hope that Minjoo understands after all this is explained. I'm also glad that the relationships are mended a bit. But the dating JB thing -wiggles eyebrows- what shall happen there? dun dun dun~

I must say I do like the new moon rabbit and his friends (Seyoung is my fave from that group xD). So I'm excited to see what happens next with that.

I shall check out your new story!
Chapter 43: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!! I totally thought I read and posted a comment to this chapter and I just realized that I hadn't. T_T

It's so good though!! Learning a little bit about their past and a little bit of mending the rift in the group :D

And then there is Minjoo who is just causing all sorts of issues for everyone :P they're gonna have to put him in his place one of these days and stop him from becoming something horrible! The new moon rabbit seems pretty nice :D

Again sorry for the super delayed comment T_T I can't wait to read more about everything going on :D
Chapter 42: I wonder how truthful JB is being though I have to admit, at the moment, I trust him more than Jinyoung :P

The festival sounds like a lot of fun and I'm glad that (so far) everyone is honoring the promise that was made. I bet they all love the flower crowns xDDD Cirino probably took lots of pictures of Lina in one.

Oh snap WHAT DID HE WRITE???? Can't wait to read more :)
Chapter 41: Another fabulous chapter!!!

I'm glad that they are trying to work things out between all of them. I didn't realize that Koi and Moon Rabbits were going to be in the same sort of god tier dang. I just love the whole dynamic that is playing out!! I hope Kayoung stays safe and Minjoo calms down a bit but Miyeong and Jaesung are just so cute x3

Can't wait to
Chapter 40: I think Kayoung and Minjoo are being a little too naive about everything going on. On the other hand, Lina is being a little too cautious and hard headed, but that's her personality hahahahaha

I don't like this new set of people, they give me bad vibes but that again might just be my inner Lina creeping up on me. Jaesung at the end was adorable trying to be all cheesy for Miyeong.

I can't wait to see what happens next!!
Chapter 39: Gosh I'm so impressed with how well you keep track of everyone. There are so many amazing characters and I have to go back and make sure I'm thinking of the right people hahahaha

I'm glad that the anger between the two sides is getting less but Minjoo still needs to stop being a little sometimes :P hahahaha I love the way you write the characters and they all fit so well! I hope the ookami aren't doing anything bad and I really hope that they aren't walking into a trap. I do want them to all help the kids as much as they can but I love how you have Lina with a head on her shoulders still because if they lose shrine patrons, they'll become weaker and probably lose their powers and then they can't help anyone. Ahhh this is such a great story! I'm excited to read more :)
Chapter 38: Kind of short?? I envy that you think this is kind of short hahaha x3 but alas, another wonderful chapter.

I love the drama going on even if the two sides irritate me I'm glad that Lina and the others are still trying to include Minjoo and Kayoung. Minjoo is being a butthead though :P hahaha I really really liked the part where she summoned the three spirits!! That was really cool to see how they acted and what they think of the situation. I hope that everything works out and Minjoo and Kayoung don't get into too much trouble with the people they are trusting :/ Their buddies will always protect them though I'm sure! Even if they don't think much of them right now :P

I'm excited to read more!!
Chapter 37: Ooooh trouble at the shrine! I like how you played it out really naturally instead of having them agree to everything. The idea Lina has is basically right and Minjoo needs to get off his throne to understand a little bit of where she is coming from. It annoys me that he cares more about Kayoung than everyone else but it also makes sense cause he loves her. HURRAY FOR FAMILY TROUBLES

Also this hospital visit uh ohhhhhhhhhhhh :P can't wait to read more :)