
Day by Day



Ji Eun's POV


That day turned out well. Joon made a promise to not wait for me every morning. Instead, he waited for me at the school gate, just to walk me to class. Each step he took to get closer to me, girls around us cheered and supported us. But I knew that there were some death glares being shot at me. The teachers heard about us but they didn't bother about it at all since they know who I was. Lee Ji Eun, dating one of the bad students in Gahwa high? They ended up ignoring about it. As for me, I felt thankful for that. Gikwang? He helped me like he always did but every time Joon came to me, he immediately ran away like he really didn't want to see Joon. Joon said that he knew Gikwang, but he still didn't have the chance to talk to him.

"He's the smartest one in class. Why would he want to talk to an idiot like me?" That's all what Joon said to me. Even if I asked Gikwang to stop hating Joon, Gikwang remained stubborn.

"I hate him because he is a player and he never plays a good role as a student. I hope you made a right choice about dating him, Ji Eun. I don't want to see him hurting you. Not ever." I thanked him for caring about me, but I made a choice. I believed in Joon. I just hoped that I was not being fooled.

I was walking to school when Sooyeon appeared out of nowhere, grabbing my arm.
"Ouch! What are you doing?!"

She pushed me to the wall, ignoring her friends who were busy calling me names.

"Listen here, shortie," she hissed between her laughs.
I struggled to walk away but her three friends held my arms so that I couldn't move any further from the spot I was standing at.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!"

Sooyeon ignored me, letting out a chuckle.

"If...you think that you're lucky enough to have Joon by your side and have the students supporting you and your so- called boyfriend, think again. You might want to do something before I reveal the truth that will hurt you."

I was confused, despite of being scared.

"Truth? What truth?"

Before Sooyeon can answer me, a guy came to us and separated me from the girls' hold. He pushed Sooyeon away from me then he held my hand.

"What are you girls doing to Ji Eun?" asked Gikwang, raising his voice.

Sooyeon turned to Gikwang, showing him a fake smile before turning back at me.

"Who's this guy then? Your knight in shining armor? Gimme a break," she said, rolling her eyes as she walked away. Her friends followed her from behind then one of them turned to us.

"Remember what Sooyeon said, shortie. Don't you ever forget that!"

Gikwang stared at me. "What did they do to you?"

I tried hard not to feel so weak. I shook my head to Gikwang then walked alone to school, with him following me from behind.

"Ji Eun, why are you being so distant from me? Are you mad at me that I didn't stay at home like I promised on my birthday? I am sorry for that and I thank you for giving me the black necktie. Ji Eun, look at me." He gently held me hand, forcing me to stop walking.

"I am sorry, alright?" he pleaded.

I looked up, still saying nothing. Slowly, I heaved out a sigh.

"No, I'm not mad at you. I just...didn't feel so good now. Not with what just happened to me."

Gikwang widened his gaze. "Do you want me to talk to Sooyeon about it? I can do it if you want me to."

I shook my head in return. "That's alright. Sooyeon is not my problem anymore. She just wanted me to realize that I don't deserve Joon for real."


Gikwang didn't give me any reply. He gently patted my head again, giving me his brightest smile.
"Just stick tight to me and you'll be fine. Let's go. We're late now."

'It is not you that don't deserve Joon. It is Joon that doesn't deserve you,' thought Gikwang.

He was still holding my hand until someone called my name from afar.
"Lee Ji Eun!" called Joon. The moment he came nearer to us, his smile slowly faded.

I startled, then I looked at Gikwang. Within seconds, I took my hand out of Gikwang's grasp.
Gikwang glared at Joon, and so was Joon to him.

"What are you doing?" asked Joon to Gikwang.
I waved Gikwang goodbye then I approached Joon. "Sorry I'm late. Let's go," I pulled Joon's arm but he didn't move at all. He was still glaring at Gikwang.

"Joon, let's go. We'll be late. Come on," I interrupted, leading Joon away from the school gate. Joon gave Gikwang a last look then he dragged me to my class, harshly.

Gikwang bit his lower lip as he saw Joon and I walked away. With anger spitting fire in his heart, he ran to his class without slowing his steps, not one.

Joon pulled my hand so harsh that I stopped and yelled at him.
"What's the matter with you? Don't be so angry! Gikwang is my best friend, what were you thinking? Don't be so childish!"

Joon let go of hand then he fiercely glared at me.

"What was I thinking? Ji Eun, you were holding hands with him and what else would I think? You know that Gikwang and I are enemies," Joon sorted out and I felt hurt hearing that.

"Both of you won't be enemies if you try to be nice to him..."

Joon scoffed at my statement. "Me? Being nice to him? Great. Do you want to know something? Gikwang didn't even want to look at me and just now he was holding your hand in front of me like he actually didn't realize my existence. What did he give me just now? A death glare. Don't you get it, Ji Eun? It is him that has to be nice to me. Don't you understand me at all?" he asked and his eyes were filled with anger.

I felt wrong. Wrong and hurt at the same time. Sooyeon threatened me, Gikwang helped me and now Joon was hurting my feelings.

"I do but-"

"Lee Ji Eun."

Joon hugged me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. The other students who walked pass us were all whispering and gossiping, but Joon couldn't care less.

"You know...all this time, I punched every boy that teased me for dating a girl like you. They were looking down at me, just because I become a boyfriend to an innocent girl and now they are thinking that I ruined you. I didn't want you to be treated like a  fool, that's why I defended you. That is why no boy or girl had ever mess with you since the day you became my girlfriend. I risk my reputation for you but till now...I still see you hanging around with that Gikwang. Who is Gikwang to you when I am around? You can't even stop mentioning his name when we're together. Is it what I think it is, Ji Eun? Please tell me... Am I wrong to feel this way?"

I gasped. Tears that rolled down my cheeks were unstoppable. I didn't know anything about him doing that. Not ever. He...did that?

"I'm sorry. I guess I was being blind, all this time that I didn't notice it..." I apologized as I turned around to face him.

Joon remained silent. After I calmed myself down, I slowly said, "Okay. From this day, I won't turn you down again. I won't."

Slowly, Joon let out his pinky with a smile on his face.

I nodded. "I promise."

He then took out a small note from his pocket. I recognized it. It was my love letter that I 'accidentally' gave to him. He kept it in my hands then he held them tight.

"Lee Ji Eun..." he stopped, showing me his killer smile.


- o -

Jisook shook her head  continuously. "I can't believe that the teachers picked a hill as our camping destination. It's too dangerous at night."

I nodded in agreement. Not long after that, our school principal began his talk.

"Okay. As you all know, this camping trip will be held for four days. Boys and girls will be divided into groups. Each tent will consists of 5 students only. Remember, you must stay with your group members at all times. As for the competitions, you will be joining your group members."

After taking a deep breath, he continued, "Your cooking equipments will be prepared and yet you must cook the ingredients yourself."

This time, almost all of the boys groaned. As for the girls, they actually cheered happily... including me.

"However...us, teachers had made a meeting yesterday and we agreed to have you choose the partner of your own."

All of us were confused. Partner? For what?

"A boy and a girl as cooking partners. The boys will collect fire woods and make the fire and the girls will cook the dinner. Does this seem fair to you?"

WHAT?! No, it is not fair at all! All of the girls were protesting while the boys were laughing in response.

"No, it is not fair!" I yelled along with Jisook.

The principal shook his head, motioning us girls to keep quiet.
"This matter was approved by the teachers and we will give you the chance to pick the partner of your own. It is to teach you to be helpful and if you don't help your partner, both of you will face starvation. Your choice. Remember, if you are caught doing immoral things with your partner, you will face detention. That is all."


- o -

Gikwang ran to me. "Ji Eun, who will be your partner at the camp?" he asked. Jisook turned to me, waiting for me to say LEE JOON.

I was about to answer him until Joon came to me, out of nowhere.

"Ji Eunnieee! I signed up your name to be my chef. You're good at cooking, right?" he asked in bliss as if he didn't notice Gikwang at all.

Gikwang was annoyed seeing Joon. 'Ji Eunieee? Chef? That's a laugh.'

He tried to act normal instead of being angry by asking Jisook, "Jisook, can you be my cooking partner? I know that we didn't know each other well but-"

Jisook jumped in surprise. "That's okay! Count me in!"

Joon and I looked at them with blank faces. I immediately turned to Joon. "Me? Your cooking partner?"

"Of course. Who else am I going to pick to be my chef for four days if not you?"

I looked at the names inserted in my group. Joon didn't notice me at all since he was busy talking about preparations with his friends. When I looked at my group's namelist, I was so shocked that I screamed.


Park Soo Yeon

Kang Hana

Lee Ji Eun


Jung Ki Hee

Kim Min Ah


I would be with Sooyeon... and her three friends? Did she plan all of this?

"What is it? What's wrong?" asked Joon. I didn't want to make him worry. And most of all, I didn't want him to hurt Sooyeon.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."


At the campsite


"Aigoo! So heavy!" I complained. All of us were walking to the top of the hill. It was not that high but because of the cooking equipments I bought together with me, they made me feel burdened.

Gikwang was catching up with me. He seemed to be tired as well. 'Serves you right, Gikwang. All these years, I was the one who pick your things since we were little kids.' I looked around, I didn't see Joon anywhere. Jisook was walking beside me but she didn't seem to have a problem. She looked excited. How couldn't she? She finally got the chance to be with Gikwang! She even asked some cooking tips from me, just so that she could cook a good meal to both her and Gikwang.

"Are you okay?" I asked to Gikwang. He was struggling to maintain his steps with the fast Jisook.

Gikwang shook his head as he protruded his tounge to us. "No, of course I'm not okay!"

Both Jisook and I laughed. His face looked funny...Just like the old times.




G.O. glanced at Joon that was searching for someone at the middle of the crowd. "You're searching for someone?"

Joon was still searching. "Yes. I'm looking for Ji Eun. Where is she-" Seungho interrupted, "You look like you really like her. Do you?"

Joon denied it. He liked Ji Eun, but he didn't want to show it to his friends. Why? Because he didn't want them to tease Ji Eun. "NO! What makes you think that?"

Mir was shrugging, stating the obvious. "Well, instead of her stalking you, you were the one stalking her since that 'accident'. You seemed different nowadays."

"Whatever, guys. I'll see you at the camp, okay? Bye!"


Not long after that


"Ji Eun!"

"Joon?" I asked while turning around.

"There you are!" said Joon as he approached me. "Let me help you," he said again, reaching for my bag full of cooking equipments. "Really? Are you sure about it? It's kind of heavy..."

"Doesn't matter. Let's go!"

I was cheering up to see him like that. "Good! Stop being lazy anymore, okay? I like to see you this way. Thank you!"

Joon turned away. "Ey. Stop praising me! Let's go now!" I hummed along the way. "Okay."

'I don't know why I am being like this. I didn't look at her the same way I looked at Sooyeon. I don't even know why. I guess she's my everything now. And I can't let her go for nothing.'

Gikwang was staring at us from behind. I didn't notice him at all. "Gikwang, are you okay?" asked Jisook.

"Yes, I'm fine."


- o -


"Why is it so tasteless!? I don't like it!" yelled Joon after he tasted my stew from the pot using a teaspoon.

"Mister..." I muttered while whispering beside his ear. "Of course it is tasteless. There is only boiled water in the pot. I haven't put in any ingredients yet, GENIUS!"

Joon blushed then he kept quiet. I laughed under my breath and Joon was being angry. "Stop laughing! Hurry up! I'm hungry here!"

Sooyeon was watching from afar and she felt like puking. Both Joon and I didn't notice her at all. She completely ignored her partner that was busy making the fire. "Look at her. Nothing more than a two- faced genius."

Joon stood from the ground, running towards his tent. I yelled at him, "Yah! Where are you going? You have to help me with these things!" Joon waved me goodbye. "I'm going to unpack my bags. I'll come back, I promise!"

"He's being lazy again." I mumbled. Suddenly, I heard a voice coming out from my back. "Ji Eun," called Gikwang. "Gikwang? What are you doing here?" I asked with my eyes still focusing to the stew in the pot.

"I need to talk to you."

Sooyeon saw Gikwang coming to me. 'That's her so- called bodyguard. What is he doing here?'

I looked at Gikwang. "What is it that you want to talk about?" Gikwang was stuttering. "I...can't take this anymore." I was confused. "You...what?"

"I've been trying to tell you, Ji Eun, but you seem to treat him better than you treat me."

I could feel my heart beating crazily. No, it can't be. No. Gikwang looked down. He looked so...depressed. Suddenly, his eyes turned red. "Can't you see that all this time..." he stopped, scratching his head.

I remained quiet. Not seconds after that, Gikwang pulled me into a tight hug. "...I like you?"

Sooyeon's jaw dropped and she felt like fainting seeing Gikwang did that. She immediately took out her camera and took a photo of both Gikwang and I. She then ran to Joon's camp, searching for the guy that she wanted to meet. "Joon, I have something to tell you!"

After a while, I slowly looked up. "Gikwang...let me go," I said, gently pushing him.

"Gikwang, please understand. I love Joon and I don't want to lose him. Please let me go."

"Let me go now, Gikwang. I don't-"

"Lee Ji Eun." I heard a voice. And it was definitely not Gikwang's. I harshly pushed Gikwang away that he fell onto the ground.

"Joon," I gasped. Joon was standing right in front of me and Gikwang, with Sooyeon holding his hand.

"No, it's not like what you think. Gikwang, please explain to Joon. Please,"

Gikwang was being quiet. He then ran away from us, leaving me speechless. Sooyeon showed me her fake smile, tightly holding Joon's hand.

"Joon..." I called, ignoring the tears falling down on my cheeks. Joon looked so different. His face was filled with anger...and I never saw him like that before.

"Ji Eun, let's end this now."


- o -


It was like the end. The end of everything. I walked to my tent right after that and I cried alone. Sooyeon's three friends came to me, and they laughed at me.

"I warned you before, Ji Eun," said Sooyeon.

I looked up and Sooyeon was trying to tear every page of my diary with Joon's photos in it.

"No, don't touch it!"

Sooyeon stopped. "Do you know who are you dealing with?"

I shook my head. "Please, why are you doing this to me? What did I do that made you hate me so much?"

"You? Of course I hate you! You steal Joon away from me, now you're asking me why I hate you? Don't be such an idiot, Ji Eun! Anyway, Joon regretted himself for loving you. I think you deserve that for being a two- faced person."

"Two- faced person? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"We saw what you did with Gikwang. It was pretty obvious, stupid. You hurt Joon's feelings. Why are you crying now? Why don't you just go back to that Gikwang of yours?"

I stood from the ground, facing Sooyeon. "You're the one that told Joon about everything, right? You don't even know the story and now you're planning this up to ruin our relationship? Why, Sooyeon? Why?"

Sooyeon pushed me hard that I fell down to my knees. "It's you that don't know the truth about Joon loving you. Can't you see that Joon was pretending to love you?"


"Remember I mentioned to you about truth? You are just part of the game, Ji Eun."

"Game? What game?"

"The Truth Or Dare game played by Joon and his gang. You are just part of his winning title."

I was speechless. "W...What did you just say?"


- o -


Joon kicked his bag. "Argh!" he screamed in anger.

"Darn you, Ji Eun! How could you do this to me?!" How could you?"

"All this time I loved you for nothing! NOTHING!" he kicked his bag again.

Almost everything in the tent had he kicked due to his uncontrollable anger. His friends didn't want to bother him. Feeling guilty, they just watched him from the outside of the tent.


- o -


"Gikwang, where have you been?" asked Jisook, worrying. "You haven't eat the meal I made for you and-"

Gikwang interrupted, "Could you please...go and check on Ji Eun? I made a mistake to her. Please help me."



- o - 


(Song: The story only I didn't know by IU)

I haven't eaten since the incident. I didn't meet Joon to do the cooking anymore. It seemed nothing to both of us. No. It seemed nothing to him. I felt cheated. Hearing Sooyeon's story, I didn't know who he was anymore.

Gikwang couldn't stop apologizing, just so he could see me smiling again. "Ji Eun, I'm sorry. Please, don't do this to us. Please eat. You'll get sick."

I didn't know what to feel anymore. I felt that my heart was now empty. All this time, I was just being fooled by Joon. All this time he said 'I love you', they were all meaningless. I had no tears left in me. I just wished I could cure my heart again. I didn't know what to feel now. With my heart being stabbed by my own Prince, was like an endless pain for me, forcing me to stop breathing every time I saw him with Sooyeon.

He was now cooking with Sooyeon.

"Here, taste this," said Sooyeon, handing Joon the spoon filled with slices of eggs. Joon turned away, having no appetite. "No, thanks. I'm not hungry," he said and left.

It was all... meaningless.

Gikwang hugged me again. "I'm sorry, Ji Eun. I am really sorry."

"Please don't leave me, Gikwang Please don't leave me like he did."



Joon's POV


I was sitting alone beside my tent when Jisook came to me.

"Joon, I need to talk to you."

I was annoyed just by looking at her face. A friend of a heartbreaker was just the same.

I pretended that I heard nothing. "Joon, please, listen to me."

"Look, Joon, Ji Eun loves you, not me. Please listen to us," said Gikwang. Oh great. Let's not be too dramatic. I felt nothing, now! That's it! No more lies!

Jisook shook my arm continuously. "What the Hell do you want from me?!" I yelled.

"Please help us, Joon...Ji Eun is missing!" cried Jisook. I widened my eyes in response. "W-What?"




preview for the next chapter


"Why? It's not like I care about her anyway."

Gikwang punched Joon's face right after Joon said that.


Jisook spoke to Joon, giving him strength.

"She needs you. Go."


Gikwang was crying in pain.

"Ji Eun, I love you."



Joon held my hand tight.

"Ji Eun, stay with me."



I could no longer cry. I missed him so much.

"My Gikwang... is gone."





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Chapter 4: I cried....... it was so sad! :'(
pity Gikwang.. huhu

and it was also daebak! chukkhae author nim! :D
whaaaa??? is it kikwangxiu or joonxiu??? Anyway, i luved da story! ^^ It's so sweet for a tradgedy though XD Anyway, i luv both pairings so im so glad i found this!!!! <3
m0zarts0nata-- #4
oh my....so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet~!!!
:O... I CRIED WHEN KIKWANG DIED... WHYYY.!!! DDD: Great story btw :)
stayuptonight #6
That was amazing, I teared up, when Gikwang died :(
ohmaigod....i felt like crying...what a good ending (even though kikwang died in the end xD)<br />
you're such a good writer....this is one of my fav ff in AFF^^<br />
MinYa10 jjang><
keygakeun #8
WHahhuaghirhiuhuaruih D; !! <3 I loved thiiis soo muuuch thank you for writing this!! <3
chocolala #9
OMG!!! Is Gikwang going to die??
kya...can't wait for the last chapter<br />
wonder what's the tragedy<br />
you write so well...like this story a lot^^