Chapter IV

Forbidden Love PT II

Daehyun wakes up to the sound of his set alarm from his phone, he stretched his arms forward, to the sides and land next to him on the bed sheets, and he rubbed his eyes to get rid of the dry things from his eyes.

His lifts the cover to get out of bed and did his usual routine which is taking a morning shower and changing into clothes for the day to work.

He went to his bathroom which was connected to his bedroom, he starts preparing to go to take his morning shower by taking off his clothing and throwing them to a laundry basket that was near the shower.





Jihyun wakes up as she opened her eyes, she closed them and covers as she yawns out loud.

She looks around the room she now sleeps in, Jihyun got out of bed and exited the room, and she went to the bathroom that was next to her room’s door.

She stands in front of the mirror to examine her face, she washes her face with the water she turn on from the sink, and she wipes her wet face with a towel.

After that she grabs a hairbrush and starts brushing her wavy, mid-back, dark brown hair from the top to the ends, she does the same to her fringe.

Jihyun finishes brushing her hair as she puts back the hairbrush back in a container that was on the corners of the sink.

Jihyun exits the bathroom to the living room to see Daehyun eating his toast for his breakfast.

Daehyun gave a smile with a full mouth as he sees Jihyun entering while he was finishing his first meal of the day, Jihyun smiled back.

Daehyun puts his plate in the sink as he finished food, he grabbed his jacket and bag as he headed out to the door, “Hey Jihyun, do you want to go out for lunch? My work finishes early today” he said as he asked Jihyun while holding onto the doorknob.

“Yeah sure” she answered kindly as she was holding a book on her lap, while sitting on the sofa with her food in front.

Daehyun again smiled at her before exiting his apartment, he walked down the hallway, heading to the elevator to the apartment garage.

He unlocked his car with his keys by pressing the unlock button, he opened the driver’s door and sat down, put on his seatbelt and started the vehicle to drive to work.




Daehyun was about to walk in his office, as he was about to enter, his close friend greeted him.

“Hey Daehyun!” “Hey Jaehyung! How are things going?” Daehyun asked “Yeah things are fine now, I finished planning for what we’re doing after this” he said while adjusting his glasses and his hair to be out of his face.

Jaehyung then wave at his close friend as he walked away to do some business, Daehyun went to his area and walked to his office chair to start his computer.

He took of his jacket to hang it on the back of his chair, he put his bag against the wall and got out his USB to connect to his computer.

Daehyun’s eyes were locked on the screen and keyboard as he typed characters by pressing different keys of the board.

As time passes he finishes lots of his paper work as he was on his last one, he finished all of them and passes them to the heads office.

Daehyun looks at the time on his watch to see its 02:45pm, he looks around to see some workers gone already while others were still on their computers.

Daehyun went up to Jaehyung who was walking with by his belongings, “Hey do you think we should go out now?” he asked, Jaehyung looked at him surprised, “Yeah! I was about to asked you that. ”

The two chuckled at his answer, Daehyun went to his area and picked up his bag and jacket.

The two walked together to the parking lot, they talked till one of their cars were first near, the two said bye and asked each other where to meet, the two said bye again as Daehyun went to his car.




Daehyun got to his apartment, he sees Jihyun on that same spot with a different book…wow.

“Jihyun are you ready to go?” he asks as he hangs his bag by the hook on the wall, “Ready?” Jihyun questioned with furrowed eyebrows, “Yeah…you know what I mean right?” Daehyun said questioning, slowly “You need to change clothes as it is very cold outside” he says as he looks at the window “Clothes! Yeah I know what you mean!”

She says as she goes into her room, going through the bags Daehyun brought her yesterday, whiles she was on the floor she took out lots of clothes from the bags and looks around to see it’s all scattered in a form of a circle around her, she looked around and just shook her head.

She picks up random clothing and accessories just by her hand and puts them on the end of her bed, she stands up and looks what she has put there.

A pastel beige winter trench coat, light pink sweater and dark leggings, she sees her dress that Daehyun washed for her as it was not clean when she first met him.

She decides to wear them as she starts to take off both of the grey hoodie and shirt, Jihyun then starts putting on her dress, sweater etc. as she puts the two clothing on the same spot as the random clothes were.

As Jihyun picks up her new ankle boots, at the corner of her eye she sees something sticking out of one of the bags, it was a long piece of fabric that looked like it was something to keep her warm.

She decided to pick it up along with her boots, she came out to the living to see that Daehyun was sitting down on a chair, ‘was I taking too long?’ Jihyun thought nervously as she looks down to the floor as she walks to a seat so she can put on her shoes.

Jihyun finishes tying her shoes and gets up to go with Daehyun.

The pair were walking in the hallway, Jihyun looks down her hand which was fully holding a piece of fabric with texture, “Daehyun what is this?” she asks as she shows Daehyun the object she’s asking about, Daehyun looks down to see the held item that gave him a questioned emotion.

“A scarf” Daehyun answers as he looks away see what’s in front of him, “A scarf…what do I do with it?” Daehyun stops his steps as Jihyun did the same after him “You put it around your neck” he says before he takes the object from her right hand as it slides through between her thumb and index finger, he puts the scarf around her making her hair touch the back of her neck more, he wraps it around throwing the end over her shoulder.

Daehyun finishes it starts walking again as Jihyun follows while she takes her hair out from touching her neck.




The two were walking together through the streets of Seoul, Jihyun looked around without realizing that she was falling behind Daehyun, and starting to blend in the crowds of people.

When she finally realizes she starts running up behind of Daehyun and wrapped her arm around his arm, making Daehyun flinch from the touch to see it was just Jihyun.

He sighs till it hit him, he quickly looks at his wrist watch to see its 03:25pm, and he tells Jihyun to be quick along with him as he starts to run through strangers in his way while Jihyun tries to catch up with him.

As Daehyun stopped to his near destination as he was breathing in and out as his heart was beating fast, Jihyun catches up as she stopped and breathed in and out like Daehyun.

Jihyun held onto his arm as he starts walking in his scheduled directions from his head.

“Daehyun…why did we had to run…?” Daehyun did not answered to her question as he looked straight of the path.

Daehyun spotted a familiar figure of his buddy standing near the place they planned to meet.

“Jaehyung!” Daehyun shouted to get his attention but got some other people’s attention as well but looked away.

Jihyun looked forward to see a male around the same height as Daehyun, glasses and messy black hair, “Hey Daehyun!-? Who’s this? Daehyun don’t tell me it’s-” Daehyun realises Jihyun was clinging onto his arm, he pulls his arm to himself and says quickly.

“It’s not what you think! She…well it’s a long story of how we met and…” Daehyun shook his head “She’s Jihyun she’s just staying at my home that’s all!” Daehyun says as he looks away to the side.

“Hello Jihyun I’m Nam Jaehyung, you don’t have to speak formally to me, you’re around our age group right?” “Yes!” she answers.

Jaehyung puts on a small smile on “Daehyun lets go”



Author -





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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 3: this is a great story! please update soon!