Chapter II

Forbidden Love PT II

Sungjong’s body was thrown against the wall by the guards as they closed and locked the cell.

Sungjong groans from the pain of the bruises and wounds that were all over his body, Sungjong rub the back of his hand on the chin area to see some blood on it that were either from his mouth or his bottom lips.

He has never felt his body weak like this before, he then looked around ’…nothing’ he thought, silent in his mind.
He slowly puts his hands on his pockets to feel that there wasn’t the keys.

His legs slowly stand up while carrying the weight of his body, he slowly ‘walks’ to every narrow area, he picks up a short blade that looked abandoned due to it uncared and now blunt parts “Its blunt. But I think it will fit in and unlock it” Sungjong whispers to himself.

Sungjong goes back to the spot he was thrown at, he drops himself down to the ground because his legs were so weak, and he waited for the lights to turn off to show sign to the prisoner’s that it was midnight.

He puts the small blade behind him.


Sungjong flinches as he wakes up to the loud sound as the lights turn off.
His body then slowly got while leaning against the wall for support, holding the blunt object tight he takes deep breaths before taking wobbling steps forwards to the cell door.
As he got to the front he almost fell down but luckily held onto the rusty bar.
While holding onto it, he lifts his left hand that held tightly of the blade.
He carefully and slowly puts the top blunt part in the keyhole, Sungjong then turn it to the side and jerked it.

Sungjong then heard a sound so he kept doing the same movement over and over, he stopped when he that the sound was becoming long and that something was not right, he then looked at his hand to see that…the nearby part of the door was broken.

Even though it was dark he looked around to see if anyone heard the noise, he let go of the object that is now stuck to the door.
He quickly but carefully walked to the door, he was in the hallway, he then groaned from that he felt unexpected pain.
He looked around and knew where to go, his room was quite nearby the prison, as he walked to his way he suddenly heard footsteps that were coming closer.

Sungjong turned his head around for a hiding place. None.
But there was a closet room that was just filled with dusty supplies but had small spaces.

Sungjong didn’t had time for decisions so he opened it and close it silently shut, he made himself mute for the moment as he went to the door crack to peep outside to see who it was.
Someone was walking down the hall with their loud steps, Sungjong couldn’t tell who it was but he is not worried about that at this moment.

He leans his back on the wall as he waited for the steps to fade away from his hearing, as they faded away he puts his hand onto the doorknob and twisted it open to come out.

Sungjong covered his mouth as he felt he was about to cough as there were dust coming out as well, Sungjong kept on coughing as he slowly walked by one step apart.

As he finally got to his bedroom, when he opened the door he weakly falls in as his hand gently throws the door to shut it, he tries to steady his standing but fails making him fall to his bed at the side.

His eyes had a tear at the end because of the pain he was having, he starts to breathing in and out as it starts to slowly having him calm, ‘I think I have some bandages here’ his mind said as he looked at the near drawer.
He then grabs the knob and pulls it, not even wanting to see what’s inside he lets his fingertips wander by touching everything to know the texture of the medical item.

He then felt the familiar texture and grabbed the item, he looked at it to see it was the item he was expecting.
He pressed his palm against the edge of his bed to stand up, he starts to his ruined shirt to see the hideous injuries all over his body.
Sungjong looked way at the moment he saw them in his sight, Sungjong gulped then pulls out the bandage out and wrapped it around his forearms, waist and upper arm.

Sungjong went over to his closet and takes out a set of black clothing, he took off his other ruined clothing and puts the ones he took out of his closet.
After he was buttoning up his coat he also took out a scarf that he puts around his neck.
As he was adjusting his scarf, he flinches as he heard a shouting voice coming from the hallway.

"Whos there? Whos in Sungjongs room?"

Sungjong knew he had to get out right now, he ran quickly to the balcony of his room, Sungjong carefully tried to step his feet on the railings but sadly slipped off makings his body fell to the first story roof and rolling off to the ground.

He push his palm against the ground to pick himself up, he looked behind him to see dozens of guards running towards him, Sungjong runs towards to the portal while holding onto his left arm his side was on when he fell.

Sungjong jumps toward to the flashing shape of a sphere and teleported to the ‘Unknown World’.

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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 3: this is a great story! please update soon!